chapter 30.

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Me:Sure,Andile right?.

He says before before looking at the house.

Andile:We have quiet a lot if work here.let me change into something comfortable.
Andile:Give me a minute.

He turns before stepping in his house.I stepped in my house closing the door behind.We really have a lot of work and I don't think we will finish all of this today.

There is a knock on the door,I'm sure it's him.I open the door and he steps in holding keys,I think it's his house keys.He is wearing a sweat pants and a vest

Me:You can start by connecting the TV and DS.


I just arrived and everyone is happy to have me around.I last came here last year on new year's eve.

Both my children are seated on my laps and my Mother is seated opposite.I can sense the bad energy from her.I don't know what Rubbish Nelisa has been feeding her but whatever it is ,it is strong because Ever since I got here,the only thing she said to me was Sawbona.

Speaking about Nelisa,I Haven't seen her since I got here.I think she is in her bed room.The door opens and and my father walks in followed by Nelisa's Father and Mother.Shit is about to hit the fan.

Mother:Come this side,There is this recipe that i want to show,one of my best.

My mother said to Nelisa's Mother as the men headed to the study.This two have always been best friends.Way before they even got married.

Minutes later,Gabisile walked in holding her last born.I sometimes feel sorry for my sister.Being blinded by love and having someone who keeps on getting you pregnant knowing pretty well that there is no stability or future.

Gabisile:Sawbona buti.

There was never a Gabisile and Luyolo in a same sentence growing up.We used to always fight but i guess that's how siblings act.Though she is a few years younger than me ,I give her that much respect.

The study door opens again and both men step out,i Quickly make my way upstairs going straight to my room.I can hear the shower running,Nelisa is surely taking a bath.

In no minute she steps out with a towel wrapped around her body.

Nelisa:Oh you are here.How was your journey.

She asks before taking the lotion.She has  gained weight.Her cheeks are chubbier than before and not to mention the skin complexion.Nelisa is naturally not Dark and also not light skinned,she is just normal if that makes sense.

Nelisa:Oh just good?...mind helping me with this.
Me:(chuckled)Ya ne.

I Say stepping out of the bedroom,this one is not Okay upstairs.The dining table is now clear.That was fast.I take my a sit down joining the couples.They all turn their eyes on me.This is the time I have been driving hours for.

Minutes later,Nelisa comes down the stairs wearing a jacket. Isn't too hot for one though.Gabisile also joins us,I know I'm safe when she is here,a little back up.

Me:I want to divorce.

Silence fills the whole room.There is no need of beating around the bush,I just had to lay it down as it is.Nelisa looks at me,shock written all over her face.

Jaceni:What do you mean,Divorce?.
Me:I want a divorce,I want to separate with Nelisa.

Ngobese stands up still looking at me,The angry look on his face says everything about him.

Ngobese:You did not call me here for this nonsense,Amanyala lawa.Nkosikazi let's go.

He says facing his wife.

Jaceni:This is not a way of doing things Bafo,Please calm down.
Ma'Ngobese:Nelisa wathula nje, why are you not saying anything.

Nelisa is still facing down.She looks up at me with tears welling down her eyes.

Jaceni:Luyolo,What are you saying?.
Me:I want a divorce.
Jaceni:Do you know the sacrifes and....
Me:I know everything Tata.I know that if I divorce Nelisa then i will lose my legacy,I know that I will lose my job,The money everything.
Jaceni:It's not about that Danmit.

He angrily says before banging the table.

Jaceni:Do you know what might happen should the two of you separate?.
Me:I did my research,I know everything and I am willing to sacrifice all for my happiness.
Jaceni:Don't tell me about your happiness(Angry)No one forced you to do this,I asked you very well if you will be able to do this and you agreed.Why would you want to divorce now,When everything is...You know what,you are not getting a divorce.
Me:I don't want to disrespect you Tata.I am old enough to make my own decisions.
Ma'Jaceni:But why would you want to divorce Nelisa Mtanami,She has been nothing but a great wife to you and also a good Makoti to us.
Me:This has nothing to do with her being good.

I don't want to embarrass her and tell her scandals out here.

Me:I'm sorry for disappointing you but the fact remains,I am freeing my self from this arrangement.

"Noo please" Nelisa crys out.I honestly don't know what she is crying because she has her own boyfriend.

Ma'Jaceni:Don't do this mtanami.

She says comforting Nelisa.

Gabisile:There must be a reason he is divorcing her,Just let him be and respect his decision.
Ma'Jaceni:Just shut up man..rhaaa.
Ngobese:I will not sit here and watch you young man disrespect and embarras my daughter like this.
Me:This is all I wanted to say Thank you.

I say before standing up.

Nelisa:You can't leave me,You wasted so many years of my life for you to do this.What about the two kids that we have.
Me:I will still love and support my children our separation has nothing to do with my children.
Nelisa:I am Pregnant Luyolo you can't leave me

She says making me turn.

Gabisile:Njani when Luyolo is not the father.

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