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Harry pov:

As we arrived at the hospital, y/n lay on the bed currently holding  Jin's hand, Jungkook and Hobi were sitting beside Y/n's legs. Taehyung Jimin was standing near Y/n and Namjoon and Yoongi were sitting with me on the sofa.

No one dared to talk. There was pin-drop silence, lots of things going on, how can it be possible nobody ever finds their mate so young? She is a healer I know but is it that makes her so special that Leo wants her daughter's power, what does he want to do with her power? My boys are going to be involved directly, they are mates nothing can separate them. But they are too young for this. The things Leo did in the past years are horrible. Harry's thinks were interrupted when the door was opened. and Louis came in with the doctor.

The doctor looks at Harry and bows his head. "Doctor, could you please check on this beautiful little girl? She's hurt," Harry says with a smile, glancing at y/n. As the doctor moves towards y/n, seven pairs of eyes fixate on him, making the room feel tense. The doctor looks confused, unsure of what's happening. Harry gestures for him to go ahead and examine y/n. The doctor stands beside Jin, and Harry positions himself behind the doctor,  Harry postures himself behind the doctor, not trusting his sons very much, when they are glaring at the poor doctor's back.

The doctor examined y/n's legs, face, and hands, noticing the scratches, but her leg looked particularly bad. "I'm going to touch it. Let me know if it hurts, okay?" he said, glancing at y/n. "Okay," she replied, bracing herself. As the doctor cleaned the wound with cotton, y/n winced in pain, gripping Jin's hand tightly and shutting her eyes. The boys clenched their jaws, fighting the urge to attack the doctor, their instincts screaming at them to protect their injured mate.

I let out a deep breath, relieved that they hadn't snapped The doctor is still alive.  The doctor cleaned the area. I took a deep breath everything was fine till now they didn't snap. I looked back at Louis he was standing near the door. His face looks like he doesn't want to stay here. That little shit mind linking me and told me if he can go. If something happens he could run that's why he is standing close to the door, too close for my liking. He is scared of my sons. I am not blaming him, they looked scary, but I am not going to suffer alone the way they are glaring at the doctor right now, I could tell why Louis wanted to go home but that won't change anything he will suffer with me. 

Doctors cleaned the wound and y/n is doing great. The doctor looked at the ankle "I need to check your ankle it looks swollen. I need to check if something is broken" y/n eyes got big and she shook her head". But she relaxes when Tae sits beside her and rubs her head. She stares at him but he smiles and I think it worked because the doctor put some pressure on her he could tell if there was something wrong he touched her leg and a yellow light came from his hand. But y/n screams and that's it. Seven really angry growls come and Namjoon throws him far. For his age, he has thrown the doctor far, and I am impressed. I came out of my thoughts and looked at their eyes, glowing in various colours. Jin, Hobi Yoongi Namjoon is still growling at the doctor and Taehyung is hugging y/n she is sobbing. Jimin is holding Jungkook. I can't do this alone, I need my wife. "Louis come back before I kill you by myself "I call that little shit back I am not doing this alone.

"Jungkook looked at me," I told him calmly. He still didn't move his eyes from the doctor. He was shivering under their Sharp gaze. "Jungkook" I held his face with my hands and made him look into my eyes, his eyes shining with bright Purple colour. I never show this colour. It's unique but very pretty. He stared at me and said, "Father" he called me. "Calm down, he just wants to help, he is not going to hurt her," he might be my younger son but he holds another level of stamina, he closed his eyes and opened them now they are their normal chocolate brown colour. I look back at Jimin who is hugging his little brother. His eye colour is blue. I never show this. It's so different. It's not like I never show Blue colour but it's like midnight Blue mixed with a little black and sky "Jimin stop, look at me," I told him and he listened to me. He is a good boy. I glance back at my older sons. They are growling at the poor doctor. Fuck It is going to be so hard.

The room fell silent as the door swung open, and a commanding voice filled the space. The boys immediately stopped their growling and turned their attention to their mother's stern expression. How did she manage to handle this situation with such ease? How can she handle this so effortlessly,  I struggling here to keep my own emotions in check. As she entered, her furrowed brow fixed on me, then shifted to y/n, her expression unreadable.

She gets close to y/n and sits on the bed and tries to calm her down. The boys didn't growl and didn't do anything; they just stood beside their mother like good little boys and pretended like they didn't throw the doctor and nothing happened, wow

She marched over to y/n, plopping down on the bed with all the finesse of a queen on her throne, attempting to soothe her. Meanwhile, the boys, who moments ago were ready to pounce on the poor doctor, suddenly transformed into perfect little angels, standing beside their mother as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. It was as if they were putting on a show, pretending they hadn't just scared the living daylights out of the poor guy. 'Wow'

"Learn a thing or two from Ella," Louis said, flashing me a grin so smug, I almost sprained my eyeballs rolling them. It was one of those moments where you're torn between wanting to high-five someone in the face and realizing it's probably not socially acceptable. 'I am the king'

She calls the doctor and now the doctor is checking her ankle and the boys are hugging their mother. They miss her, nobody hugged me, they didn't miss me. Y/n was snuggling into Tae's chest y/n hiding her full face in Tae's neck. They don't want to let each other go, they are just too stubborn. Tea is glaring at the doctor, and with one hand he is rubbing her back and panting soft kisses on her Head.

The doctor bandaged her lag. And lookup. "It's done" Y/n snapped her head from Tae's chest and looked at her ankle. She made a discussing expression and scrunched her nose because she didn't like the plaster.

"How I am going to walk now," I don't like it, and it's not pretty" She looks up at the doctor with puppy eyes.

"I will carry you" Namjoon and Yoongi Said at the same time and glared at each other.

"I say it first," Namjoon

"No" Yoongi

"Why no? I said it first when she asked for help" Namjoon

"No, you didn't" Heseok

"Hoba you are supposed to be on my side" Namjoon whined at Hobi who just shrugged his shoulders and looked at Y/n's pouty face.

"Yeah yeah, I am your hyung so I am going to carry her first" Yoongi played his hyung curd.

"No that's not fair" Namjoon whinin'.

Jin pat his back "The world, is cruel Joon"

"You both can carry her, you realize that. One by one you don't have to fight for that," Ella told them and they nodded. how can she do that? And they listen to her so smoothly. If I told them then this is going to be another shit show. Why god why

"You are taking notes right" Louis whispered I glared at him it did not do anything just his stupid smile went wide "I will see you tomorrow in training," I told him and his smile stopped.

"I don't like it can you give me a pink one or a Red or Blue" y/n she asked the doctor with puppy eyes, the doctor said "No" holding his hand like a cross. (🙅‍♀️) "It will heal first don't worry," the Doctor told her.

"Don't worry, if you like I will draw some butterflies on it?" Jungkook told her.

"Will you draw me a big Dragon, pls pls?" she asked him and clapped her hands" Jungkook stood in front of her hand and nodded his head showing his bunny, a smile.

"My king, can we speak outside, I need to tell you something." The doctor told me and I went outside. With him

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