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after a couple days had passed, my parents unfortunately went back home. the past few days have been so crazy busy, i haven't had much time alone with dahyun. luckily, things are winding down a little so that we can sort of mentally prepare for tour. i walked up to dahyun and wrapped my arms around her. after doing so, i hear her start talking

"since today is a half day, i was thinking that we could have our date tonight? only if you want to of course" i kissed her forehead before i started talking

"i'd love nothing more"

"great. you'll go back to your dorm, and get ready. i'll prepare everything and then pick you up at 2, wear something comfortable!" i laughed at her and then watched as she started to go back to practicing. i was so excited for tonight, i didn't even know what to wear. i had to start thinking. maybe i could do just jeans and a hoodie? i mean that's comfortable, but not flashy. or maybe sweatpants, i mean what could we be doing. ugh this is so hard.

i ended up going with a simple outfit, just some jeans and a nice sweater to go over top. it wasn't too hot outside, but it also wasn't cold. just right in the middle. i didn't even realize how long i was taking until i heard a knock at my door. i went over to go open it, once i do, i see dahyun standing there with flowers

"hi love, these are for you" she said with her big smile

"thank you dubu, you didn't have to do that" i reached for the flowers and let her inside

"i know i didn't, but you deserve the best, are you ready to go?"

"yeah, where are we going?" i didn't know if it was meant to be a secret or not, but i asked anyway.

"it's a surprise, just trust me! it'll be fun" she smiled and reached for my hand, we made our way out and i just let her lead the way. we were walking for about 10 minutes, when we stopped in front of a coffee shop. it was a neat spot, really calm and serene. 

"this is just the first stop, but order whatever you'd like! this entire date is on me" i wanted to argue back, but she gave me a serious look, basically telling me if i argued back i wouldn't win. we ordered our coffee and sat down. we waited for our name to be called. after hearing our names, we grabbed our drinks, and sat back down to drink our coffees.

"i wanted to bring you here because i wanted to show you one of the few spots that keep me from going insane. i used to go to this coffee shop when things were too stressful and i needed some alone time. something about this place just kept me calm. i wanted to take you here so that we can share a place that keeps us calm. when things get busy, i want you to have another outlet."

"it's beautiful here, dahyun. thank you for showing me this place. also this coffee is amazing, so more than likely i will be back"

"good, i want you to come here more often" we finished our coffee and then started walking to our next destination. when i looked up, i saw that we were at an art gallery. my eyes immediately went wide with joy and excitement.

"an art gallery? really? this is amazing! i'm so excited" i couldn't contain my excitement, i looked like a little kid who was about to enter their first candy shop.

"of course, i know how much you love art and photography, so i wanted to bring you to a gallery to see more kinds of art. i wanted to see how you view the world, but i also wanted to see how other people's views inspire yours." i started to tear up, hearing how much she cared for me just by taking me to an art gallery to see and learn what i see.

"this is truly amazing, and i am so thankful you brought me here" i excitedly reached for her hand as we talked about different photos and paintings. like how there was one that interpreted the light in darkness. when all things are dark, there will always be that little hint of light showing you that there is good within evil. that the little hint of light, is hope. we continued to walk through the gallery, and i looked at other pieces of artwork, interpreting how they made me feel. i looked over and dahyun was staring at me.

"you know the art work is on the walls, not on my face" i said teasingly

"i'm aware, but you're also a work of art. however, i wasn't staring just because you're beautiful. i was mesmerized by how everything you see has meaning. you take something with nothing and give it value, just like how you lift people's spirits up when they feel like they're not something. you are a work of art. in many different ways" i quickly hugged her and held onto her like my life depended on it. everything about this date has been so perfect and it's made me so happy.

"come on, we still have two more places to go" we finished looking at the rest of the displays, and headed out to our next destination. i wasn't paying too much attention, until she finally stopped. i looked up and we were at a playground, easy to say, i was a little confused.

"by the look on your face i can tell that you're a little confused. i took you to the playground because the playground is where it all started for you and i. had i not gone up to you, i wouldn't have ever met you. whenever i was thinking about you, i'd always make my way back to a playground, because i'd hope that one day, i'd end up making my way back to you." 

"you are such a sweet talker dahyun"

"only for you y/n" next thing i know we're running around the playground, acting like the little kids we once were. chasing each other, going down the slide, and just swinging for a bit. it was perfect. it felt like every piece of me that was once broken was slowly healing. after about an hour, we ended up making our way to one final spot. as we're getting closer, i realize that i know the spot we're heading to.

"this is our last stop. i wanted to watch the sunset here with you. i remember when i found you here crying. my heart ached for you, i didn't know what to do, but you let me sit with you. even though you were hurting, i could sense that some company was what you needed. i never forced you to open up, and i wouldn't ever. i know i said this before, but this spot is our spot. a spot where we can talk or just sit in silence. a spot where we know that you and i can just be. a spot away from the world"

"and everyday i wake up grateful that you were there. thank you for making me feel safe, and thank you for being there. you are the best, and this has been the best date by far. you are amazing, kim dahyun." i grabbed her face and kissed her cheek, which resulted in both of us blushing.

"now, y/n, i have a very important question to ask"

"what is it dubu?" she walked away for a minute, and i didn't question it simply because her eyes lit up before she did. i looked away and when i came back, she was running towards me with one hand behind her back. i look over at her and she's getting down on one knee. she looks at me and reaches for my hand. she pulls a rose from behind her back.

"y/n, i know this is only our first date, and i can't wait to have many more with you, you don't have to answer this now, we can wait until you're ready, i can wait. i told you once before, and i'll say it again, i'll always be patient with you. so, y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" she's smiling her cute goofy smile that's so hard to resist.

"hmm, let me think about it... yes! kim dahyun i would love nothing more" she hands me the rose that was being held out by her, and she swoops me in for a kiss. the moment our lips connected, it felt like fireworks on the fourth of july. everything was perfect.

a/n; awe cute fluff chapter. i forgot to mention ~ the girls are all around the same age as y/n :)

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