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my date with dahyun was so amazing. after she asked me to be her girlfriend, we went back to the dorms and watched a movie. we cuddled up next to each other, enjoying each other's company. she fell asleep shortly after the movie had ended, but i wasn't able to fall asleep. i'm not sure if it was nerves or happiness. i laid awake, as i played with her hair. she had her arm wrapped around my waist, and her head laying on my chest. she was sound asleep. it wasn't too late in the night, roughly 11:30. i was about to go on my phone when i heard a knock at the door.

"come in" i said softly, so i wouldn't wake sleeping beauty up. after i said that, mina came into the room.

"hi y/n, i didn't know if you were awake or not, but i wanted to see if you were" she said

"yeah, i'm awake, is everything okay?" i was a little concerned

"yeah everything is good, i just wanted to see how everything went. she was so excited for your date, but also so nervous. she told us her plan and everything, it sounded great." she flashed her gummy smile at me after talking about how dahyun was earlier.

"the date was perfect, mina. she took me to a cafe, then an art gallery, a playground, and then to this special spot we found. all of it was perfect" i smiled, blushing and getting flustered.

"a playground? why a playground? she didn't mention it to us, just the cafe, gallery, and a special spot"

"she took me to the playground to relive memories. we met on a playground years ago and i remember she tripped and i ran to her aid with some band aids that my mom made me keep in my bag" we both chuckled softly

"ahh, i see now. what else happened?" it made me happy that she was so into what our date was like

"well, like i said she took me to a cafe, we got some coffee and talked about anything and everything. then we went to an art gallery, because in her words she wanted to view the world how i view it, through an artists' eye. after that was the playground, and we just healed our inner child and played around. then when it was about to be sunset, she took me to our special spot. she was about to ask me something then ran off. i was a little confused, but i know our tofu is a bundle of surprises. i was looking off in the distance, and i turned around when i heard her running back. then i see her on one knee holding a rose, and she was asking me to be her girlfriend"

"y/n that is so adorable!" she quietly squealed

"honestly, what was even more adorable was that she wasn't pressuring an answer. she told me i didn't have to answer, she said that if i didn't, she would wait for me." i said tearing up thinking about how sweet she was

"well? what did you say?" she asked

"of course i said yes mina! i was so happy to hear her ask me. i mean i wanted to do it, but that's okay. the whole night was truly magical."

"i'm happy it was magical for you, and you better treat our tofu right"

"of course i will mina, but i have to ask, why are you awake? it's late after all"

"i wanted to tell you something" she looked a little nervous, but not at the same time.

"what's that?"

"chaeyoung asked me out on a date a couple days ago, and we went on ours today!"

"no way! seriously? what happened? tell me everything, all the details" i was so excited, but i was trying to not show it as much since i didn't want to wake dahyun up

"well, for starters, she came to my room with flowers and some sweets. she asked me to go on a date with her, and that we can go whenever i'm ready to. i wanted to wait until things got a little less hectic. so we went today, first we grabbed some lunch at one of our favorite spots. something about being there with just her made me love the place even more. we talked about any and everything. talking with her is always easy, and sometimes i don't even have to talk and i just feel comfortable. when we finished eating, she took me to this pottery place, we made each other a mug and a plate, of course i made a little tiger for her, she is our cub after all. then she made a penguin toast for me. it's adorable, and i love it"

"i can tell, your eyes are shining right now with how much they lit up just talking about her. has the question been asked or are we doing a few dates until then?" i asked

"the question wasn't asked, no, but we are going on a second date soon" i was about to ask her something else when i heard another knock at the door. i softly told them to come in, and to my surprise it was tzuyu and sana.

"hey what're you guys doing up?" i asked

"we took a nap earlier and now we're too awake to sleep. we heard you and mina talking so we wanted to join, quietly obviously since dahyun is asleep on you" sana said

"i see, we're just talking about my date with your tofu. it was really special" i said, then i told them about the date and how everything went down. how i didn't want the night to end

"tzuyu why can't we go on a cute date like that?" sana said while fake pouting

"sana what are you talking about we just went on one" tzuyu said back

"what was your date?" mina asked the two

"we went ice skating. i know sana's clumsy so it was an excuse to hold her hand" tzuyu said, nonchalantly, yet a thousand different feelings were rushing through her head

"so i'm guessing that's why sana thinks it wasn't a cute date" mina said while she laughed

"probably, she did fall a couple of times, look i got pictures" tzuyu slid her phone over to show mina and i the pictures of sana

"tzuyu!! what are you doing! don't show them that!" sana wasn't actually upset by it, but it was pretty funny to watch them argue over it.

"well, sana did you have fun at least?" i asked

"..yes." she was still doing her fake pout, hiding her smile. we talk for a little bit longer, and eventually they go back to their rooms and i'm left here with dahyun. i was glad that the girls came and talked to me, since i was having a hard time sleeping at first. they came in and talked, and now i'm ready to sleep for eternity. i was about to go to bed, but i whispered to dahyun as if she was awake.

"goodnight dahyun, thank you for such an amazing date. you mean so much to me, and i'm glad i get to call you mine. thank you for being who you are. you never ever fail to put a smile on my face. your courage, determination, humor, and kindness are just some of the things that make me fall for you more each day. okay, now i will try to go to sleep, i hope you're sleeping well my sweet dubu" i kissed her forehead when i finished talking, and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

new beginnings {dahyun x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now