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The cosmos was ignited with a blazing embrace as the sun woke from its slumber and painted the sky in an amazing palette of scarlet and gold. With trees swaying in the light breeze like excited dancers and birdsong filling the air with a symphony of happy melodies, nature was stirring with anticipation. Hearts swelled with the excitement of fresh starts in that enchanted moment as if adventure itself was sewn into the fabric of the sunrise. The universe appeared to be shimmering with beauty and excitement, with every passing second, asking everyone to join in its bright celebration of life and destiny.

All the students said goodbye, to their families and approached the opening of the crystal wood, a soft glow emanated from within, and a door opened, casting a mesmerizing aura around the area. The air crackled with anticipation, and as they drew closer, the leaf seemed to part like a curtain, revealing a breathtaking sight.

Before, them stood the majestic entrance to the enchanted forest, adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to dance with life as if telling ancient tales

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Before, them stood the majestic entrance to the enchanted forest, adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to dance with life as if telling ancient tales. At its centre, a towering tree of shimmering crystal stood sentinel, its branches reaching skyward like outstretched arms welcoming the travellers into its embrace.

As the students stepped forward
and, the air hummed with magic, filling their senses with wonder and excitement. With each step deeper into the forest, the crystal tree seemed to pulse with energy, casting prisms of light that danced across the forest floor, painting the scene in hues of emerald and sapphire.

Sunlight filtered through the canopy above, dappling the forest floor with a kaleidoscope of colors, while the gentle rustle of leaves whispered secrets of ages past. Each step revealed new wonders: sparkling streams that bubbled with laughter, ethereal beings flitting among the branches, and flowers that bloomed in hues unseen by mortal eyes.

The air was alive with the scent of blossoms and earth, carrying the promise of adventure on every breeze. As the door closed behind them, sealing their fate within the enchanted wood, the students knew that their journey had only just begun, guided by the radiant presence of the crystal tree at the heart of the magical forest.

As the students entered, The magical crystal tree stood as a majestic sentinel, its trunk woven from intertwining vines of pure energy, pulsating with vibrant colours that danced and swirled with every breath of wind. Its branches, like outstretched arms, clusters of luminous crystals that hummed with an ethereal melody, creating a symphony of enchantment. Each crystal held a story, a fragment of ancient wisdom whispered by the cosmos as they approached a sense of wonder and possibility. 

As the crystal in their hand begins to glow, a shimmering aura surrounds them, casting a soft, otherworldly light that dances in harmony with their movements. They feel a surge of magical energy coursing through them. The students looked down, and they didn't know what to do. They are going with the flow. 

Everyone looked down and covered their eyes as a loud glow emanated from the crystal tree."Hyung, what is going on? Jimin asked his brothers.

Hoseok looked down and said, "The hatchlings are on their way; do not look at them until they allow you to." Jin had to hit Jungkook on the head to get him to stop looking at them.

The students were captivated by the melodious tones of the Hatchlings as they growled. They watched with wide eyes and racing hearts as the majestic little dragons emerged from the earth, bathed in the soft glow of twilight.

The hatchlings moved with effortless grace, their iridescent scales glinting like precious jewels in the fading light of crystals, with every beat of their tiny wings.

The students stood silently, holding their breath as they anticipated their movements, which would showcase their strength and elegance. It was a breathtakingly beautiful moment, a reminder of the generations-long bond between humans and dragons.

The chosen students were aware that they had been given a glimpse of pure magic, a fleeting encounter with the enchanting creatures who had captured the hearts of all who saw them. light like a kaleidoscope. Even at such a young age, its eyes gleam with intelligence and curiosity, and there is no denying the air of ancient wisdom. Even though its wings are smaller than those of its adult counterparts, they are nonetheless exquisite and delicate. with delicate membranes stretched between elongated fingers. It moves with fluidity and natural grace, hinting at the powerful creature it will one day become. Its growls may be menacing, but they also have a soft side that serves as a gentle reminder that even the strongest dragons were once little Hatchlings who were excited to learn about their surroundings. 

“They are beautiful.” One of the students said…

Hello, my name is “Woodridge ChronoCharm ”, a spherical clock about the size of a basketball that floats gently in the air. The top is covered with beautiful golden filigree patterns that catch the light, giving it an attractive and mysterious aspect. The clock's face has a cheerful, goofy smile and huge, animated eyes that appear to follow you as you move around. Its two hands, capped with little red noses, travel smoothly around the clock face, while two tiny horns emerge from the top of its spherical body, providing an amusing touch. When it speaks, its voice is loud and resonant, creating a mystical atmosphere that attracts listeners.
"I will tell you the time ".

“Your name's too long.” Jungkook 

The clock moved forward. His horns twitched, and he looked down, pointing his finger.” You are too little to even hear boy !!” the clock didn't like what the little boy had just said.

"ChronoCharm" "Chrono" relates to time, yet "Charm" refers to a captivating or beautiful quality, meaning that the clock has an attractive and magical presence. It's an appropriate name for a charming and attractive clock that brings a touch of magic to any space.” the clock said proudly… “Still long,” Jungkook said and nodded his head, agreeing with his own words. 

The clock leaned over and murmured.in his ear Only for him to hear “I can control the flow of time, allowing it to slow down, speed up, or even stop” and it's gone back to his place “Wow” Jungkook was amazed. And the clock looks proud. “I will call you ‘Woody’. It's short and cute and suits you perfectly.” Jungkook said The clock scowled at him… didn't know how to answer.

“Jungkook stop,” Namjoon told him and he listened obediently but if Jin told him that then it would end with a fight. 

“I like that hatchling, hayy!!  bond with me, You seem like my dragon” One student approaches the dragon. In no time, the hatchling burns him. Everyone understands their situation and knows why this is so dangerous.

“Each year, a single moron will do this,” The clock said he was disappointed. The students were terrified, and the clock appeared to sense that. And it grins. 

“There were just forty-five hatchlings,” Namjoon said after counting them. 

The Dragons fly away. Your time will start in only 48 hours. The clock declared, "Go find your dragon, however, there are only 45 hatchlings and 95 students” The clock cleared What was said by Namjoon. as well as what he was thinking  All the students started their journey to find their Dragon… 

“By by Woody, " Jungkook said and ran behind his brother.   

The clock looks where the Saven brothers go. 

“Are you fond of the boy?” Crystal Tree inquired “They are different.”


I hope you like this chapter 💗

I didn't find a picture that looks like Woody... 😕

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Bye-bye, good night 👋🏻 👋🏻 👋🏻

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