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In the heart of the forest, where mysteries lie,

A map of destiny waits, hidden from the eye.

Its parchment adorned with symbols bright,

Guiding those who seek with its mystical light.

Hold it close, let your intentions ring true,

And the path to your purpose will come into view.

For the Map of Destiny knows your heart's desire,

Leading you onward, higher and higher.

So heed its call, brave seeker, and dare to dream,

For within its folds, your destiny gleams.

With each step you take, the forest will sing,

Guided by the map, on which your fate swings... So heed its call, brave seeker blood, your journey begins, as tales unfold.


Jungkook handed over the map to Jin and the riddle that was given by the map which they needed to solve to find their Dragon. Y/n and Jungkook take the lead and start walking, while the rest of the group follows them hesitantly. As they make their way, the surroundings begin to change and the path becomes more challenging. They are following the guidance of the magical map, their steps echoing through the twisted landscape like whispers in the wind. The trees here were like gnarled sentinels, their branches reaching out like grasping claws, while an ominous mist cloaked the ground, shrouding their path in uncertainty.

Despite their trust in the map, a palpable sense of unease settled over them like a heavy shroud. Shadows danced among the tangled roots, and the air hummed with an eerie energy that set their nerves on edge. Yet, they pressed on, their bond as brothers stronger than any fear that threatened to hold them back.

"Are we sure we can trust this thing? I mean, how do we even know it's leading us in the right direction?" Yoongi couldn't shake off his doubts, studying the map with furrowed brows as suspicion gnawed at his mind. But, with Y/N's and Jungkook's unwavering trust and the collective determination of the group, they continued forward, their footsteps resolute against the eerie backdrop of the forest.

As they ventured deeper into this nightmarish realm, the sense of foreboding only grew stronger. Strange sounds echoed through the twisted canopy, whispers, and murmurs that seemed to emanate from the very depths of the earth. It was a place of primal fear and ancient secrets, where reality blurred with a nightmare, and every shadow seemed to conceal a new terror.

Jin: "The map has guided us this far, Yoongi."

Hoseok: "Yeah, besides, what other choices do we have? We can't turn back now."

The two oldest brothers looked at the map in what direction it was directing. Jin and Yoongi were filled with hesitation as they followed the ancient map. Their hearts were pounding, and Namjoon and the others were talking about the riddle and how they could solve it. Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shake up violently. The earth shook and jerked beneath their feet, wrenching them from their footing and hurling them into a deep void.

The Enchanted Warriors (Dragon Riders AU)Where stories live. Discover now