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Harry and the doctors arrive at his cabin. He shuts the door and we sit down.

"So tell me is something wrong," Harry asked the doctor.

"She is a healer and an incredibly powerful one" he halts for some time and gazes at the walls, He was thinking hard. "Her chakra is BLUE, I am a healer too, but I never show or hear about blue chakra. It's rare, the power she holds it's just so PURE and DANGEROUS at the same time. I don't know if anyone has ever had that kind of chakra before." Harry was confused, he was looking at the doctor blankly, Emma told him she was a healer but he never guessed something like this. It is becoming a puzzle and the pieces are missing, the more time is going it's becoming harder. They are life getting more involved in this without their awareness.

As the doctor talked about Y/n's special blue chakra, Harry's brain felt like a tangled knot of thoughts. Y/n, the healer with this rare and strong energy, was now a big puzzle piece in their lives.

Feeling confused and overwhelmed, Harry nodded when the doctor said
Harry didn't say anything deep in his thoughts. "King" the doctor called him "Yes" he answered and stared at him "You need to keep this a secret" Harry told him and he nodded and said "I understand" With that Harry stood up and left his cabin. He doesn't want to play any twisted games when his family is getting involved in this. He needs to know the answer.


They came home, and Emma was not feeling well so she was sleeping and she didn't know what happened. Ella shows the brushes on her body, and her scars, she gives her some Madison she didn't ask her cos she can see the pain in her eyes.

Ella told her everything that happened with Y/n, and Emma was scared. Emma and Ella are preparing for dinner with the maids. They are talking and laughing. Harry takes care of everything he talks to Louis in his office, and he makes sure that Olive is fine, she just had some damage on her scale the Healers are looking, but rather than that she is fine.


They are in their room. Y/n was sitting with her back resting on Yoongi's chest his head was resting on the couch and his hands were holding her waist. Jungkook is colouring in her plaster. Namjoon and Hobi are working on some school stuff because they have an exam. Jimin Jin Taehyung playing something.

"Stop cheating Tae" Jimin shouts.

"I didn't do anything, look," Taehyung says innocently and giggles at him.

"Stop lying, I won't play with you" Jimin glared at him and smacked his hand through a pillow, but Taehyung moved his Head to another side and hit Hobi Hades.

Hobi glared in Jimin's direction and threw it back but again Jimin dodged it and it smashed into Yoongi's face. He was sleeping peacefully.

"Oh no," Jin says with wide eyes.

Everyone glances at Yoongi with wide eyes. Hoseok's eyes are so big that they look like they will come out any moment, Yoongi opens his eyes and stares at his brother's way.

"Which one of u did this spick up now or I will murder all of you" he talks with a Cumming voice but it's making goosebumps in their body, and they nod their heads reputedly they are so terrified.

"Hyung I didn't mean to hit you, it's supposed to hit Jimin," Hoseok told his hyung in a crying voice. But he glared at him.

"Joon save me" Hobi struggled to hide his body behind Namjoon.

"Why won't you idiot let me sleep? Yoongi yelled.

"Sorry, sorry," Hobi, Jimin, and Taehyung told him.

Yoongi now rests his chin on Y/n's solder and listens to what Y/n and Jungkook are talking about. She is telling him to make dragDragthewing a little bit bigger on her plaster, and Jungkook is doing and telling her some story.

Namjoon hissed in pain and everyone snapped their eyes on his way Jin stood up and went to him Hobi holding his bleeding hand.

"Oh this was deep we need to call Mother I think it needs stitches" Jin

"No hyung, don't" Namjoon

"Hyung it's a deep-cut look" Jimin looked at his cut and pushed Madison's box to Jin

"We should call Mother she will be angry if she knows that we didn't tell her" Taehyung

"Shut up Tae. I don't want stitches" Namjoon glared at his brother who is loom worried.

"Yoongi come here and help me" Jin called Yoongi.

Yoongi slowly gets up. Jin brings Namjoon to sit on the couch so they can properly treat him. Yoongi and Jin try to stop the blood but the cut is so deep that the blood is not stopping.

"Jin it's not stopping" Yoongi looks at his brother

"I know we have to tell Mother" Jin

"No hyung I don't want to go to the doctor" Namjoon

"We don't have any options here" Yoongi looked at his brother angrily so he could stop being a baby. The cut is deep and blood is dripping. They don't want to waste more time. However, he is still whining like a baby.

"I can help." y/n says quietly and glances at them. She didn't want to say anything. Because she doesn't know if she can help but See Namjoon hurts. She really won't help, if she can.

"What," Jungkook asked because her voice was so low that they didn't hear her.

"I can help Namjoon," she says this time a little bit louder so they can hear her properly.

"You can't Y/n we try to stop the bleeding but the cut is deep"

"No" she shook her head "I can heal him"

"What do you mean" Jin

"Let me show you" She looks at Jungkook with grabby hands he understands and lifts her and places her carefully beside Namjoon. She looks at her wrist and she is wearing a bracelet. She removed her bracelet and placed both her hands on Namjoon's wound. She closes her eyes and a blue light comes from her hand and the wound is closing in little by little. It took her some moments and the cut is healing properly. It looks like nothing happened. She opened her eyes and put her bracelet back. The boys are looking at her with wide eyes.

"Don't tell Mother she will be angry?" she told them with puppy eyes.

"How did you do that" Hobi asked with wide eyes

"I don't know, I just closed my eyes and thought and it just happened," she tells them the truth. she doesn't understand how she can do that. But she realizes that if her mother knows that she used her power she will be furious. Namjoon hugs her but she hisses in pain. And Hobi pulls her away. Jin hits Joon's head.

"she is hurt u idiot, careful with her" Jin shouts at Namjoon

"Sorry, Y/n I didn't mean to" he rubs his head where Jin hit.

She smiles at him and his heart-filtered. And he smiles at him.

"Don't tell Mother that I used my power she will be angry?" she reminded them again in her pink stern voice. The brothers nodded.

"We won't don't worry," Jin told her and helped Yoongi to clean the mess because they didn't want their mother to know what just went on.

"But why will she be angry? It's a great power," Jimin asked her softly and sat beside Yoongi.

"I don't know she just gets angry when I use my power. She doesn't like it." She told them and looking down at her lap they could feel she was sad. Hobi kisses her chick.

Harry enters the room and sees Hobi kiss Y/n he feels hurt hurts he glares at his sons.

"What are you doing," Father screams at Hobi.

What's wrong with him did he know what we did? did he see Y/n was healing why he is mad?

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