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you know the quote "happily ever after", yeah i never believed in it. past friendships and relationships kind of doomed any sense of optimism i had left. the way everything went here in my small town, word got around. even if it wasn't the right word, but it got around. secrets spread, there's no stopping it, especially when everyone knows each other. that being said, i convinced myself that i would never return here, ever again. i decided when high school was finally over, i'd pack everything and move. at first, i didn't know where, frankly anywhere was better than here. so as corny as it sounded, i took a dart and threw it at my map. that being said, i applied to the university of seoul. i figured that it'd be the best place for me to go, fresh start, i wouldn't be too lost since i'm fairly familiar with the area. i was already fluent in korean since i spent most of my life studying it just to have some sort of activity to do and to gain new skills.

it's about time for me to go and graduate. when i walk across that stage, everything will change. since i don't have friends anymore, leaving this place won't even be saddening. i have a rocky relationship with my parents, but i have to thank them for allowing me to do this, for allowing me to leave everything behind. of course i'll keep in touch with them, but i feel like since i'm moving, our relationship will be better, at least i hope it will be. sometimes i wonder where i'd be without them, without the rockiness, i don't know, but i do know that i appreciate them.

before leaving, i take a few pictures of the place, as much as i hate it here, it's a beautiful place. i love photography, i truly do, it's one of my passions and i hope to continue doing such a thing. i remember being in middle school and constantly making presentations about my future career, every time without fail, it'd always be a photographer or director. when high school came my parents disliked the idea, so i shoved it to the side and tried to pursue the medical field, but that made me more depressed. especially when i'd see that i was failing, left me with no motivation to do anything anymore. i was tired of doing things for everyone else and i started doing things for myself.

it's finally time, my suitcase is all checked in, my stuff is on the way already. i'm quite nervous for this, terrified honestly. i know i've always wanted to be out of this place, but now that it is finally happening is slowly creeping me out. i take one deep breath and final look at this place, and i go to security. once i'm through, life will finally change. i have to do this. for my own sake. i'm tired of being in such a dull area. i slowly start to doze off, but right before i do, i hear my flight get called. i stand up to start boarding, but just my luck i bump into someone on my way to the gate. i quickly apologize and move swiftly, i turn around to see if they have a mean face on, but they just looked too shocked at what happened. maybe i said something wrong in my apology? i'm not sure. anyway, i get all nice and seated, and to my luck again, that same person i bumped into is sitting next to me. fortunately for me though, my headphones are already on and blasting music. shortly after, i start to doze off. after a long flight, i'm finally off and ready to start this journey.

i arrive to the university, getting situated and settled. they gave me my room and key. before heading to my dorm, i decided to take a stroll around the campus to get familiar with the area for when classes start. obviously, i can't help myself and i start to take pictures of everywhere around me. this campus is truly beautiful. after about a 2 hour stroll throughout the campus, i made my way to my dorm. might i say, these are so beautiful. i was also fortunate enough to have a solo dorm. i wasn't really looking forward to having a roommate. i slowly start to move in with what i have now since the rest of my stuff isn't here yet. once i finish with what i have, i pull out my laptop and start applying to some photography jobs to keep myself busy before the semester starts. i apply to a couple different places, but to my surprise one company already contacted me. way to go, right! i applied to JYP entertainment as a photographer/videographer. they set up an interview for later today, since it was only 11 am. i had about 2 hours to get myself together, then start heading over. i always carry a portfolio with me and keep saved videos on my phone and laptop for emergency purposes. i never go anywhere without my laptop, portfolio, and camera.

2 hours pass, and i find myself on my way there. i had to walk, but luckily it was only a 10 minute walk from the campus. i make my way into the building, at it is huge. i was expecting something small, not massive. i didn't think it was a big company since they reached out to me so quickly. i get checked in and i'm told they will be with me shortly. i patiently wait until i hear my name get called letting me know that it's time for my interview. after about half an hour of showing my work and answering questions, i was hired on the spot. i was told i'd be working with a few groups, but mainly a group named twice.. i think? i'm not sure. i was just more than grateful to have been given this opportunity so quickly. i was told i'd start tomorrow, hopefully this jet lag doesn't ruin that for me. i just decided to go back to my dorm and have a quick meal. before i knew it, i was fast asleep. though don't worry, my alarms were set. i can't be late on my first day! that'd be a terrible first impression.

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