Chapter 46: The Raid | Part II

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Tatsumi maintains his fighting stance, facing Esdeath despite her overwhelming aura.

[Insert this soundtrack: And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad — Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard]

But it wasn't even her aura that mattered to him. What really perplexed him was how perfect Esdeath's fighting stance was. There was no visible opening for him to take advantage of and defeat her.

Tatsumi: She doesn't have any opening... Where do I start attacking?

Meanwhile, Esdeath stops smiling a little to analyze the assassin in front of her.

Esdeath: Strange... I'm getting a feeling of familiarity with this man. — She puts her hand on her chin — His stance is decent, but with vulnerabilities. Could he be a rookie?

Najenda writhes on the ground, injured and exhausted, deciding that her plan B needed to be executed.

[End of soundtrack]

[Meanwhile; with Akame's team]

The group is shocked to hear Wave talking about Kurome to them. Lubbock and Mine prepare their Imperial Arms to fight, but Akame, still looking at Wave, signals with her hand for them not to attack. The two are confused, but obey her request.

Akame: What do you want to know? — She asks cautiously, without taking her eyes off the black knight.

Wave: Kurome talks a lot about you... About how she wants to kill you...

Mine: If you came to threaten Akame on her behalf, you can get out of the way! —She orders, firming her hands on Pumpkin.

Akame: Hold back, Mine.  — She says to the pinkette calmly before looking back at Wave — What are you getting at?

Wave: You want to kill Kurome, don't you?

Akame doesn't answer the question, but her silent stoicism was already enough of an answer. Wave frowns under her helmet.

Wave: Look, since you're her sister, I think it's unlikely that you don't know what she's going through, don't you? — Akame arches an eyebrow at that — Yes, you do, don't you? So...

He clenches his fist in front of him, no longer looking so calm.

Wave: ...Why are you so calm about killing her?!! I don't care if you're from enemy factions or on opposite sides in this battle, you're still sisters!!! Why aren't you doing everything you can to not kill each other?!!

Lubbock and Mine clench their fists, muttering something about how Wave doesn't know anything about Akame. This latter remains staring at the Jaeger, before letting out a small sigh.

Akame: So I assume you already know... —She says, in a low tone of voice — ...About Kurome's drugs.

Wave, realizing that she understood, removes his helmet and holds it in his hands, looking coldly at the Murasame wielder. 

[Insert this soundtrack: Nothing But The Truth — MasterSwordRemix]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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