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I woke up early today. I didn't get much sleep and lots of things were going on in my mind. Why are they coming now? What do they want now? My children are not in a very good place. Their bonds just wake up. They don't know what is going on, we don't know what's going on. What they want now.

I wrap myself with a big stole. It's getting chilly in the morning. I slowly come to the door and look back at my sleeping Husband. I quietly close the door. It's still dark outside, the cold breeze hits me and I hold myself tightly. I come in front of my boy's room. I slowly open the door and close it. The little lamp is glowing beside Namjoon Bad. He must be reading and has fallen asleep. I took the book that was resting on his chest and placed it on the table. I slowly brush his bangs. He looks peaceful. I don't want this cruel world to do anything to them but that doesn't matter, I can't protect them for everyone and everything. I looked at Tae and he was holding something. It's not his pillow. I come close to his bed and he is hugging Y/n. If Harry sees this he will have a panic attak, but they look so cute.

"Mother you didn't sleep," Hobi rubbed his half-closed eyes. "I can't sleep" I sat beside him. "Do you wanna sleep here, Mother?" He patted the side of the bed. I lay down beside him. "So Y/n was sleeping here," I asked him "Oh hm no I mean don't get mad, she wasn't sleeping with us but she come here crying, don't get mad Mother." "I am not mad she must be scared. It's a new place she is not very familiar with, and she needs time to adjust." "You are not going to tell Father?" he asked curiously "I won't." "Thank you, Mother" He hugged me. I was gently Stroking his hair.

"Mother, did something bothering you? He asked, looking at my side. "It's because They are coming," he asked he was always the first one to comfort anyone if he saw them strangling with something "Yes" I answered
"Don't worry Mother, everything will be fine, and we will behave properly." I hugged him close to me. I know that they will behave but I am not scared of that. "I am afraid for Y/n they can't find out that you are mates," I told him and closed my eyes why did I say something like this to him he is still not that big for this kind of thing. "Mother don't worry they will not find out". He reassured me and it's working slightly.

I try to sleep sometimes in my son's arms but I become more restless. The thought of them coming all of a sudden does not seem right to me.

Maids are decorating the castle. They are washing everything. They are arranging beautiful flowers. More guards are placed in. Warriors are placed for extra protection. Dragons are flying in the sky. Various kinds of foods are being prepared. Everyone is running and doing something. "My majesty, you need to get ready for their coming, we don't have much time left". How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me like that 'Soomin', "You are my queen, did I say something wrong?" She holds my hand and starts dragging me towards the walking closet. "No but" she cut me off "we don't have much time left, Ella let's move fast" She put me into a very fancy green grown. It's looking good on my pale skin. She did my hair into a bun and put my crown on my head. I stand in front of the mirror and it's taken a little bit longer than usual. "You look pretty Ella." "It's too fancy for me" I came down and glanced at the beautiful view.


Two dragons fly over our heads. I stood in front of the gate. Harry was standing beside me. My sons are standing on the right side of Harry and I was on the left. Everyone was well dressed.

"My son," the former king embraced his son. Every guard and warrior is bowing their head. Except for me, and my sons, "My grandsons got so big." He hugged my sons. I bow my head a little to the former King when he approaches me. 'Kasumi', the former queen of the most powerful kingdom, wonders what she thinks and how she does horrible things and makes a perfect innocent face. She was observing me very carefully and I was holding my ground very hard. Don't want to look scared. She greeted me and I did too but I didn't bow my head. I will never bow my head in front of her, something I promise myself and I am going to stick to that. I look straight at her eyes and her lips crack up with a smile. She looks at my boys, and they greet her. I glance at where Y/n is standing with Soomin far away from her side.

We are sitting at the big dinner table. Harry was sitting on his chair. I sat on the left. Jin sat beside me. The King and Queen sit on opposite sides of us. When was the
"Choosing Ceremony?" King 'Minho' asked Harry.

 When was the "Choosing Ceremony?" King 'Minho' asked Harry

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"Crystal didn't show any sign yet. Still, I hope soon." Harry told his father and glanced at me he must feel my uneasiness.

"I hope my grandson chooses the most powerful dragons and makes me proud" Minho.

"It would be wondered if they chose the most powerful dragons. The blood that runs on their Vance would allow that to happen, I hope they don't gain much from their Mother if they do, that will be unfortunate ". Kasumi looked at me and her lips parted with a smile, I hate that smile.

"Mother don't" Harry

"Why are you getting angry at me son, I am just telling the truth" Kasumi

She is here for something, she always does.



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