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I counted each step that I took while walking into the building. Using it as a way to ground myself so I didn't fold into my nerves. I was nervous to say the least. I could hear the faint sound of my heartbeat in my ears as it raced. I was meeting with the Dean of the university. The university called and had set up a meeting with me a couple weeks ago when I first moved to Sacramento. I was overjoyed when I got the call that they had accepted my transfer and wanted me to come in to get everything set up. 

As soon as I stepped into the building, I was pointed in the direction of a small room. The room was dull and reminded me of a police interrogation room with carpet and nicer furniture. Mrs. Blake, the dean, was sitting behind a dark wooden desk. She held a large stack of papers in her hands. I had almost offered to help.  Her face was extremely serious. She had tight frown lines on her forehead which made her look older than she was.

I stood awkwardly in the doorway, leaning against the frame. Do I just walk in or do I wait? I cleared my throat to try and get her attention. The grey-haired lady didn't even looked up. 

"Please, sit." Mrs. Blake finally looked up from her work and pointed at the black chairs in front of her desk. I briskly walked to the open seat and sit down.

"Well, you must be," She looked down at her papers. "Ms. Hanson." 

"Uh, yeah! Thats me! It's nice to meet you." I reached out to shake her hand.

"You too," I retracted my hand after she lightly shakes it with her own. 

"You already made your schedule online. So, I guess the only real thing we need to discuss is your living situation."Mrs. Blake licked her finger and then turned one of the papers over. I cringed as I saw how wet the corner became. I didn't think people still did that.

"As you know, you came at a considerably late time. The semester is already about a month in. It seems it would have benefitted you more if you had transferred next year. However, since that isn't the case we had to try and find space for you in the dorms. which proved to be impossible. All the rooms are filled at the moment."

I should have figured something like this would happen. Transfers are never a smooth process. Something always goes wrong, most of the time its credits that don't transfer. I'd say all dorms being full is a first. 

My heart began to race with anxiety. Was she going to tell me I needed to find my own place to stay? I told them that I'd really prefer to live on campus. Why accept a transfer student when there is no room for them? As much as I would love to live in my own apartment, I couldn't pay the rent. California is super expensive especially for a college student.

"I have pulled some string just for you. You were a top student at your other university and it would be a shame if we couldn't have you here. Anyway, there's a studio apartment on campus. We made the payment apart of your tuition fee."

I sighed in relief. "That's great! Thank you so-

"You will have a roommate but I'm sure you were expecting the same with a dorm. You're lucky, He is also one of our top students here. You two will make a great team! His name is Mason Chains" She gave me the smallest smile I had ever seen.

Huh, maybe he can help steer me in the direction of a major. I registered as undecided and am leaning towards liberal arts. I just need to decide which one. 

"Unless there is anything else you need, there is a student waiting to show you around. If you have any questions later, email me," I got up from my seat and muttered out a quick goodbye.  I couldn't even express the weight that fell from my shoulders as soon as I was out of the room. 

I moved into the lobby where I was told to leave my things. If I had gotten a rental car like my mother told me to, I wouldn't have had to bring in the little luggage that I had. Thankfully mom said she would ship the rest of my things once she got my p.o box number. I found the seat where I had left my things. I came to a halt as I noticed a girl in my seat. She had my bags sitting in her lap. I slowly approached her.  

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