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it's the next day, and i'm finally able to leave this awful hospital. it's not really awful, just uncomfortable and i want to be in my own bed, or dahyun's bed. i'm still in pain, but managing through it. i'm glad nothing was extreme, just some punches. i looked over and dahyun was still asleep, i'm not sure how neither of us fell out of the bed since it's so small. it was surprising honestly. the entire situation that has happened hasn't fully hit me yet. like i'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that i was just kidnapped. it doesn't feel real, i guess? i don't know, i'm probably still in survival mode and reality hasn't hit.

i felt dahyun stirring awake and slightly moving. she looked up at me, eyes red and puffy from crying last night. she didn't say a word, but i just held her tighter.

"none of this is your fault, i promise you. you kept me safe, and i'm so thankful for that. i love you so much" i kissed her forehead and held her even tighter. she let a deep breath out, but you could tell it was a sigh of relief.

"it might take me some time, but i'll try my best to not blame myself, and i love you" she said. shortly after the doctor came in with some papers for me to fill out, and a prescription of my pain killers. i didn't want to think about anything that's happened, and the best way to do that is to just work.

"i'm ready to get back to work honestly" i said to dahyun

"but you just went through something terrible, don't you think you should take some time?"

"but if i'm thinking about work i won't have to think about what happened therefore i will be okay" i explained. i know it wasn't really the best coping mechanism, but it's the only way i knew how to cope.

"i mean, yeah, but at some point you're going to have to think about it. don't think you should you work through it even a little bit first?" she asked concerningly. honestly it really made me think about it a lot.

"i think i want to brush it off first for now. try to get myself back to the normal routine and then work through it. if it starts affecting me more than i expect it to then i'll take time. that way we both compromise with it" i said to dahyun

"it wasn't really something that we had to compromise over, i just care about your wellbeing, but i think that sounds like a good idea. i'll be here if you need me. also we're not letting you walk outside alone anymore, you will have an escort to and from your dorm and our dorms. that one we aren't compromising on, that one you're going to agree on" she sternly said

"as long as they'll talk to me so it's not an awkward walk i wouldn't mind that, thank you hun" i gave her another hug, and held her hand afterwards. we started making our way back to the dorms. they had the day off given the recent events, they also need time to recover from what just happened. we opened the door, and i was met with a bunch of welcome home balloons and flowers.

"y/n! we're so happy you're back now" tzuyu exclaimed, the girls all came in for a group hug.

"we're happy you're safe. if you need us for anything we'll be right here!" chaeyoung said

"thank you girls, really. thank you for being here and being by my side. i'll be okay for now, i just want to take some time to work to get my mind off of it. if it's worse than i imagined i'll take some time, but for now i'm just happy to be back with my favorite girls" i explained. it wasn't long after that we decided to just watch some movies all day and relax. i was happy with the way the day was going. at one point i just became so unbelievably drowsy.

"i'm getting really sleepy, so i'm just going to take a nap. you girls have fun watching movies or playing games, whatever you end up doing" they all nodded their heads and said they hope i sleep well. i went up to dahyun's room and went right to bed. it didn't take me long to fall asleep since i was already tired.

"you're lucky it wasn't her that i took. i would've done so much worse."

"why are you even doing this?"

"because i love you. i want you back, just come back to me"

"if you really loved me, you would've learned to let me go. you're obsessed with me, it's infatuation, not love."

"no, that's not true, i love you, don't you love me?"

"no, i don't. i love dahyun."

"it's always her! what does she have that i don't? do i need to kill her to make you mine?"

"you better not lay a single finger on her! she did nothing to you!"

"she stole you away from me!"

"you lost me yourself, you drove me away, YOU made me fall out of love with you. this was all your fault. no one else's."

"oh, but don't you know, she's always had your heart. ever since we were little, you always wondered where she was and how you never saw her again."

"that was before i even knew who she was! i never got her real name, is it wrong for me to miss a childhood friend?"

"yes, because she took you from me. you were mine. you ARE mine."

"i'm not, i'm dahyun's. she will find me, they're going to get you."

"didn't we talk about this already? they are NEVER going to find you." she went to punch me again, that was until i shot up. it was just a dream, sort of, a flashback i guess we should say. i was in a sweat, confused as to where i was. suddenly nayeon came rushing into the room.

"y/n? are you okay? we heard you screaming that they were going to find you"

"huh? oh, bad dream. i'm okay, i promise. what time is it anyway?"

"it's only 3, you were asleep for like an hour and a half. you ready to get up?"

"yeah, i just need to freshen up. i'll be down in a minute"

"alright, take your time, we're just playing some games."

"okay, thank you nayeon." she walked out of the room and i went to the bathroom. i washed my face with cold water, and pat my face dry. when i looked at the mirror i thought i saw a figure behind me, and it frightened me. i knew i was just seeing things, but it still shocked me. i finished freshening up, brushing off what just happened. i went and met the nine girls who were playing their games.

"you doing okay y/n?" jeongyeon asked

"yeah, we all heard you screaming. we were worried." momo said

"yeah, i'm okay. just a bad dream. i'm alright though, no worries! i expected this anyway" i put my strongest front up so they wouldn't worry much about me.

"if you say so, we were just a bit worried about you. come join us and play games with us" sana said

"sure! that sounds fun, thank you sana" we spent the rest of the day and night playing games, cooking dinner, and watching shows and movies. i went to check my phone, and of course, some how the news already got out.


Twice's photographer was kidnapped. The girls were seen running towards the University of Seoul dorms with frightened looks on their faces. The investigation is still ongoing, and we heard their photographer is confirmed to be safe now. We will update more when we hear more information.

can't i just have time without my business being spread around. don't get me wrong, i'm fortunate enough that the public doesn't know my name, but it's still quite annoying. i put my phone down in defeat, and gave all my attention to the girls in front of me.

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