Chapter Thirteen

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3rd person pov

As the barrier collapsed the older Sebastian ran past with something on his back but slid to haunt once he got the idea of what had happened. Ava and Sara were passed out. Cerus was passed out. Laurent La Fey was holding his son by the throat.

He was extremely confused and pissed off. He stepped forward but La Fey pointed his wand at Eleazar making him stop. "Uh uh! You're the father a presume."

"Let him go," Sebastian warned.

"Or what? I haven't the magic from the repository.... And you have what? A sword?"

The younger Sebastian glanced at his older self also wondering why he had a sword. He couldn't possibly have known that Sebastian had come to this world with Godrick Gryffindor's sword. He had had a feeling from the moment he woke up in the hospital that Ava would need it.

"The sword... is for something else," Sebastian mumbled.

"I'll just kill you too," Laurent sighed pointing his wand at Sebastian.

Sebastian braced himself for what ever was about to happen when a ball of ancient magic shot out shooting right threw Laurent La Fey's chest. He froze before looking down and seeing a gapping hole where his chest used to be.

Eleazar's eyes went wide as he also realized what happened. Blood had spattered across his face and clothes when it happened. La Fey dropped him finally as he fell to his knees. Dark ancient magic seeped out of La Fey and went directly into Eleazar who was now on the floor in shock. His arms propping him up slightly.

Everyone looked over as Cerus stood up Panting, "he's mine." He said breathlessly. La Fey made a gurgling sound before falling forward, dead.

"Cerus..." the older Sebastian greeted cautiously. He kept kept eyeing Ava to make sure she was okay and trying to check on El.

Anne ran forward to her brother helping him to his feet as the two of them stepped away from Cerus. Cerus sighed, "check on her,"

Sebastian instantly ran to his wife scooping her into his  lap as he checked her. She groaned softly as he  looked at her softly. "Love, love look at me," Sebastian begged.

Ava opened her eyes barely, but enough that he could tell she was okay. "Mhm..." she hummed weakly.

"Will you be okay?"

"Mhmm..." she said softly.

"Okay," he placed her down and the younger Sebastian and Ominis ran to Sara.

"Sara!" Sebastian yelled as he picked her up, ignoring the fact that she was at Cerus's feet. "Sara, you're going to be okay." Ominis began to put pressure where her injury was.

"All you Sebastian's are so dramatic,"  Cerus groaned as he held a hand out and healed Sara instantly. Sara sat you choking and coughing in Sebastian's arms. "There She's fine, now move." He waved his hand and the three of them were slid across the floor into Anne and El knocking them over. "I want you two,"

The older Sebastian stood up pulling out the sword and staring at Cerus with intent. "It'll just have to be me, then."

"I mean... if I must." He swung his arm firing at Sebastian. Sebastian ducked and ran forward only for Cerus to quickly cast protego before the sword could hit him making Sebastian fly backwards. Luckily he was able to catch his footing so he wouldn't fall.

Sara stood up while the two were distracted by the fight and sneak to Andre who was still laying on the floor. She shook him a few times until she heard him groan. She sighed and began to try to mimic what Cerus had done to her and heal him. After a few tries some of the worse wounds started to close up slightly but not all the way.

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