Part Three Chapter 8

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My name is Sara Josefina Navarro. I'm my world's hero of Hogwarts. And Up until three weeks ago I was able to see and use ancient magic. But now...

I can't do anything.

"Come on, there's absolutely no way." Poppy placed her wand in my hand and when I aimed it at a flower vase and tried to cast confingo absolutely nothing happened. "Oh..."

"I lost it all, I can't even cast basic magic let alone ancient magic. I can't even feel or see the tendrils of it anymore.

Poppy sat on the edge of my hospital bed defeated. "Well... what will you do now?"

I shrugged, "go home to Spain. Work with my father and be magicless like my mother."

"I'm still in shock those knuckleheads were right about you loosing your magic."

"Why do I feel like Sara will be pissed?"

Poppy thought for a moment, "well... we got a few days before she comes again...


"Miss Navarro I'm so glad you woke up and are with the world again." Professor Weasley clapped her hands together after she placed a plate of food in front of me.

"Thank you Professor,"

"And I know as happy as I am that you are back we do have a very serious matter at hand with your lack of magic."

I sighed loudly. Thank goodness she had kicked everyone out before us talking. "I assumed we'd talk about it soon."

"Do you have any inclination if it will return?" She asked in the sweetest tone.

"I'm honestly not sure," I said sadly.

Professor sighed as she thought to herself for a moment. "Unfortunately, the ministry did find out. I'm not sure how but you know how they are. And since they found out about your pack of magic they have informed the headmaster that... you must leave Hogwarts as soon as the nurse says you are healthy enough to do so."

"What!?" Sebastian, his sister, Poppy and Ominis. All yelled in unison despite the fact that they are not supposed to be in here.

"Mr. Sallow can no conversation be sacred in this school." Weasley sighed.

"She and Antonio saved this whole school. Emphasis on Sara!" Sebastian yelled. I knew had Antonio been here he'd be bothered by that comment.

"I'm aware Mr. Sallow."

"She just saved an entire other world as well," Ominis said firmly.

"I'm aware of that as well."

"How can they just toss her out like that?" Poppy asked.

"They've had a very strict sq- non magical rule for many many years." Weasley looked at me sadly. "I'm truly sorry, if it were up to me I'd keep you in classes."

"I know Professor,"

"The rest of you have afternoon classes to attend. Let's let Sara rest. She still has a major concussion."

As everyone filed out Sebastian came up to me and held my hand softly. "I can find a way to fight this if I must."

"It's okay. I had a feeling it would happen. I'll be fine..." i stopped talking for a moment so I wouldn't tear up. "I was never meant for this school anyway. I'm just some girl from a little hamlet in Spain. The hamlet I'm from is smaller than Feldcroft even. I always kind of knew I was more of a homebody like my mum. Antonio is more of the adventurous type..." I decided to keep my mouth shut. I was blabbering.

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