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"You both need some rest," Harry's voice broke the tension in the room, his eyes softening with concern. "Go to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow. You must be tired." With those gentle words, he left the room, allowing the weight of the day's events to settle into silence.

Y/n emerged from the bathroom, her hair still damp from the shower, a towel wrapped around her slender frame. Ella's eyes lit up at the sight of the young girl, her warmth evident as she welcomed Y/n with a smile. "Y/n, I don't have girls' clothes, but these are Jungkook's," Ella offered, gesturing towards the clothes laid out for her. "I think they'll fit you. We'll need to go shopping soon."

As Y/n slipped into the borrowed clothes, Ella busied herself with drying her hair, the rhythmic motion a comforting gesture. "Do you like it?" Ella inquired, noticing Y/n's gaze lingering on the unfamiliar attire. "It's small but nice. I like it," Y/n replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude. Ella nodded in understanding, tucking Y/n into bed beside Emma with a tender kiss on her forehead. "Good night, Y/n," she whispered, her affection palpable in the simple gesture.

With Y/n settled for the night, the room descended into a peaceful quiet, the soft rhythm of their breathing the only sound amidst the stillness of the night.


When our boys came back from the trip," Harry asked Ella "Today I don't know the time."

"Ok, without them the house feels empty, Harry told her wife he is missing his boys.

"Yeah, I miss my babies, "Ella told her husband. She didn't see them for Ten days which is a very long time for her. Without them, the House fell so quiet. No matter, how much they annoyed her she loved them very much and Ten days of not seeing them were hard for her.

"You don't miss me like that when I go away," Harry compelled to her wife no matter how much he missed his boys. But he gets jealous of them easily.

"Yeah," Ella hit his back

Harry glared at her, and Ella just grinned at him.


"Hyung, I think we have a problem," Jungkook confess to his brother

"Let me guess. you caused it?" Namjoon.

"No, you have a problem. I have clowns who keep getting into one" Yoongi grumbled, his patience wearing thin as he just wanted to go home.

"What happened?" Jin asked anxiously as he leaned closer.

"I think we might knock out a teacher. " Jimin told them

"Which one"? Hobi ask them

"Mr Han" Taehyung told them

"Wow, you fools, this is the first time you did something nice, I am impressed." Yoongi

"It's not the time to be impressed Hyung" Namjoon.

"But I think he didn't show as so it's cool" Jimin told them casually.

"Then it's ok let's go home I am tired" Jin

"Oh yes," Hobi and Jimin said excitedly.

"What are we gonna do about him?" Junkook asks looking at the man.

"He can stay there I don't know," Jin told them casually he is exhausted and just wants to go home.

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