Chapter 30

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It was like realizing all over again that you were in love. That was how Amelia felt each time that Gabriel had looked at her. She felt her own heart drop, and she felt like she could barely breath. She felt like completely giving in and giving up at the same time. She saw as Blake and Katie were sitting opposite her while she felt like she was third wheeling yet again. And she hated that.

"Have you and Gabriel spoken about the previous night or not really?" Katie asked as Amelia looked at her.

"I don't know what he thinks happened, but it was very clear this morning that he doesn't want to talk about it right now. I'm not going to push him. He's my friend before anything," Amelia said.

"Maybe you just need to figure out a few things first," Blake said as Amelia shook her head.

"I think we have screwed it all up, and he wants nothing to do with me. And I can't really judge him. He has every right to not want anything to do with me," Amelia said as she heard her phone ringing.

"It's an unfamiliar number. Amelia, hello?"

Good afternoon. Are we speaking to Amelia Hamilton?

"Speaking," Amelia said.

Miss Hamilton, we regret to inform you that Gabriel had been in a car accident. He has been admitted to the St Vincent Healthcare Hospital.

"What's his condition?" Amelia aske as she got up and grabbed her things.

He just went into surgery.

"I'm on my way. Gabriel was in a car accident, I gotta go," Amelia said.

Amelia had gotten her license shortly after she had turned 16. She didn't want to wait too long. She was already driving for a couple of months and now, she was driving on her own. But it was circumstances like this, where she wished that she didn't have to drive. Driving through to the hospital, all that Amelia could think about was how everything was about to change. All she could think about was the last conversation that had happened between her and Gabriel.

Was it good?

Was it bad?

Was she too much?

And all she wanted to hear was that something was happening from Gabriel's side. She had arrived at the hospital, and tried to get through to the people. It was a week's day meaning that hospitals were overflooding with people and it came that she didn't really know what to do. She was told to wait out until Gabriel got out of surgery, but she couldn't. She was pacing up and down while wondering if she should call her brother or not. She just shook her head and dialled the number.

Elijah sat between Delilah and Eleanor while Eleanor was trying to calm Hazel down. The baby was crying and she had been crying for a couple of hours now. Elijah heard his phone ringing as he went out of the house.

"Thank hell, Amelia. You are saving my ass. Hazel has been crying nonstop for 5 hours now," Elijah said.

"Gabriel got into a car accident," Amelia said.

"Wait, what? Is he okay?" Elijah asked.

"He's in surgery. But the doctor says that it is pretty serious, and we don't know if he's going to make it. Elijah, I think..."

"I'm on the first flight home," Elijah said ending the call.

"I have to go back to Montana right now," Elijah said as Delilah and Eleanor looked at him.

"Listen if Amelia is giving you shit..."

"Eleanor, Gabriel got into a car accident. Amelia can't deal with it all. She is just sixteen and..."

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