chapter 9.

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Can the world swallow me right now.Sharon is still looking at me curiously.Thandiwe is also looking and she is not saying anything.Thando looks at me through the mirror and smiles widely.The hairdresser sprays her hair and she runs over giving me a hug.

Sharon:Daddy?...what's going on here?.

Thandiwe stands up and grabs Thando's hand.i guess she has realised what's going on.

Thandiwe:Let's go Nana.
Sharon:No,go where?Why is she calling my husband Daddy?does he look like her father?.
Thandiwe:I think you should ask Bonga all those questions.
Sharon:What's going on here?...Bonga.
Me:Can we please step outside and talk,people are looking.
Sharon:I don't care about people,just tell me what's going on here.
Bonga:Let's step outside.

I said then turned walking outside.This is so messed up.she wasn't supposed to find out like this.I lean against my car bonnet waiting for them.i don't even know where to start.I see Thandiwe and Thando walking out first,They walk towards me,Thandiwe is angry ,I can see with that expression she has on her face.

Thandiwe:This is what I was trying to avoid when I told you to tell your wife about Thando before forming a relationship with Thando.
Me:Please go I will come as see her later today if not tomorrow.I need to talk with my wife.

I say,she looks at me straight in my eyes and clicks her tongue before grabbing Thando's hand walking towards the gate.

Minutes later Sharon walks out with Sivu behind her.I know how Sivu can be when it comes to situations like this,she is all about drama.

Sharon:Please start talking.
Me:Can we please go home?.
Sharon:No ,tell me why that child called you I think i have the answer to that question,just tell me how and when,that child is old.
Me:Let's go home please,I will explain everything.Please.

I say begging her.She hangs her bag on her shoulder before rubbing the tear that had fallen down.This is exactly why I didn't want her to know.she turns before getting in the passenger sit.

Me:Thank you.

I say facing Sivu.Im just glad she didn't get the room to say anything in the situation.


Everything that Sivu said earlier comes back like an unwanted night mare.Bonga has a child.I don't even have to wait for him to conclude that.

He parks the car in the garrage before stepping out.I know he always opens the door for me so i quickly step out before he could do anything.

We both step in the house,I shut the door close and follow him in the TV room.

Sharon:Please talk Bonga,just explain to me.
Bonga:I'm sorry.
Sharon:For what?...what are you sorry for,you are not saying anything.
Bonga:I haven't been honest with you.
Bonga:I have a child.

He says,simple and straight eyes fills with tears.I don't know what hurts the most.Knowing that my husband has a child or him telling because I caught him.

Bonga:Please say something.
Me:(teary)I..when were you going to tell Me?.
Bonga:I was waiting for the right time.
Me:When was going to be the right time?...after your dearth?Because you were never going to tell Me.
Bonga:I was planning on doing it this week.before my chemo.
Me:You are lying(Voice shook)How old is she?.
Bonga:she is 11.

I say as I place my hand on my chest.This child is older than my marriage.Which means he has been supporting her all these years.This explains why he didn't dwell much on the baby issue.I can literally feel my heart breaking.

Me:Please tell me all this is a lie.
Bonga:I'm sorry.
Me:(Shouted)You are not are just sorry that you got caught.This all explains the phone call with the lawyer.i......(Voice shook)My heart is breaking.

I say,my hand still on my chest.I slowly sit down as my vision gets blurry.tears roll down.The urge to vomit comes over me and I rush to the bathroom before letting everything I ate out.

Bonga:You are bleeding.

He says before rushing over,I look down and I see blood flowing down my legs.No this can't be happening.

Me:(panicked)Take me to the hospital.

I say,I can't lose the one thing I'm looking forward to meeting everyday.


This is exactly what I was avoiding all along.

Thando:I want dad.

Thando is also acting like a spoilt brat.

Me:You father will come when he is free.
Thando:I want my father.

She screams at me.I turn before taking off my shoe.I swing it around her butt slapping her with it.she looks at me serious,she has no expression at all.

Me:I will beat you uyangizwa?.
Thando:I want my dad.

She says then step out slamming the door behind her back.This is the kind of drama,I did not sign up for.


Bonga just drove in the hospital premises.He is panicking but not as much as me.I hope it's not what I'm thinking.

I am feeling no pain but the blood keeps coming out and the more it comes out the more dizzy I become.He pulls up then step out before lifting me up bridal style and rushing in with me.The nurse quickly pushed the bed towards us.Im getting more dizzy,he lays me down and I pass out immediately.

Bonga:What's going on?.
Nurse:Please give us time sir.

She says then rush in the ward with her.

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