Chapter 13

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Amelia woke up and it was the following day. The day after she and Gabriel Hunter had finally kissed. Amelia had looked around at the sun slightly peeking through her curtains as she knew it was early on in the day. She looked at her clock as it market 06:01 while the memories of yesterday were still fresh in her head. She smiled as she had gotten dressed in jean shorts and a t-shirt while putting her hair up in a bun. She grabbed her phone while she made her way down the stairs. She could barely believe that her life had consisted of much more than she could ever have imagined.

"I don't think she should be laying on the couch the whole day if whatever your brother did was so bad that he almost died," Elijah said.

Elijah had been pestering with Gabriel to tell him what had happened ever since he and Amelia got home the previous day. And as much as Gabriel wanted to yell at his best friend, he knew it wasn't any use and he should remain calm. But, for the most part of the evening, Gabriel was able to avoid the question. Now he just found it annoying.

"Maybe you should try and see if your own sister in Los Angeles is coping. Our niece is going to be one of a kind you know," Gabriel said as he saw how Amelia came down the stairs.

"Wow, it's barely 6:30. I didn't think you would be awake," Gabriel said as Amelia smiled.

"I didn't want to stay in bed the whole day. And maybe it will do me good if I go any other place than the couch. It's summer, and I can do with going out. It's a nice town and with enough courage, I may even get a little job," Amelia said.

"That's the spirit and will get you a coffee," Elijah said as Amelia smiled.

"Well... The coffee shop is looking for a female barista. Someone young on a temporary base for when we are like super busy. If you want, I can get you in there," Gabriel said.

"I appreciate it, Gabriel, but do be a barista I'll need to..."

"I can train you in literal no time. It's not difficult, and you can even come in today just to take a look. I have a short shift today so afterwards we can go and get some ice cream, and just have fun. I can show you Billings, and we can see where the day will take us," Gabriel said as Elijah handed Amelia a coffee.

"Seems like the perfect idea to get you out of the house. Your older brother definitely approves of it," Elijah said as Amelia smiled.

"Then I say hell yes. Thank you, Gabe," Amelia said kissing his cheek.

"I'm gonna run up and quickly get ready," Amelia said and ran up to her room.

"That seemed a bit too close for friends," Elijah said.

"Please do not get started already. I don't have the energy for you," Gabriel said.

"Do you find it fun messing with a 15-year-old?" Elijah asked as Gabriel looked at him shocked.

"Meaning what?" Gabriel asked as he saw how Amelia was at the top of the stairs.

"I found out about Amelia and Noah. The shoving, the violence. How long were you planning on hiding it?" Elijah asked as Gabriel looked at him.

"Where did you hear that? Cause certainly not from me," Gabriel said.

"The bastard told me himself. And also to tell you that punching him..."

"Wait you punched your brother?" Amelia asked as Gabriel looked behind him.

"Yeah, I did, and the only thing that I regret is not doing it sooner. Or in fact punching him harder," Gabriel said as Amelia looked at Elijah.

She knew that when her brother were to find out about the abuse that she went through with Noah it would cause some difficulties. But she didn't know how badly it would affect their relationship.

"I was planning on telling you later on, Elijah, I really was," Amelia said as Elijah exhaled at his younger sister.

"I am speechless that you told Gabriel, but telling your own brother seemed useless," Elijah said.

"That is not what is going on. I told Gabriel because there was no other choice," Amelia said as Elijah looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Elijah asked.

"Delilah kinda let the cat out of the bag this time," Gabriel said as Elijah exhaled.

"I would've liked to know what was happening to my own sister," Noah said.

"Both you and Andrew, but there is nothing I can do, okay? Yeah sure. Noah acted like a jerk and..."

"A jerk? Amy, he should never have gotten away with it," Gabriel said.

"For the most part I think we should all stay clear of Noah and all his crap. We've done more than enough of damage to our families, and I don't want to continue," Amelia said.

"Okay then. What are we doing now?" Elijah asked.

"I am starting school soon in Montana and shadowing Gabriel with work. And that's enough for me. Let's keep it that way," Amelia said.

"Why would you want to keep it that simple?" Elijah asked as Amelia exhaled.

"Gabriel are we going or what?" Amelia asked as Gabriel nodded.

"Yeah, let's go," Gabriel said as he grabbed his car keys and they were off.

"He has every right to ask questions, you know," Gabriel said as Amelia looked at him.

"Just drive," Amelia said as Gabriel nodded.

"Okay, we'll talk about this some other time," Gabriel said as Amelia exhaled.

Gabriel knew that eventually he and Amelia would have to sit down with everything that had happened. The kiss as well as his brother's deeds, but at that point, he didn't want to even think about it. What more to say about act on it.

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