Chapter 12

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Amelia had arrived back at the house while she was crateful that the long flight was over with. She had smiled while Gabriel put the suitcases down and saw how Elijah came out. Amelia smiled as she approached her brother and hugged him, catching him off guard.

"Whoa. Hey. Welcome back, I guess," Elijah said.

"You have no idea how good it is to be back home," Amelia said as she laid down on the couch.

"Long flight?" Elijah asked as Gabriel shook his head.

"My brother and his shit. Never ending, honestly," Gabriel said, not giving away too much information, which Amelia noticed and just mouthed 'thank you' to Gabriel.

"How badly do you want a cup of your brother's milk coffee?" Elijah asked as Amelia smiled.

"I'll cook for a week," Amelia said.

"No need to cook. I'll make some for us," Elijah said as he headed to the kitchen and Gabriel sat down next to Amelia.

"Good to be back home, hey?" Gabriel said as Amelia kissed his cheek.

"What was that for?" Gabriel asked.

"For being there for me, regardless of what drama it is currently causing between you and Noah," Amelia said.

"Noah is an ass. And if anything, I will fight for you, rather than siding with a brother who thinks he can do with you what he wants," Gabriel said as Elijah brought coffee.

"School is literally in less than two weeks. Labour day will be soon as well. What are we doing?" Elijah asked as Amelia exhaled.

"I am clued to this couch for the next two weeks. I have my fair share of Dawson's Creek to catch up on, and after that, I am preparing for the new school year," Amelia said as Elijah looked at her.

"You sure?" Elijah asked as Amelia had nodded.

"Yeah, 100%. I'm going to unpack," Amelia said as she grabbed her suitcase and went up the stairs.

"What the hell happened in LA?" Elijah asked as Gabriel exhaled.

"What didn't happen is a more important question that you should rather be asking. If it wasn't for Rosalie and Andrew, my brother would be 100% dead right now," Gabriel said.

"What did Noah do? Did he..."

"Amelia is fine now, but it was close or he had drowned in your swimming pool. Let's leave it at that. Amelia will tell you when she's ready. I'm not going to force her," Gabriel said as he ran up to the bedroom and saw how Amelia was unpacking.

"How are you feeling to be back home, hey?" Gabriel asked as Amelia smiled.

"Did you tell him?" Amelia asked as she sat down on her bed.

"No, Amelia, I didn't. You should tell him this. Both me and Delilah agreed on that. Andrew and Rosalie is also in on it," Gabriel said as Amelia looked at him.

"It was about two weeks before the breakup in March when he did it," Amelia said as Gabriel was confused on what was going on.

"Noah snuck into my bedroom; I was busy ready a book and he... He pushed me down on the bed. Starting to kiss him, and his grip was strong. I wanted to scream and yell. Get someone to help me, but I couldn't get anything out. Just as I wanted to say something, he would kiss me, and it would all happen again," Amelia said as Gabriel looked at her, biting his lip.

"Amelia, did he... Did..."

Gabriel struggled with his words as it was clear that he didn't know what Amelia would tell him. Amelia laid her hand on his as he was forced to look her in the eye. Her eyes were blue, and despite what she just told them, they were filled with relieve instead of anger or angst. Amelia had smiled at Gabriel as she moved closer and he threw his arm around her shoulders, swiftly pulling her into his body.

"Despite the fact that you're supposed to be on Noah's side, you've been by mine from the very beginning," Amelia said as Gabriel chuckled.

"I always will be. Always," Gabriel said as he brushed Amelia's hair out of her face.

He had looked into her eyes once more, as she had given him a sweet smile. Gabriel had realized awhile ago that he could get lost in that smile of Amelia. It was the smile of a child. The sweet smile that your daughter would give you after you've noticed and thanked her for the hard work she's done. The kind of smile that a girl would give you when you've accomplished something big. The kind of smile your girlfriend gives you realizing that she was falling completely and utterly. Amelia had slowly leaned forward as she gently pressed her lips against Gabriel's. The kiss that Amelia had given Gabriel was soft, and loving, the kind of kiss you would give your wife of ten years. Amelia had pulled away as Gabriel looked at her. For 10 years, he saw Amelia as the little kid who was his neighbor. But, for the first time, he is looking at her with a pair of new eyes.

"We are getting ourselves into something, and I don't know if that will work out. I don't want to hurt you," Gabriel whispered, barely above his breath.

"I don't want to get hurt either. But I have to know what will happen," Amelia said as Gabriel looked at her.

"Well,then I guess there's only one thing to do," Gabriel said softly kissing Amelia,as she leaned in more, causing it to be more of a passionate kiss than anythingelse.

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