Chapter 38

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"On a scale of one to ten, how glad are we that Blake took Amelia to school?" Gabriel asked as Elijah looked at him.

"Very glad. I don't know what is wrong with her though. She is extremely nauseas all the time, throwing up multiple times per day, but then she eats at night. And her appetite has increased as well," Elijah said as Gabriel looked at him.

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" Elijah asked as Gabriel shook his head.

"Unfortunately I don't. But I think that she may just be stressed. This maths test came at a time when things were rough. I was in an accident. Both of us were dealing with those aspects as well. Maybe she just needs to take it easy. Is she still going to Andrew's next week?" Gabriel asked as Elijah shook his head.

"He has a business trip. Maybe soon though," Elijah said.

Amelia was leaning over the toilet bowl in the girls' bathroom with Katie. She handed her best friend some paper towels to wipe her mouth clean as Amelia stumbled to the basin.

"Are you okay?" Katie asked as Amelia shook her head.

"Could you please find Blake? I think I need to go home," Amelia said.

"Definitely. Yeah, I'll go find him," Katie said as she went out of the bathrooms.

Amelia had exhaled as she looked at the time. They were supposed to be at lunch right at that moment, but everything seemed to fall apart. She exhaled as she grabbed her phone and called the first number on her speed dial.

"Hey, I was wondering if I should call you," Gabriel said.

"I'm asking Blake to take me home," Amelia said as Gabriel looked at Elijah.

"Okay, I'm coming home," Gabriel said.

"No, don't. Stay at class. I'm going to go back home and lay down in bed. Don't worry about me. If I need you guys, I will call," Amelia said.

"Okay, call me if you need me, okay? I love you," Gabriel said.

"I love you. Bye," Amelia said ending the call.

"Blake is taking Amelia home, but she states we should stay here. She just needs to stay in bed for a few days," Gabriel said.

"I hope she feels better tho," Elijah said.

"Mia," Katie said as Amelia came out of the bathroom and saw Blake.

"Kate says you are feeling sick," Blake said.

"For a few days now, but I really thought I was fine," Amelia said.

"Come on. I'll take you to the pharmacy so you can actually get something. What is the matter?" Blake asked as Amelia looked at the two of them anxiously.

"What's wrong, Amelia?" Katie asked.

"I think I'm pregnant," Amelia whispered as Katie just looked at her.

"How sure are you?" Blake asked softly.

"I've been missing my period for a while, but I really did think that it was just stress with Gabriel and stuff. Katie, what am I going to do?" Amelia asked.

"Take a breath, and allow Blake to take you to the pharmacy. You won't know until you get a test. Come on. I'll come with you guys," Katie said as the three of them headed out of school.

It felt like an eternity. From driving to the pharmacy, to picking the test, standing in a line, and then taking the test. Amelia was waiting for the timer to go off while Blake was downstairs making tea for the girls. Amelia looked at Katie while everything seemed to be falling apart more and more for all of them. The timer went off as Amelia looked at Katie. She just picked up the test in her hand while she looked at Katie, feeling her heart beating faster and faster.

"You will be fine. Remember, Gabriel is also there," Katie said.

Amelia nodded as she took a breath and flipped over the test. Gasping at the results, her body got lowered to the ground, as she started sobbing. Katie went down, pulling Amelia in her arms as she tried to calm her down. It was a huge thing for Amelia to know that she was now going to be in the exact same position as her sister. She felt like Eleanor did a year ago. Katie rubbed her hand in circles over Amelia's back as she exhaled.

"It's okay, Amelia. It's okay. Just breath. Just breath. I've got you," Katie said.

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