chapter 27.

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HR:When you signed the employment contract we had stated that it is not a permanent job as one of our employees was dealing with some health issues.Right miss Ndlovu?.
HR:MR Jaceni and I ,together with the rest of the hiring team have come up with the conclusion that you deserve just more than a temporary position in This company.

I'm sure they can hear my heart pounding from where they are seating.

HR:We've seen how hard working and dedicated you have been since the very first day we had you in our company.It has been nothing but a wonderful blissful time with you.

When one say such words,it simply means they are letting you go,well i think so.

HR:We have opened another Brand in Pretoria which will be active in a month from now and we would like to offer you a permanent position There as our Manager.

I don't specialize in that so i don't understand,This is the kind of promotion one would expect to recieve after Maybe 10 years of working in that certain company.

So I don't know how to react,I'm more shocked than happy.

Me:I don't understand.
HR:We would understand if you don't take this proposal as it requests you to relocate and move away from your fam...
Me:No it's not that,I'm just shocked.I never expected this..I
HR:With how you have been in this company, the hard work and all ,I couldn't think of anyone who can do this better than you.And you have enough time to think about it.
Me:Thank you so much.
HR:We will give you untill friday to think this through and also go through the contract .
Me:Thank you.
HR:MR Jaceni,anything to say.
Luyolo:You have said everything.She is perfect.

He says looking at me straight in the eyes.

HR:That will be all.Thank you for your time.

I nod my head before seeing my way out.I honestly don't know how to feel.All this thing is making me emotional,to think of the period of time I have  suffered while looking for work and In just short period of time I'm offered a position of being a emotions are wrecking me up.

I quickly make my way to The toilets.I don't want to cry because I will ruin my make up but my tears are failing me.

Me:(Teary)Thank you god.

I say with tears rolling down.I collect my self before walking out after a few minutes.I bump into Luyolo in the passage leading to my office.He looks at me,the worried look on his face makes me more emotional.

Luyolo:Are you Okay.
Me:(Smiled tearfully)Yes..I..I'm Okay thank you for asking.

I say while wiping while wiping my tears off.

Luyolo:You don't look good,can we please go out for lunch?...just to get your mind off things.

I say before walking past him to my office.


Mother just sent me a text telling me Bonga is now home.I haven't been able to see him since the day he woke up simply because I don't know how to face him knowing I was in support of the life support machines being switched off.

Sivu:So you won't go?.
Me:(Sighed)I will go.
Sivu:Great then,we will go together.The kids also want to see him.They miss him.
Sivu:Never feel bad for wanting what's best for your little brother.We all have heard stories of people who never survive life support machines, especially after being in one for over a year,I know i would've done the same if it was my sibling and I also know that Bonga would've done the same if it was you.No one wants to see their lives ones suffering in that thing.
Sivu:Stop beating your self up.Bonga loves you and I'm sure he will understand.
Me:Okay,I love you.
Sivu:I love you more.Now stop sulking and go see your little brother.

I know my wife is a lot of work but she can be helpful when she wants to.


Nkosi and his kids just got here.The noise in the living room can be heard from the bedroom.

Me:It feels good to be here.
Sharon:You really missed it ne?

The last time I was here was when Sharon collapsed and also losing a lot of blood which resulted to us Losing our baby.I will never forget the pain and look on her face before everything happened.

Me:Come here.

I say tapping next to me.She closes the wardrobe before taking a sit down.

Sharon:Are you Okay?.
Me:I haven't fully apologised for what happened the day we lost our child.
Sharon:let's not talk about it,forgive you and I have already accepted Thando.
Me:But we have to talk about it.
Me:I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for everything, the that have caused you when you were nothing but the best wife.Im sorry for making you feel insecure and I'm deeply sorry for doing everything I did behind your back...
Sharon:Can I ask you something.
Me:Of course.
Sharon:The late night and early work meetings, you were going going to her?.
Sharon:Thandiwe. see Thando.Nothing happened between me and her, It was strictly about the child and she knew that I'm married.
Sharon:Okay but why did you hide her,she is way older than our marriage?
Me:I didn't want to hurt you.
Sharon:Oh please stop with that.
Me:I know that it will be hard to forget the pain I have put you through.I would really love us to try marriage counseling.

She says with a straight face.

Sharon:I want a divorce.

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