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"Where were you?" Tori asked Y/N in a low whisper as the professor continued speaking.

"I was lost!" Y/N replied, her tone filled with frustration. "And this watch guide-" she shook the device, "-it's stupid! It wants me to get lost. I've been telling you, this thing doesn't like me. It hates me!" Y/N's expression shifted rapidly, her face a mix of annoyance and disbelief as she spoke.

"That's not possible," Tori replied, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

"Oh, you don't know!" Y/N shot back. "Your guide works just fine. You're good at everything, Tori-you always know where to go, what to do. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in this place where everything's alive! The walls shift, the stairs move, and don't even get me started on the dining hall-that's a whole other nightmare!" She threw her hands up, the watch guide dangling uselessly.

Tori suppressed a laugh.

"I swear, I'm going to be lost here one day," Y/N continued, her voice edging toward panic. "This place scares the hell out of me, especially that tunnel!"

Tori leaned in, smirking. "You mean the mistway Tunnel?"

Y/N froze, her eyes wide. "Mistway? You've got to be kidding me. Even the name sounds like it's plotting something evil."

"The Mistway isn't just any tunnel. It works like a shortcut, almost like a portal. Wherever you need to go, the mist will lead you there-just focus on your destination, and it guides you. But you have to use it every day to get the hang of it. This school is huge, and if you don't learn how to navigate the Mistway, it's going to be tough."

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

Tori shook her head. "No. There's more. There's an old saying that the Mistway can lead you anywhere-not just inside the school. Some claim it can take you to places in the past, or even beyond the school grounds. It's unpredictable, though. If it wants to, it can open doors to places you never even imagined."It's tricky, but it's part of the magic of this place. And stories about it taking you outside the school? To other places?"

Tori nodded, her face growing more serious "Some say the Mistway is older than the school itself. It's been around for centuries, and some believe it has a mind of its own. If it wants to, it can open doors to places beyond the school-other realms, or even the past. It's unpredictable, and no one really knows how far it stretches or how deep it can go. That's why you have to be careful with it."

Y/N looked uneasy. "That sounds... dangerous."

Tori gave a half-smile. "It can be. But if you learn to use it, it can also be one of the most powerful tools here."

"Let's go, Tori. We need to eat before we wake up early tomorrow, and I'm starving," Y/N said, glancing at Tori, who was deeply engrossed in her book in the library.

Tori gave a slow nod, reluctantly pulling her eyes away from the pages. She closed the book with a soft thud, her fingers lingering on the cover for a moment before she picked it up. Holding the book to her chest, she stood, glancing at Y/N with a faint smile. "Alright, alright. Let's go."

The two of them made their way through the library, past rows of towering shelves and the quiet whispers of students studying. As they exited, the sounds of the bustling campus greeted them, and they headed toward the dining hall, Y/N walking with purpose while Tori seemed lost in her thoughts, still clutching the book tightly.

As Y/N and Tori entered the dining hall, the noise hit them like a wave. Laughter, chatter, and the occasional clatter of dishes filled the space, making Tori flinch. Without a word, she reached for Y/N's hand, gripping it tightly as they wove through the bustling crowd.

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