chapter 2.

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After the chat he had with his Brother,he saw it right to call in sick at work.If he remembers really well, this is the street she lived in.looking at the corner house confirmed everything.After 10 years it still hasn't changed.

He has been fighting with his mind ,wether to step out or just wait untill he sees someone he knows so they can call her.He has been here for 30 minutes and it was now 12:00.The urge to drive back came back yet again untill he saw someone step out of their yard.He looked closely and it was Her, his Thandiwe.

He looked as she closed the gate holding  two buckets and 4 plastics of snacks.he took a deep breath then stepped out.His heart raced with each step he took towards her.she placed everything down then locked the gate.


He said holding his breath,Thandiwe turned almost dropping the lock.she touched her chest startled.for a second there she didn't see him.She must be dreaming.she has been waiting for this day for like forever look as him straight in the eyes before chasing him out with hot oil.Now that she was looking as at him,all the pain and anger he caused her all these years came back like a heart attack.

She folded her arms,her attitude out waiting for him to say something.

Bonga:I Hoping that we could talk.
Thandiwe:Can you please move,I'm late.
Bonga:You still have attitude I see.

She has been told about her attitude so many times and it didn't hurt,even now that he was saying it,The words didn't hurt,it was the audacity of the mouth they came from.her throat blocked as she struggled to utter the words she practiced all this years. She has been doing well and just looking at him,everything came back weighing her.She placed her folded hand on her mouth tearfully.

Thandiwe:You've done enough damage already.Please don't come at me like that.
Bonga:I want to fix That damage.I want to do right by you and our precious child.
Thandiwe:Can you please go,leave and go back to wherever you were hiding all these years.your absence isn't even felt(Voice)Please go.

She said then lifted her stork before walking past him.Bonga kicked his dry lips wetting them.he knew it wasn't going to be easy to convince her.he looked as she disappeared along the road.Now that he knew lived here it was going to be easy to try and reconcile with her and their daughter.


When she got married she was told how changing how she lived before would benefit her in her marriage.That included letting go of some of the things she used to do,One of those things were friends.She had to let go and focus on her new home.

Her husband has been her only friends ever since they got married.yes there were days she missed her real ones but she got through that stage.latley he has been feeling down and also distant.he is always working late and when he comes back he is tired.she read somewhere that it's not a man's duty to always make efforts especially in the romance department.

She stepped out of the car in the building he works in.she knows nothing warms his heart like home warm cooked meal.she even cooked his favorite,pap and lamb stew.the reception smiled at her as she walked in.

Receptionist:Hey Mrs Khumalo.
Sharon:(Laughed)Stop it,is Mr khumalo In?.
Receptionist:Uhh,I'm not sure,I just got Here.let me check with him?.
Sharon:No leave him,I want to surprise him.
Receptionist:Okay love ,it's lunch time anyway.
Sharon:(Smiled)Thank you.

She said then walked toward the escalator before it led her straight to the floor her husband's office was at.She pushed the door open stepping in.She frowned looking at the worker cleaning.She walked towards the table then placed the lunck box down.

Sharon:Hello Ma.
Ma'Mavis:Hello my child.
Sharon:I'm looking for Mr khumalo.
Ma'Mavis:He called in sick,Hence I'm cleaning his room now.
Sharon:(Heart skipped)He didn't come at all?.
Ma' there something wrong,did he leave home saying he is coming here?
Sharon:(Smiled)No uhh ,I forgot ,he said he will be working at the offices in Pretoria today.I guess it slipped my mind.uhh you can have this lunch.
Ma'mavis:Thank My baby.
Sharon:Let me not keep you Ma.

She said then turned around walking out with her heavy heart.She didn't want to think the worst.She dialed his number as she stepped in the escalator.

Sharon:(Cleared her throat)Hey i was hoping that I could bring you your office, I cooked your favorite.
Bonga:I'm having a busy day.I have been locked in my office since morning,I need to finish off this other report I'm working on.
Sharon:Okay ,next time I guess.
Bonga:Yeah,I'm sorry.i will make it up to you.I love you.
Sharon:I love you more.

She said then hung up.her eyes itched as tears filled them.she took  a deep breath calming down before driving back home.he was cheating.


She has been feeling down since the encounter she had with Bonga earlier.How did he even know their child is a girl because he disappeared the first time she told him she is pregnant.How she wished her Mom was still alive so she could show his flames,guess she got her so called attitude from her.

Lunch time was now over and as always her stork was usual she sat under the tree waiting for after school so she could walk home with her daughter.This place was so cruel and protecting her daughter in all costs was one of her priorities.

The school bell rang indicating school out time.minutes later children came out groups.her daughter ways walked alone.she was still trying to figure out why?.she walked over her with her hand over her forehead.

Thandiwe:Hey baby.
Her:I'm tired.
Thandiwe:(Laughed)You are always tired. Hold this bucked,I will hold your bag.

She said as she helped her out her bag before handing her a cap and they walked home.Thandiwe held her daughter's hand tightly as a car slowed down next to them.The Windows were tinted so she couldn't see a thing.Bonga stepped out of the car then smiled at them.

Bonga:(To the child)Hello.
Bonga:(Looked at Thandiwe)Won't you introduce us.

He said as his eyes turned back to his child.She looked so much like his little sister.he had strong genes he guessed.The family trait of big eyes was also there.

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