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Bts pov

"Did you guys hear something?" Namjoon asked feeling anxious

"Yes" everyone answers they are trying to find the source.

"This way" Hobi points his finger.

"Sakura waterfall" Taehyung shouted

They start running very fast, they don't know why. Every bone of their body tells them to find the source. Something is very wrong. They became restless; they didn't know what occurred to them. they never felt something like this. Their hurt aches. They need to find the source and protect it.

"What is happening?" Suga asks not understanding what is going on he feels like his body is pushing him to go and find the source.

Jungkook hands are on his hurt "Hyung it's hurt" he doesn't know what is going on or why is he falling this way Hoseok rubs his back and looks in his front he is trying to soothe his little brother's discomfort. because he can feel that too. And it's getting more intense.

"Something is wrong" Jin yelled very loudly, getting impatient.

They went to Sakura waterfall but they didn't find anything they looked everywhere Suga ran to the water but he didn't show or hear anything. Namjoon's breathing got heavy. Jin is looking a different way. Jungkook Taehyung Jimin is searching for another way they are all searching but they are not finding her or anything that could stop this pang.

"Help" They hear and their body goes stiff they feel goosebumps on their body.

"Where are you?"Namjoon yelled

Harry pov:

Louis informed me, that one black dragon broke our border and came into our kingdom and another warrior told me it was going to Sakura's waterfall. and Ella told me that y/n was there with Olive. I told warriors that are near that area to go there as fast as they can. I am going there too but it was far from where I am right now, I hope she is safe.

When I arrived there I saw Olive fighting with the dragon and my warriors were there. They were helping Olive. Louis was there,

"Where is y/n?" I ask Louis he looks like shit. I think he ran very fast. He was off duty today.

"I don't know, I just came here. " Louis

We were looking around, and then Louis went running behind the Sakura tree. and then I heard a very loud growling like the ground shaking around me.

I ran there as fast as I could. and I saw seven boys growling at their different-coloured eyes. Not just any boys they are my boys who are now growling at me too. Then I look up at them and they say


My hurt stops for an instant. Now I know why these boys are growling.  but how is this possible? They are so young, and they are not even seventeen. How is this possible?

I came out of my thoughts and told them "Stop," but they were still growling. I just ignored them and looked at y/n she was crying, hugging Hoseok very tightly. Hoseok held her close to him in a protective way. Louis was standing there like a statue. And Jungkook was glaring at him. Yes, my baby is glaring at my S-rank warrior. And my other children are growling at me. What is happening?

"Stop, I am not going to hurt her." I told them and bent down to ignore the protest and growling they did." y/n can you stand up" I told her properly because Jimin was holding her hand. "No, my left leg is hurting." She told me with a trembling voice.

"Jimin move, we need to go to the hospital". I try to hold her hand so I can pick her in my arms. But Hoseok gripped get tight around her. he didn't want to let her go. I understand that they found their mate and she is scared and hurt but we need to leave this place right the fuck now. I don't know how the hell that dragon came in. Now that y/n is hurt my boys are here too and I don't want anything to happen to any of them.

"Hoseok let her go" A small growling came from him but I glared at him and my eyes turned red "Hoseok" he kissed her head and let her go. "Y/n come he didn't protest much cos of my stunned voice. I pick her up very carefully she is holding Jin's hand in one Hand.

"Louis, I am going to the Hospital, take care of everything" Put the dragon in the vault we need to know how the hell he came in. I look at him and leave with the boys and y/n. No one spick anything.


When we are going home we hear a beautiful voice. I never thought a voice would sound so good. Yes, my mother, Has a beautiful voice but not when she is mad at us she looks scary.

And we hear that voice again, the voice is so Angelic that I could hear it all day long but it feels desperate. for the first time we can't make out what is said, but this time it's asking for help. It sounds scared and helpless. We don't know what came into us but every part of my body told me to find the source and save it and hold her safe in my arms forever.

My brothers and I looked everywhere. I think they felt what I was feeling. We found where it was coming from and we ran as fast as we could.

We came in front of the Sakura waterfall. But we couldn't find the source. We looked and shouted but no we couldn't find her where was she Why was she asking for help? what happens to you? Where are you?

Joon yelled desperately. Where are you? "I am here," a voice came from behind the Sakura tree and we ran as fast as we could.

And my eyes fall on the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She smelled like a rose and vanilla it smelled so good, She had pink hair and she was wearing a flower Crown. She didn't look up she was holding her ankle. She is crying and she is hurt. Hobi ran to her and held her in his arms. She is holding two flower crowns in her hands she hugs Hobi and hides her face in his chest.

We show a Green dragon wearing a flower Crown fighting with a black dragon.

Someone is moving toward us, and every one of us gets into defending. when we show a Parson and we growl so loudly I never feel this much anger in me. Then we showed another person, and we growled again. Y/n shivered a little and Hobi Jimin growled again and looked up. The person moves a little toward us but y/n looks up and our eyes meet "MINE" I yelled and at that moment we knew she was our mate she was our princess.

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