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after i take some pictures, we finally get around to actually playing games. we all got our own cards to play games. we all broke off into pairs, whoever got the most tickets collectively wins, there's no prize, just a silly game for all of us to play. the pairs were mina and chaeyoung, sana and tzuyu, jeongyeon and nayeon, jihyo and momo, and lastly dahyun and i. the first game we played was skee-ball, a classic of course. we may have been on the same team, but we were also battling each other through this game. we played twice and i won the first time, then dahyun the second. we played a few more games until we decided to take a mini break, just to talk about anything and everything. we started talking about yesterday, when we were at the chocolate factory.

"i still can't believe you, momo, and jeongyeon didn't get the golden ticket! i had so much faith in you three!"

"i'm convinced the other teams cheated, there was no way they were able to get the golden ticket completed.. absolutely no way!" 

"did you watch mina and jihyo battling it out in the ball pit? it was so funny. mina kept telling jihyo that she had her chocolate bar with her so jihyo kept attacking her in the ball pit to try and get it. it was so funny" we're both laughing our heads off at this point

"speaking of mina, have you noticed anything different about her? something seems off, i'm not sure if it's in a bad way or a good way." dahyun asks me, i debate on whether or not i should say what's going on. it's not my place to say

"there is something going on, but it's not my place to say. i would tell you, but i also don't want to be disrespectful towards her. once she feels more comfortable talking about it, then i'll tell you all the details you want to hear!" i hope that didn't upset her. knowing that mina and i talked about things and she didn't tell the other members, except obviously chaeyoung.

"that's okay, i'm happy she felt comfortable enough to talk to any of us, i'm not surprised it was you. you're so caring, you're honestly the best."

"well i try to be the best for everyone. i care about you girls so much."

"but me the most right?" she says in a joking manner

"oh of course dubu.. that's why i'm about to destroy you in another round of skee-ball!" i laughed while running off, her trailing closely behind me. we play another round and she absolutely destroyed ME.

"what was that again? you were going to what? destroy me in skee-ball?" she said teasing me

"yeah yeah i let you win! i would've beat you if i was trying" we played a few more games until our credits ran out. we met up with the other girls since they had just finished. we went to the ticket counter to see who won. in first place was mina and chaeyoung, second was jeongyeon and nayeon. third was dahyun and i, and then in fourth was sana and tzuyu. i'm surprised that jihyo and momo were last, since jihyo is so competitive.

"we would've been higher if momo actually played the games!" we're all laughing and having a good time. we go and get some prizes. i saw these silly kid rings, and i got two. one for me, and one for dahyun. then, funny enough, i saw this small tofu plush. luckily we had enough tickets. i got that and our rings and headed over to my one and only dubu.

"here you go! dubu for our dubu." i chuckled and she couldn't stop laughing. 

"thank you y/n, i love it!" then i pulled her aside, away from the rest of the groups. i couldn't stop giggling. i jokingly cleared my throat

"dahyun, you have been by my side since we were kids! i would love to continue to grow with you throughout this life. you're so amazing, sweet, and genuine. i want to show the world what a wonderful woman is in my life. so, miss kim dahyun, will you go on a second date with me after we've had our first?" i pulled the rings out and we both bursted out into laughter

"of course y/n, i would love to go on a second date with you, even if we haven't had our first yet!" it was such a cute moment, and it will always replay in my mind. dahyun is truly an amazing woman, and i fall for her more each day. we made our way back to the girls, who still saw us, and jokingly cheered

"our dubu and y/n are getting married!" mina says

"not yet!! i just asked her on a second date!" we're still giggling and laughing together

"but you guys haven't even had your first!" chaeyoung says

"i know, it was just a silly thing i wanted to do, don't worry we're going to have a lot of dates." i said

"we better be invited to the wedding!!" i hear momo in the back

"don't worry you'll all be there" we laughed and talked about where we were going to go for dinner. we went to a bbq place close by, the night was magical. just enjoying company with each other, cracking jokes every now and then. these girls have truly changed my life, and for the better. they've opened my eyes to the potential i could reach. they've made me realize that life is too short to hold onto past things. even though i've only known them for the past couple of days, they've truly shifted my life for the better. i wouldn't trade my life for the world. these girls are my world. i'm sitting in my thoughts and feel a head resting on my shoulder, at first i thought it was dahyun, turns out it was sana.

"looks like it's sana's turn for y/n's care" dahyun teased, sana turns red

"i'm just tired!"

"do you want me to take care of you tonight sana?" i tease her and laugh

"yes please y/n! that'd be nice" i looked at dahyun for reassurance, even if she isn't mine yet, i want to make sure that she is okay with it. she knows how much i care for all of the girls, but it never hurts. we spend a little more time talking, then i tell sana to hop on my back as i carry her back to the hotel. i grab my stuff, purposely leaving a sweater for dahyun on the bed, and go to sana's room. tzuyu and i switch for the night, and i take care of sana. same old same old, i grabbed her some sweatpants to change into and then i set the bed up for her. i get her nice and comfy in her bed and then i go to the other bed.

"y/n, can you sleep with me tonight?" i hear faintly, followed by a few sniffles.

"sure thing sana, is everything okay?" she pauses, hesitates before answering.

"no, i need help."

"what is it sana?" i'm concerned, heavily concerned. what could this be about, what is going on with our sana? is she okay? is she hurt?

"it's about one of the girls.."

new beginnings {dahyun x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now