chapter 41.

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Ma'ngobese Cried painfully looking at her only daughter's coffin moved down slowly.she cried so much making everyone emotional.

Gabisile wiped her own tears while holding both Nelisa's kids.they were so innocent and clueless.this world is so cruel.

Pastor:May her soul rest in peace.To her family and friends,know that she may not be next to you physically but she is looking over you.she is at the right place and at peace.

The church ladies started a emotional farewell song as the men started filling the grave with sand.Ngobese looked down tearfully,he never knew losing a child hurts this much,maybe if he knew he would've did his best to protect her, he wouldn't have signed deals over her happiness.

Meanwhile among the people who came for the funeral.Mbuso wiped his tears feeling like the more the grave got filled the more a part of him leaves his body.The lady next to him looked at me sad. Although you could see that he was trying so hard to hold himself but he was breaking down.she has never seen a man cry this much.they must have been good friends.

Her:I'm sorry.

Mbuso looked at her under his shades then nod his head before turning his focus back on the men that there filling the grave.his eyes moved around untill they got stuck on Luyolo.he must be happy that he will finally be free.part of him blamed him.

The man finished up.people started moving around, some going to their cars and some going to the buses.leaving only the family under the tent.Ma'ngobese shamefully looked down before standing up.Ma'jaceni tried to hold her but she yanked her arm off before walking towards her daughter's grave.

Ma'ngobese:(Crying)I'm sorry my baby,I will never forgive myself for losing you.

She said as her heart broke even more.she looked up as her surroundings spinned.she took a step back feeling dizzy.

Gabi:Mah, are you Okay?.

She sounded like she was'ngobese took another step back about to turn but her body failed her as she fell face down on the grave.

Gabi:Haibo,hold her.

She said as Luyolo and Ngobese rushed to her.the lifted her up from the back making her stand.Luyolo gave her a glass of water as they helped her sit.

Gabi:Is she Okay?.

Gabi asked looking at her now brown face mixed with tears,now muddy.If things were different she would've died with laughter.she has to control herself.


I haven't been feeling well the past week,been vomiting and having extreme bad mood swings.

I am on my way to My doctor right now.these are symptoms of pregnancy.I don't believe I'm pregnant because I have been having my period and why would I be pregnant.God can punish me with anything for doing nasty thing in church but not a just not ready.

Doctor:When last did you go for your period?.

Me:Last week.

Doctor:Okay.please take this pregnancy might be something serious if not pregnancy.


Doctor:(smiled)Don't worry,you will be Okay.

I take the test before stepping in the small joined toilet.I do all the steps,disposed my pee before flushing the toilet.I walk out with the test facing not ready to view the results.

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