Chapter 3

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Delilah Hamilton sat with a book in her hands at the swimming pool in their backyard when her phone suddenly dinged. She didn't know what was happening nor if she should take it seriously, but she knew after the third one it was. She exhaled as she put her book down and took her phone in her hands seeing all three messages from her older sister.

Gabriel contacted Noah.

They know about Eleanor and Noah.

Elijah is on his way HOME.

With the last message, Delilah jumped up from her chair as she ran inside the house. She didn't know where her sister would be, but considering she was 14 weeks pregnant; she had a good idea of where to find her. Delilah ran up the stairs of their home as she found her sister laying on her bed, bucket, and ginger ale next to her bed.

"We have our first issue, Eleanor. Apparently Gabriel called Noah when I let Elijah know that Amelia was coming to them for a while," Delilah said as Eleanor looked at her sister.

"Yes, and?" Eleanor asked.

"They know, Eleanor. About the baby. Elijah is on his way home," Delilah said as Eleanor titled her body up.

"How could she tell? I didn't want Elijah knowing," Eleanor said.

"She didn't tell him technically. Noah told Gabriel and Gabriel told Elijah. I don't know how long we have until he shows up," Delilah said.

"Delilah! Eleanor!"

"Crap," Delilah said as soon as she heard her brother's voice.

She ran down the stairs as she saw how her brother stood with his hands on his hips. It was clear what he was doing there, and it definitely wasn't for pleasure. He was there for something more major than just visiting his sisters.

"I just got Amelia's message and it's a four and a half hour flight. How the hell are you already here?" Delilah asked.

"I just stormed out of the house. Didn't tell Amelia anything. Gabriel is with her," Elijah said as he saw his youngest sister.

"I can just imagine what you have been doing these last few months. What the hell were you thinking, Eleanor?" Elijah asked.

"Who told you? Gabriel or was it that..."

"Don't even start with calling Amelia a brat. You slept with her boyfriend and as if that wasn't enough, now you are pregnant as well. What the hell possessed you?" Elijah asked.

"I'm still processing it all. Besides, he wasn't getting what he wanted from Amelia so..."

"Eleanor," Elijah said as Delilah saw how his hand was now in a fist.

"Amelia and Noah were still together, and you know that as well as I do. When did this happen?" Elijah asked.

"When did what exactly happen?" Eleanor asked as she sat down on the stairs.

"When did you decide that dating your sister's boyfriend was okay?" Elijah asked as he looked at his sister.

"We started dating officially the 1st of July, last year," Elijah said.

"With other words, I can be surprised that there isn't already a kid. What the hell, Eleanor?" Elijah asked.

"Dad is also pretty pissed. Andrew isn't talking to either me or Eleanor," Delilah said.

"When did he find out?" Elijah asked.

"The week before Amelia got on a plane to yours. He had to find out. We didn't have a choice," Delilah said as Elijah exhaled.

"And why was I the last to find out? Why did I have to find out through my damn best friend? You can blame your boyfriend for that, by the way," Elijah said.

"I wanted to be further along. I'm constantly throwing up, still," Eleanor said.

"How far are you?" Elijah asked.

"14 weeks. The baby is due on December 25th," Eleanor said.

"I don't know what's worse. The fact that you could have your baby before you turn 16, or the fact that poor Amelia has to see her ex-boyfriend's daughter as her sister's baby," Elijah said.

"Either is bad in my opinion," Benjamin said.

"This is why your daughter is staying with me? If it wasn't for Gabriel I wouldn't even had known about this kid," Elijah said.

"It was Eleanor's decision to make unfortunately, not mine, son," Benjamin said.

"Amelia is doing very bad, thanks for checking up on her. Now I know why she is constantly crying. How are you fixing this?" Elijah asked looking at both his father and sisters.

The house that she would now call her temporary home was getting attached to her. Amelia had been with her brother for 3 days now and the more time had gone by, the more she knew that she would never go home. She exhaled as she was sitting out on the patio while she looked how Gabriel was talking to people. There was little people around them, but it was certain that these people came with a purpose.

"We wanted to invite you and Elijah over to the bar for the 4th," the man had said as Gabriel shook his head.

"Not likely. Me and Elijah have a guest this year. His younger sister, so our plans are just a quiet 4th of July at home. But thanks for the invite," Gabriel said.

"Bring her with."

"I'm not dragging a 15-year-old to a bar. Maybe next time," Gabriel said as the people had left.

"You guys can go and hang out with friends. I'll be fine on my own," Amelia said as Gabriel shook his head.

"I hate clubs. Which is why I don't go to one. Your brother loves them, but after that once when we were eighteen, I'm over it," Gabriel said.

"Elijah went to a bar when he was eighteen?" Amelia said.

"Someone kinda pranked us for his 18th. You girls were only 13 at the time so there wasn't much use in telling you that. Did you alert Delilah about him?" Gabriel asked as Amelia nodded.

"I did, yeah, but I can't help but wonder if it was even worth it. I know she's my sister, and I'm supposed to be thankful that I even have that, but..."

"No buts. What Eleanor did to you was everything but nice. For Elijah to go off at her for a bit is what should happen. What did Andrew say?" Gabriel asked as Amelia shrugged her shoulders.

"Honestly I don't know," Amelia said.

"Is he not talking to you then?" Gabriel asked.

"He isn't speaking to Delilah nor Eleanor. I don't know what his opinion on talking to me will be like. He is away for work so he isn't in Los Angeles at the moment, but I think when he returns we will probably talk," Amelia said.

"Is Andrew mad at you as well?" Gabriel asked as Amelia shook her head.

"He had send me a message the day after I found out. Guess Delilah told him," Amelia said.

"What did he say?" Gabriel asked as he sat down besides Amelia.

"That he was sorry, and he wishes that he could be there for me, but if I want to talk, I have his number and he will always be available," Amelia said.

"Maybehe needs time to just also maybe adjust. We are all here for you, Amelia. Includingme. I'm not taking Noah's side. Not this time," Gabriel said.

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