Chapter 18

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While looking at everything that was Elijah stood in the kitchen while he heard as his sister was humming in the background. Amelia had taken the first day of school and despite what she thought it would be, she turned it around completely. Amelia came back home from her first day of school while everyone thought that the day would end badly, but Amelia made the day turn completely, and now she was going on with her life. Elijah smiled as he saw how Gabriel stepped into the house.

"Guess who had an amazing day at school,"" Elijah said as Gabriel looked at him.

"Did Amelia actually turn the day around? Wow," Gabriel said.

"She also let slip that you guys kissed," Elijah said as Gabriel looked at his best friend.

"She kissed me," Gabriel said as Elijah looked at him.

"That does not mean I'm okay with this all," Elijah said.

"Elijah, I can not control what your sister does. She isn't speaking to me much and I don't know how you want me to fix it. I never will be able to fix it," Gabriel said as Amelia came down the stairs.

"Hey, I heard your first day ended up good," Gabriel said as Amelia nodded.

Amelia knew that Elijah was busy taking Gabriel on what she had earlier told him. For as long as Amelia could remember Elijah had been extremely super overprotective of all three his sisters, but when it came to her it was even worse from Elijah and from Andrew. There came times when both of them were out of control worried about how things would end, and now Elijah became more and more worried as she and Gabriel grew closer.

"Is he yelling at you because I kissed you?" Amelia asked as Gabriel shook his head.

"No, he isn't," Gabriel said.

"Yeah, sure," Amelia said as she went to sit down on the couch.

"Amelia, I'm not yelling at him. We are just discussing the consequences that something like that could have considering you are 15 and he is 20," Elijah said as Amelia looked at her brother.

"Are we really going to be talking about an age difference right now?" Amelia asked as she went to the kitchen.

"Well, we can just as well discuss it," Elijah said as Amelia exhaled and grabbed a bottle of water.

"What is there that you want to discuss honestly? And stop acting like I'm some kid," Amelia said as Elijah looked at her.

"You are still a kid, Amelia. You're fifteen," Elijah said.

"I know how old I am, and I can't wait until December when I don't have to go through all of that crap every time something comes up," Amelia said as she ran back up.

"Stop doing that. She isn't a kid anymore. Not some ten-year-old that you have to control. Your father agreed to this because she wanted to be here. Not because she technically needed a guardian. Don't worry about her so much. She won't get hurt. I'm not Noah," Gabriel said as he walked up the stairs.

Gabriel had exhaled while he heard the music coming from Amelia's bedroom and stood in front of the door. Shaking his head, he saw how she was busy writing something in a book. From a young age Amelia loved writing in a diary, but surprisingly, that was never what Amelia sued it for. Amelia used a diary to keep track of all of her events that would happen within the year, especially if a brand new school year were to start, but she also use it for writing things like music notes or she would write the most important topics that she had to remember.

"Busy with a song or are you just pouring your emotions out?" Gabriel asked.

"Figuring out my plan to kill Elijah," Amelia said, not moving her eyes from the paper.

"Amelia," Gabriel said as Amelia looked at him.

"You know why he is the way he is. If you were to tell him about the abuse like you told me, he would not be here now. He would be in jail for murder. He is very protective of you, Amelia. Has always been. That doesn't mean that things can go out of control," Gabriel said as Amelia nodded.

"I know why he does it, but it's annoying," Amelia said.

"I know. Just hang in there," Gabriel said as he stood up, walking towards the door as he suddenly stopped when Amelia had spoken.

"Gabriel, are we okay?" Amelia asked as Gabriel looked at her.

"Yeah, Amy. We're fine. Why won't we be?"

"You can stop lying. I know I messed up," Amelia said as Gabriel shook his head.

"You didn't mess up, Amelia," Gabriel said as he sat down next to Amelia.

"I know you have been rough on yourself for quite some time now, and even Elijah has told me that he thinks that you should slow down with a lot of things, but don't do this. Don't think that you are screwing everything up," Gabriel said as Amelia looked at him.

"I was the one who kissed you, Gabriel," Amelia said as Gabriel nodded.

"I am the 20-year-old guy who allowed a 15-year-old girl to kiss me, and secondly I kissed you then. I didn't push you away and state it was wrong. I didn't leave the room and decided to just push it off like it was nothing. I kissed you then, and that is where it all changed so completely," Gabriel said as Amelia exhaled.

"What are we doing then?" Amelia asked.

"We need to figure that out. And fast if we don't want Elijah on our case for long," Gabriel said.

"I have a lot of work to do, so if you don't mind," Amelia said as Gabriel nodded.

"Yeah, of course. I'll call you when dinner is ready then," Gabriel said as he closed Amelia's bedroom door and went down the stairs.

"Amelia says she is busy with work. I'm going to run to the shops quickly," Gabriel said grabbing his car keys while Elijah looked at him.

"How badly did she yell at you?" Elijah asked as Gabriel shook his head.

"Shouting wasn't something she wanted to do. But, I'll talk to her later about everything," Gabriel said.

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