Part Three Chapter 4

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Anne's pov

"Why did you whistle?" I took my hands off my ears since Dad had done it so suddenly.

"I'm just check-" he was suddenly cut off by an explosion near the top of the small castle. Everyone jumped back as debris flew everywhere. "That was probably your mother."

"Sara!" Antonio yelled as and tried to run forward but El caught him by the arm.

"I need someone to get Marc and Ominis,"

"Little Sebastian already told us," my uncle said making me jump.

"Why is Andre here? He's a kid?" My dad asked.

"He has his old memories," Marc shrugged. 

"Where's Ominis?"

"He went to the twins in case something happened."I watched my father decompress slightly. "Everything is going to be fine. I think I remember you saying something years ago about wanting to reschedule My sister more than her rescuing you?" Andre rolled his eyes as Marc spoke. "So let's go rescue the princesses,"

"Sara hates being called a princess," I said as I stood between them.

"Oh..." Marc said softly.


Sara's pov

I coughed a few times as I tried to see where I had landed from the blast. I could hear flames but all I could see was smoke. I could also hear Isadora throwing a fit somewhere.

"No! No no no no!" She sounded like a child. "How could no one check if Ava Sallow had a wand!"

I navigated slowly to where I had thought Ava had been. Isadora was also stomping around and throwing furniture trying to find Ava. As I felt around the floor blindly I felt her hand. I tried to hide my gasp so Isadora wouldn't hear. But it was hard too when Ava gripped my hand scaring me.

Ava used what energy she had and aparated us to another part of the castle. A part, thankfully, not on fire. We both collapsed to the ground as we landed. Both fighting coughing fits.

"What kind of bombarda was that?" I asked in between coughs.

"It wasn't. Our wands are the same in every way."

"They are?"

"Sycamore, dragon core, slightly springy.. I love the slightly springy feel," she felt around her right arm and sighed as she lifted it and saw it covered in blood. "This damn scar opens up more than the one on my eye."

"I'm sorry..." I heard myself say. I looked down at the ground. Both of us were now still on the floor but propping ourselves up by our arms.

Ava shrugged, "what did she promise you?"

"Every one would be spared, especially..."

"Sebastian?" She asked. I nodded silently. "I forgive you," I looked up at her shocked. "Besides, young childless me would have done the same thing."

I looked at her shocked, "really?"

"Oh yeah, he and I... we had our heated romance back in the day, so we did a lot of dumb things.

"Ew..." I said as I smiled softly. Ava started giggling as she blushed.

"Sorry," both of us started to laugh in this small moment of peace. "I had to go all the way to France once to save him. And then one time I snuck out of the house while really pregnant and went really north, where you met Isadora, and he had to come get me so we just kinda go back and forth at this point."

She got up slowly and started dusting off her pants. "I mean sounds healthy," I joked as she reached down to help me up.

Ava shrugged.

"You two!" Isadora's voice made us both look over our shoulders.

Ava patted her pants and sighed, "our wands are most likely destroyed."

"Maybe we can try to grab Anne's from her?" I said softly. I kept looking over my shoulder hoping I wouldn't see Isadora.

"Can you do wandless magic?" She asked.

"I was supposed to take that class this year," I admitted.

"Well... never too late to learn,"  There was a blast down the hall making me jump. "Someone is impatient." She let a soft whistle before starting to pull me the opposite direction.

"Why are you whistling?"

"Backup!" There was another explosion from the other end of the castle. "That might be backup?" Ava said confused. She stopped and put her hands on her knees as she took a breath. "Who knew teaching would get you so out of shape."

"Are you okay?" I asked rubbing her back.

"I'm old." She nodded.

"You are what in your thirties? I don't think that is old."

Ava chuckled a bit. "You make me laugh,"

The rumbling around us brought us back to reality. "Mr. Sallow is going to bring the castle down with us in it at this point," I wrapped my arms around myself as rocks fell next to me.

"Bombarda!" Isadora yelled as she slid around the corner. I gasped as Ava quickly pulled me out of the way making the edge of the spell hit her just enough to fly forward and pass out.

"Ava!" I yelled.

Isadora raised her wand, "you could have avoided this," she mumbled to me.

I balled my fists and shut my eyes getting ready to take the force of what ever spell she throws.


"Protego!" I felt my Sebastian's hand pull me back as his older self stepped In front of us.

"Ugh, men! Always ruining the fun," Isadora groaned.

"Expelliarmus!" Eleazar threw from behind her making Isadora drop Anne's wand. Anne ran forward from behind me and reached for her wand grabbing it before it went to the ground.

She turned towards us and gave everyone a triumphant smile.

"It's fine, I don't need the wand much anymore. I already have half of Ava's magic anyway. I can do this now," she lifted her hand and rocks around us began to levitate.

"Everyone! Protego now!" Mr. Sallow yelled to everyone just as the rocks and debris all flew towards everyone. As they bounced off protection spells they smack the walls hard turning to dust from the impact. "I said I'd kill you Isadora, I meant it." He yelled at her.

It only made her smile.

"Kill me then,"

Ava groaned a bit as she started to come too making him glance quickly at his wife. Isadora chuckled. You, Sebastian Sallow, have one hour. You can 'kill me' in the court yard."

She aparated away just as El tried to grab her. He cursed before running to his mom who The older Sebastian was already lifting and cradling in his arms. Their foreheads touched softly as Ava slowly woke up.

"Is she okay?" El asked as his sister joined them.

"She'll be okay, she always is. Sara!" I froze as he turned to look at me, "you hurt?"

I shook my head, "no.. no sir."

He smiled that smile Ava said she loved. "Good, let's get somewhere a little safer for now,"

Astray, book 2Where stories live. Discover now