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Jimin sat down with Y/n on the couch Namjoon was sitting on the edge when he caught sight of Y/n he happily smiled at her and pulled her close, she smiled and gladly shifted near him, her back facing Namjoon, and her legs stretched out on the couch.

They hear knocking on the door. And Every eye moves in that direction. Namjoon's hold tightened on Y/n's waist and he pulled her closer. Jimin gets up and glances at Jin. They don't know what they are going to do. They hear the knock again and this time Jin moves near the door and asks hesitantly.

"Who is this," Jin asked and put his right hand on the doorknob, he was glaring at the door. He didn't want to open the door, if anyone finds out Y/n is there they are going to have a big problem.

"Hyung it's me and Taehyung opened the door" Yoongi replied from the other side and Jin relaxed, he opened the door for his brothers to come in and closed it again.

"You scared us" Jin scouts and both of them just ignore him.

"Hey" Jin

Hoseok was sitting in front of the table, he was holding his head not paying attention to what was going on. He is not feeling himself. He doesn't know what is going on but it's not normal. He can't ignore what just happened.

"Tomorrow they are going to check my plaster, and everything is alright they are going to remove this," Y/n told them cheerfully.

"Y/n you heal me, why are you not healing yourself? You are a healer so why are you not healing on your own" Namjoon questioned.

"I don't know, but I never healed by myself," y/n

"Did you ever attempt to heal yourself" Namjoon

"Yes, One time but nothing happened" Y/n told him.

"If they remove this then I can walk, I hate this, it just looks so sad" She points to her leg. Y/n

"That's nice, but then I can't carry you around," Jungkook told her with a pout on his lips. He was sitting on the ground and his face was now resting on the edge of the couch, he was facing y/n besides him, Taehyung and Yoongi were sitting there resting their back on the couch.

she leans down as much as she can and cupped Jungkook's face with both of her hands on his cheeks, and tenderly pulled him closer to her face and kiss his nose "You're so cute" she mumbled.

He blushed and his face turned bright red. He scrunched his nose and rubbed the area.

"Wow, Kook gets a kiss, look he is turning red " Jimin Teased.

"Hey stop," Jungkook protested.

"Who is going to the hospital with you?" Namjoon.

"I don't know" she answered back and got back to playing with Jungkook's hair.

"So can we come with you?" Jimin asked.


"No Jimin we can't go" Hoseok cat y/n off and answer this was the first time he is saying anything

"Why not, why can't we go"Jimin

"Because I say so," Hoseok said still he didn't put his face up

"What do mean by that, you can't decide that for all of us" Jimin

"Yes I can," Hoseok said

"No yo... '' Jimin was saying something but Jin cut him off by telling.

"Stop Jimin why are you getting worked up we can talk calmly no need to fight" Jin

"But why is he talking decision for all of us, he didn't even ask" Jimin

"Jimin you are not going" Hoseok growled. This was the first time when he looked up and his eyes were glowing bright Yellow color.

"Hoseok," Jin goes close to him and gently puts his right hand on his back

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"Hoseok," Jin goes close to him and gently puts his right hand on his back.

"Don't" Namjoon.

"Calm down" Jin

"We are not in control" Yoongi

"What do you mean" Namjoon

"We can't control our eyes Namjoon that's what I mean," Yoongi

"And if we go with y/n and something happened we will snap, and boom our eyes change, that's why we can't go it's not hard to understand" Yoongi

"Did something happen?" Jin asks.

"No" Yoongi

Jin knows that if Yoongi doesn't want to say something there is so much he can do, no matter how much you force he is not going to say anything. So he sat in front of Taehyung and asked.

"Did something happen Tae?" He asked but Taehyung didn't answer, he looked away from Jin.

"Tae You can tell Hyung anything" Jin softly told his little brother.

"I don't know what this is but it's just. I don't know what to say, it feels like something is inside me, and it's telling me something, I don't know" Hoseok

"I feel that to Hobi, you are not alone, trust me I feel that, At the dinner table.

We have to find out some answers, or if we can't we need to learn what is triggering us, "Namjoon.

"Whatever we are going to do we have to be very careful because the king and queen are here, one mistake and our secret out" Yoongi

"What is Grandmother talking about Mother, do you guys know" Jungkook

"We don't know Jungkook" Namjoon.

"There are so many things we don't know Jungkook and honestly I don't want to know, it's giving me a headache" Yoongi

Y/n eyes are on Taehyung and he was so quiet. He didn't even say a word to anyone he was just looking at god knows what. Y/n pulled away from Namjoon he didn't even notice, he was talking to Hoseok. And Jungkook was now sitting with Jimin. They were talking about something. Y/n bent down a little, Taehyung was sitting on the ground beside Yoongi, his head resting on the couch.

Y/n brushed his hair. "Tae what's wrong?" she asked softly. He didn't answer, just closed his eyes.

"Tae" y/n called him close to his ears.

"Tell me"


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