Chapter 26

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Amelia exhaled while she was sitting in her room going through some work as it came to her attention again; she would be alone with Gabriel for Christmas this year. And she didn't know how she was feeling about that. It was early Christmas morning when Amelia heard someone downstairs. She didn't know why, but she felt like she should go down. So she did, and she saw as Gabriel was sitting on the couch staring into thin air.

"Gabriel?" Amelia said as Gabriel looked behind him.

"Oh, my... I am so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," Gabriel said as Amelia shook her head and put the coffee machine on.

"You didn't. I was already up. It's six, what are you doing up?" Amelia asked as she sat down next to him.

"Couldn't sleep, I guess," Gabriel said smiling at her.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. Poppy tends to..."

"You don't have to apologize for her, Gabriel. You're allowed to date and have people in your life," Amelia said as Gabriel shook his head.

"We're not together. I mean, Poppy acts like we are, but we aren't. That's not how I wanted your sixteenth birthday to go," Gabriel said as Amelia smiled, placing her head on the arm rest, resting her head on it.

"Like I said, it's not your fault. Sometimes people try to make your life more difficult. That doesn't mean that you mean for it to happen," Amelia said as Gabriel smiled at her.

"Maybe, we all just need to think about what we want in life. I worked with Poppy last year. She tried to get me to fall for her, but I was so focused on my studies that I didn't pay attention to any of that. I guess you can call me boring," Gabriel said.

"No, not at all. Gabriel, I don't think you're boring for wanting to focus on your studies for a while before getting into a relationship. I mean, they are pretty high maintenance. Any relationship is. I felt like my school life took a bit of a back seat when I was dating Noah, and now that I'm on my own, away from him, my grades went up and I stand a chance to get accepted into a pretty good college," Amelia said as Gabriel smiled at her.

"Still want to go into being a lawyer?" Gabriel asked as Amelia nodded.

"If not that, I mean, since my Spanish marks are pretty good, I thought that I could maybe go for teaching that. I'll have to see," Amelia said.

"Merry Christmas, Amelia. I'm sorry that Elijah isn't here to celebrate it with you," Gabriel said as Amelia smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Gabriel," Amelia said.

"I'll get us some coffee," Gabriel said as he stood up and went towards the kitchen.

Amelia smiled at Gabriel as he went to the kitchen and she had stayed on the couch. The day was about to get interesting and even she didn't know in what way. She had looked as Gabriel was busy making coffee and got a message.

Elijah – Happy Christmas.

Amelia exhaled, sending a 'happy Christmas' back to Elijah as Gabriel handed her a bag. She had looked at him while she was shocked. Her birthday was just yesterday and she had gotten an expensive gift. Amelia had opened the bag as she laughed at what she saw.

 Amelia had opened the bag as she laughed at what she saw

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"A sweatshirt?" Amelia said as Gabriel smiled.

"Youused to be obsessed with them. I remembered how Gabriel complained the one day that you only wore his white one for the whole winter break. He had to go and buy himself a new one. So now you have it in green," Gabriel said.

"Thank you," Amelia said.

"What do you feel like doing this Christmas? Since it's just the two of us, you can go crazy," Gabriel said.

"I don't really feel like doing a whole lot. Can we maybe just chill and watch some movies?" Amelia asked.

"Yes,we can," Gabriel said. 

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