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after a long awaited discussion, the girls and i decided we'd take a trip to switzerland. we've all never been and thought it'd be a nice experience to go. we were leaving in 2 days so we had some time to relax, but also pack. me being me, i had already finished packing because i'm an early packer. we were going to be there for roughly a week and i was so excited. my camera and other essentials for it was already packed, all i really needed left to pack was my laptop. there wasn't really a plan set in stone, just that we were going and we would figure it out when we're there. i was hanging out with dahyun and we were just watching some movies. we were bored with nothing to do, but our company was enough to not be awkwardly bored.

"are you ready for switzerland?" dahyun asked as she looked up from the screen.

"yeah, i am actually, i've always wanted to go since i've never been before. i think it'd be a nice experience. how about you? are you excited?"

"i'm really excited. i've seen so many pictures and videos of the place, but i've never been able to experience switzerland in person. i think it'll be beautiful, and it'll be ten times better with you by my side!" she said, emphasizing her last sentence.

"you're too adorable my tofu, i'm excited to be going with you"

"thank you for this y/n, it was a nice surprise and gift. thank you thank you thank you" she said as she planted kisses all over my face.

"we get it you both like each other" both dahyun and i practically snapped our heads in the direction of the voice, only to be met with momo standing at our door.

"don't worry momo, you'll find your person soon enough" i said as dahyun and i chuckled

"actually, that's what i came in here to talk about" she looked down, fidgeting with her fingers in nerves.

"close the door, come sit" i told her, she quickly shut the door and came to sit on the edge of dahyun's bed.

"what's going on momo?" dahyun asked

"how did you guys know you liked each other? how did you know you were attracted to each other and not finding one another just attractive.. if that makes sense?" she asked

"well, for me, when i was around dahyun my heart would beat faster. she made me nervous, but the more comfortable i got around her, the less nervous i felt. i'm always happy whenever she's around. it's easy to talk to her, nothing feels pressured or awkward. she makes my heart flutter, and when i'm around her it's like no one else exists in the world. no offense" she chuckled at me saying no offense

"and for me, y/n was always there when i needed her. even though there was a period of time where she didn't realize i was her childhood friend, she was still caring. she treated me like i was the only one who mattered to her. she treats everyone that way, obviously, but it felt different. when i'm around her, all i want is to be with her. when we kissed for the first time, my heart exploded in a good way. i realized i liked her because she was my first thought everyday, when i woke up, when i wasn't doing anything, and when i was extremely busy, she was always on my mind. there was never a moment where she wasn't." i started blushing at her words.

"so i like someone if my heart beats uncontrollably, but in a good way not a bad way, when i feel comfortable around them, and when i can't get them out of my head?" she asked

"can you see yourself dating this person? waking up next to them, being affectionate, having fights and making up, potentially getting married, things like that?" dahyun asked

"yes, i can see myself with them, in the future and now" she proudly said

"then you have a crush!" dahyun and i said at the same time. momo's eyes widened, like she just found out the best and worst news in the world.

"thank you, dubu and y/n. for helping me realize my feelings." she smiled and wrapped us in a hug.

"anytime momo, but i have to ask.. who is it? i mean you don't have to tell us, but we're also nosy.. so we want to know" i said, but making sure to assure that there's no pressure to tell us.

"well.. um.. it's.." we waited for her, she hesitated, but she also seemed like she wanted us to know who it was.

"are you sure? you don't have to tell us if you aren't ready." i reassured her again

"i want to, i'm just nervous. i guess if i say it, then it's true, and part of me doesn't want it to be, especially because i don't know how they feel." she said

"we understand, take your time, there is no rush. you can tell us now, you can tell us later, that's completely up to you. we'll never pressure you to tell us. that's something you do on your own time." i smiled as i reached for her hand

"no, i have to face it soon." she said

"if that's what you want" i said back

"well.. when she's around, my heart flutters, you know how i am with food, it's the same excitement. i'm always so happy, and when something's wrong she's always there by my side. i don't know if i just like her, or if i'm slowly falling in love with her and that's what scares me. part of me wants to take the risk, but another part of me doesn't. when i'm around jihyo, nothing else matters." she widened her eyes, i don't think she meant to say that it was jihyo now, i think she meant to finish this then tell us.

"so it's jihyo you like?" dahyun asked

"it is.. and i don't know how it happened or when i started falling for her, but i just needed to know what it was i was feeling. so thank you for listening." she said to us

"anytime, i'm glad you came to us" dahyun said

"what should i do? should i hide it or should i just go for it?" she asked, fidgeting with her fingers again because she was full of nerves.

"i'm not sure what dahyun thinks, but in my opinion, i think you should just go for it. life is too short to not take risks, sure it could be the best thing you've done, but it could also be the worst. life is unpredictable, but just because it is doesn't mean you should turn down a shot at happiness. i know that regardless of whatever happens, you will both still have each other at the end of the day."

"y/n is right, you and jihyo have always had a strong bond. even though our fans thought you guys were too awkward. you've always been close. i think you should take the leap and go for it." i snickered at what she said

"your fans thought they were too awkward?" i laughed

"yes, but that's not the point here y/n!!" momo playfully smacked my shoulder as i bursted out into laughter.

"i'm sorry, but that's funny how can i not laugh?" tears were coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard. i finally brought myself together and stopped laughing.

"you guys are right though. i think i should just go for it. the worst that could happen is she turns me down. thank you for being here and for everything" she smiled and went in for another hug.

"that's what friends are for momo" i replied

"okay i'll leave you two lovebirds alone. i'm going to run to the store and grab some things. do you need anything?" 

"chocopies for miss chocolate over here" i pointed at dahyun

"sure thing, i'll be back!" she said

"be safe, text us if you need anything!" she put a thumbs up and headed out.

"she's definitely getting stuff to confess to jihyo. for sure" i said to dahyun

"without a doubt, i bet she's going to get her favorite snacks" she said

"i bet it's flowers she's getting" i said

"winner has to treat the loser to dinner! if she ends up getting both though, then we'll just rock paper scissors." we shook hands and laughed at each other

"did we really just bet on momo?" she asked

"yes, yes we did" she snuggled closer to me as we continued to watch movies. the rest of the day was perfect. momo came back, and she bought flowers and her favorite snacks, so now we just have to play a game to see who's buying dinner. it was a silly thing we did, but that's okay. we eventually ended up falling asleep.

new beginnings {dahyun x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now