chapter 32.

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Ngobese:Which Mbuso?
Gabisile:ew Nkosi yami,I'm sorry for breaking your hearts bazali bami but Nelisa has been dating Mbuso before she even got married to Luyolo.
Ngobese:(sighed)Which Mbuso.
Gabisile:Ohh Mbuso Dlamini if I'm not mistaken.Nelisa Khuluma phela wathula nje.

Ngobese placed his hand on his chest as he felt it close up on him.It can't be the Mbuso that he is thinking about.His chest closed up on him before he passed out.

Ma'ngobese:Haibo Baba.

She says before kneeling down next to him.


Nelisa looked at her father then ran over before balancing his head.He placed his hand on his chest.

Nelisa:(Panicked)Baba..stay with me,Gabi call the ambulance.
Jaceni:The ambulance will take long,Let's drive him.

Gabi said before grabbing Nelisa's car keys. Ma'Jaceni sat there with both her on top of her head in disbelief.What she learnt about Nelisa today changed the whole view she had of her.

Nelisa and Gabi lifted him up before leading him to the car.


My phone has been ringing and the excitement of looking thinking maybe it's Nolu has me by the throat.

This is the third ring from Nelisa and Honestly I don't know what she wants from me.Not only did she want to turn my parents against me but she also wanted to pin her pregnancy on me.

If she can do such a cruel thing what more can she not do,Makes me wonder if the other two are even mine or what.Never had a problem with how they  only look like their mother but it's now starting to bother me.I love my children with everything in me despite of the fact that their mother and I are not in love and how they were conceived.The possibility of not being their father on its own makes me sick.

My phone pings again alerting of a message that just came through.

"I'm sorry about ealier, I was still settling in.You said something interesting"Nolu.

I immediately tap her contact for a rings for a few seconds before she answers.

Nolu:I'm sorry about ealier, I was a bit busy...and
Me:It's Okay.I ended things with Nelisa.That was what I came here for.
Nolu:I'm happy for you.
Me:You don't sound happy.
Nolu:I am happy but what if my happiness is short lived.I need something to show,I can't just believe a hear say.Yes you may have broken up with her for now but you can still get back together anytime.
Me:My lawyer will be sending a the divorce papers soon.
Nolu:And untill she has signed.You remain one of South Africa's married man.
Me:I'm trying Babe.
Nolu:Look Luyolo, I had a long day and I need to rest.
Me:Wait who helped you move in?.
Nolu:A neighbour.
Me:A male.

I can't help but feel like I am fighting a losing game.

Me:In everything you do that side please remember that I'm doing everything that I'm doing now for you,for us,for our future.Know that I have lost half of my life just to have a beautiful love life with you.I love you and I swear I have never loved anyone like this.I love you so much and please don't do anything that might ruin this thing I'm trying to build for us.

Nolu:(Guilt striken)I..I'm sorry if I'm being too much.I also love you,I guess it took learning that you have a wife to realise it.Relax no men can ever compete with you.(Sighed)It was just an innocent help from a neighbor,nothing more.


We just arrived at the hospital and my Father got admitted.Jaceni went bavk home and i am left with gabi.we have been waiting here for someone to come and update us but nothing is happening.

I've never felt so useless and defeated like now.I feel like everything is taking a totally different turn in my life.Nothing is looking good.I quickly wipe off the tear that just escaped my eye before it gets worse.A lot can happen In just a few hours.Gabi steps closer before taking a sit next to me holding my hand.

Gabi:I'm sorry.
Me:This is all your fault.

I say breaking away from her touch.

Gabi:Haibo,how is it my fault now.
Me:This is all your fault.Had you kept your mouth shut,none of this would have happened.
Gabi:Look i know that you are hurting and..
Me:You know nothing.The only thing you know and good at is getting pregnant left right and center for someone with no future.Your children are as good as father less because they have a dead beat father,That's the only thing you know. Being a disappointment.
Gabi:I know that you are hurting but keep my children out of your mouth.
Me:Or what?
Gabi:I don't want to get you admitted Mina Nelisa so stop pushing me.

She says with a demanding tone.She was always known as the girl you wouldn't mess with growing up.I know and I've seen her fight.

Me:I hate you uyezwa,I hate you with my all.
Gabi:Haibo phela hate me all you want,I don't care.

She says and grabs her bag before walking away.I feel more tears warm my eyes.Nothing is going well.Luyolo is divorcing me.I have over two weeks without seeing or communicating with Mbuso and the pregnancy is now starting to show.I don't even know how my mother in law is going to look at me, not to mention my Mother.

"Please call me back as soon as you get this message"i sent Mbuso the text.


I looked at Mpilo as he snored innocent, how I wish he could stay this young so he doesn't get to see and feel how the world can be cruel.

Coming in terms with the fact that I am about to give up what has been my life the past few years isn't as easy as one may anticipate.From having to delete the memories from when we first met,to our first night together,our engagement party then marriage is as hard as admitting that you failed as a women.

If Some one told me I would be here two years back I would've laughed straight In their face because at that time I would be In my happiest place.Funny how one can break something you've built over these years.I may act strong but it's honestly painfull.Never in my life had I imagined getting a divorce.I lean down before kissing mpilo on the cheek.

Me:All I ever wanted was to give you a peaceful and happy family my baby but you can't have that if mommy is not happy right?.I am sorry for breaking things off with your father, it's not that I don't love him but it's for my peace of mind.I love you so much and I want you to grow up and be a better version of your self.Good night.



I had to go back home yesterday,I only came back this morning.There was no use of staying up here all night if I won't get any feed back.

I came with my mother.We haven't uttered a word to each other since we left home.I don't know what their thoughts about me are but i know it's not something good.

"Steven Ngobese" We all turn.its the doctor.Finally.

Doctor:Morning miss,how are you related to Mr Ngobese?.
Me:He is my father and this is his wife.
Doctor:Great then.
Me:How is he?.
Doctor:Your father has suffered a panic attack. It's nothing much since we have it under our controll.You did good by bringing him early.He is recovering well.
Ma'ngobese:Oh thank you lord.
Doctor:Is it something that happens often.A family history of panic attacks perhaps?.
Me:Not that I know off?.
Doctor:Something that might have triggered him?.
Me:It's a family matter.can we see him.
Doctor:Yes,he is awake.Try not to stress him.You can go in.

He says before walking away. I'm the first one to step in followed my mothers.He is  indeed awake facing the other direction from the door,starring at the blank walls.


He turns and looks at me.The disappeared look pulls up again.

Ngobese:Do you know the trouble and sacrifices I've put through to be where I am?.
Me:The doctor said you must not stress.
Ngobese:(Sighed)I'm not stressing.I hope for your sake,when I get out of here you would've fixed the mess you've put me through and also get rid of that bastard of a child you are carrying.

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