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As they stood in front of the grand castle, the massive door opened, and the guard welcomed them inside. Louis led them through the castle, past numerous guards and warriors, until they reached the King's office. The castle was an architectural wonder, with beautiful details adorning every corner. Everyone watched them curiously, but no one dared to interrupt their work.

As they walked inside the office, the grand staircase caught their attention. Harry came running towards them and hugged Emma tightly.

"Emma, you're alive? God, you don't know how worried we were when Ella and I heard that you..." He stopped mid-sentence as he heard a voice.

"Mother," Y/N called out to her mother, looking curiously at the man in the room. The man smiled and introduced himself as the King's advisor.

Harry's eyes fell upon a little girl who was standing behind her mother, holding her hands tightly. She looked like a delicate doll, and Harry couldn't help but feel concerned for her. He had been searching for Emma, the woman he had lost touch with a long time ago, and now he found her with a little girl.

Emma then introduced the little girl to Harry as her daughter, y/n. She explained that Harry was an old friend and also the king of "Warrior Crystal land." Harry greeted y/n with a warm smile and knelt at her height to say hello. The little girl hesitated for a moment before shyly responding. Emma assured her daughter that Harry was a good person, and y/n's face slowly lit up with a smile.

" Hello, " 

Harry gently rubs Y/n's head, silently acknowledging the unspoken questions swirling around them amidst the presence of numerous guards. "Let's go," he murmurs, his voice carrying reassurance. "We'll talk in my office." With a wordless understanding, Harry lifts Y/n into his arms, her lack of protest a testament to the trust she holds in him. As they make their way to his office, I follow, observing the ease with which Y/n settles into Harry's presence, finding solace in his familiar touch.

Seated in his chair, Harry settles Y/n onto his lap, his gentle strokes lulling her into a peaceful slumber. Despite the familiarity of their interaction, Emma can't help but find it curious how quickly Y/n has grown comfortable with Harry. Yet, amidst her musings, Emma's focus remains on Harry's reassuring presence, while Y/n, exhausted from the day's events, finds refuge in the safety of Harry's embrace, her breathing steady as she drifts off into a much-needed rest.

"Emma sat across from Harry, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. He ran his fingers through y/n's hair, a look of confusion etched across his face.

"I don't understand, Emma. What's going on?" he asked.

Emma took a deep breath and looked up at him. "Everything is a mess," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "They want to kill me and take her. I had to run away."

Harry's eyes flared with a fiery rage. "What did he do to you?" he growled, his voice carrying the weight of his fury. Sensing the discomfort of the little girl nearby, Harry's anger softened into concern as he noticed her unease, his eyes returning to their normal colour as he took a deep breath, attempting to regain his composure.

Emma's grip tightened on her skirts as she recounted the years of abuse. "Six years," she whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of her past.

"He can't do that to his mate," Harry's disbelief was palpable, his voice filled with incredulity. "He can't hurt you. Where is Otis?" Harry's question hung in the air, a testament to his shock at the depths of Emma's suffering. How could someone inflict such pain on their mate?

Emma's tears flowed freely as she recounted the traumatic events, her voice breaking as she recalled the day Ava had torn Otis from her grasp. "I never saw him after that," she admitted, her anguish evident. "He tried to save me, and Ava hurt him... in front of me. I was so useless, I couldn't stop her."

As Emma wiped her tears, she glanced at Harry, his silence echoing the weight of her words. Catching his gaze fixed on Y/n, she called out to him, breaking the silence that hung heavily in the room.

As Harry and Emma sat in the office, Emma told Harry that the reason why they wanted y/n was because she was a healer. Harry didn't understand what that meant and asked Emma to explain. Emma replied that she had already told him everything she knew. Harry didn't want to put any more pressure on Emma, so he let the topic go for now.

Suddenly, the office door opened with a loud bang, startling both Harry and Emma. Harry held y/n protectively as they looked towards the door. A girl came screaming into the room, scolding them for not locking the door. Her eyes then fell on the sleeping girl and she asked who she was. Emma called out to her, "Ella" low whisper.

At the sound of her name, Ella looked at Emma but didn't move. She just stood there, looking at Emma as if she had seen a ghost. Emma called out to her again, trying to get her attention. This time, she pulled Ella's hand and hugged her, which made Ella hug her back. "I missed you," Emma told her. It's you, it's you Emma" She asked if Emma was there and Emma confirmed that she was. Ella was overjoyed and hugged Emma tightly, crying and telling her how much she missed her. Emma comforted Ella, telling her that she knew how hard it was for her and that she was here now.
"Emma noticed Y/n rubbing her eyes and asked her what was happening. Y/n looked tired and confused, and she didn't know how to explain what was going on to Ella,

Y/n, who hadn't eaten for days, asked if they could eat something. She was hesitant, but the thought of eating food sounded nice, and she was too hungry to resist. Harry, who had been watching them, smiled and offered to take Y/n outside for some food. Y/n was relieved and grateful, and she happily followed Harry out of the room.

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