Chapter One

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*Antonio Navarro above*

Sara's pov

"Where's my uniform?" I asked Professor Fig as I looked at Antonio walk out of his room wearing his Ravenclaw uniform.

"You haven't been housed yet, estupido," Antonio teased me. I began to insult him back when Fig spoke over me.

"Mr. Navarro I know that's an insult, be nice to your sister. Sara you'll get one as soon as you are housed. Now we must be leaving, I have to get one more thing in London before we take off." He glanced around at his cottage in a hurry as he made sure everything was in order. "Yes.. everything seems perfect. Everyone get to the carriage."

We all piled in with Fig sitting with his back to the driver and Antonio and I facing the driver. As it the carriage took off I quickly grabbed Antonio's arm. I had not realized it would fly away! And where were the horses! There weren't any horses!

"It's magic, Sara." Antonio rolled his eyes.

"I didn't think it would fly... is all." I mumbled in Spanish.

The carriage landed and Fig hopped out. "I'm just going to run into a shop why don't you two stretch your legs before we take off."

I got out and looked around the carriage while Antonio leaned against it. He looked at his wand intently as if looking for something. I always thought his wand was pretty. It was a twisted black wood and he said it had a Phoenix core. It looked so cool when he used it.

"Can I play with it?" I asked.

"No," he said flatly.

"That's rude."

"You'll get your own soon." He sighed before putting his wand away.

"Speaking of, how is the wand I loaned you working?" Fig asked as he walked back to us.

"Good, Professor." I smiled.

"Excellent, now let's.." there was a pop sound and suddenly a man was looking around confused.

He turned around and smiled when he saw Fig, "Eleazar Fig!"


I deaparated on a stone ground as I coughed. A wave of nausea overcame me making me cover my mouth invade I puked.

"Sara. Are you okay?" Antonio asked quickly as he ran over and checked me over despite looking nauseous himself.

"I'm okay. That was terrifying!"

Professor Fig looked around confused as he held his head. "Poor poor George." He mumbled. "I can't believe a dragon did that."

"What do we do Professor?" I asked as I stood up.

"Well let's see where we are first." We walked out of the cave and all of us looked in shock at the scene.

"Is this Scotland?" Antonio asked.

After walking around we walked into some ruins where where I found myself looking at a statue. "That must be the old owner of this place." Fig yelled to me as he looked around.

It looked so familiar.. like I'd seen it before. In fact like I'd seen all this before. I walked around finding a back part where I saw the symbol from the key.

"You guys should come see this!" I called.

We were suddenly at a bank. This magic stuff is so confusing...

The goblin Figs friend had been telling us about showed up at the bank and tried to kill us! I don't even know him. I didn't even know I could do magic till about a month ago! Why did he want to kill me? He pointed at me!

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