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we finally landed. it's nice to be back in california, i'm excited to see some of my family. they don't know i'm here, so i'm going to surprise them! we first made our way to the hotel, just to get settled and checked in. they start with rehearsals tomorrow, so i have a little time to kill. we all went into our rooms, and dahyun went straight to the bed, poor thing is so tired. i let her sleep and decided to write a note to her.

hey sleeping beauty, i headed out to meet up with some of my family that lives close by. i promise i'll be extra careful, i hope you're resting well, you deserve it! text me when you wake up please, i'll be back soon!

i gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and then headed out. i was going to visit my grandma and her boyfriend first, she keeps up with me every now and then, but our small conversations are always so sweet. i decided to just uber there instead of asking too much of everyone around. shortly after i arrived at my grandma's house. i walked up and knocked on the door.

"surprise grandma! hi!" i went to go for a hug, but she was too shocked, i couldn't get a proper hug.

"y/n? what are you doing here? how are you here? i missed you so much!"

"i missed you too grandma, i moved to korea for school, then got a job as a photographer for a big music company there, so now the group i work with is on tour! california is our first stop. i figured i'd say hi since the hotel isn't too far from here"

"i'm so happy to see you, come in come in. you have a lot to tell me!" i went over everything, why i moved, how life has been in korea, meeting the girls, and much more. it was so nice being able to see her and being able to catch up. unfortunately i couldn't stay too long because i had to go surprise my uncles too. i said my goodbyes and told her i'll keep in touch, and then i grabbed another uber to my uncle's place. i wish i could see everyone, but i can't since i have to go back to the girls. i showed up to his house and he was excited to see me!

"hey y/n, long time no see bestie" i laughed at him, we have a running joke of calling each other bestie instead of me calling him uncle.

"hey bestie, i bet you missed me" i walked inside and we started to catch up too, same thing with my grandma, i told him everything that had been happening and how life has been.

"i'm glad life isn't treating you too terribly, but we need to get some dinner. let's go tonight, i can get your uncles to meet us, why don't you bring the girls too if they're free? it's on us, i'd love to meet them all, especially that dahyun of yours" he teased me, but he was being genuine.

"sure thing bestie, i have to head back over there now though. i'll let you know!" after a couple more minutes i decided to head back to the hotel to ask the girls if they wanted to grab dinner. after about a 30 minute drive, i made it back to the hotel. traffic is no joke here. i made my way up to the room, i had been gone for about 2 hours. i walked inside and see dahyun awake.

"oh hi love, i was just about to text you. i just woke up" i walked over to her and gave her hug, which resulted in us cuddling.

"hi dubu, i just went to visit my grandma and uncle. speaking of, my uncle does want to get some dinner with all of us tonight and my other uncles if you girls don't have any plans"

"i don't think we have plans, i'd love to meet your family!" she was so excited, it was so adorable.

"okay, i'll be right back, i'm gonna ask the other girls" i got up and went to each of their rooms, they all agreed and i told them i'd let them know the details when i know. i called my uncle to let him know.

"hey bestie, the girls are all free and would love to come!"

"that's perfect, your uncles are off around 5, so how does 6 sound? we can go to your favorite restaurant"

"sounds good, i'll let them know. i'll see you soon! love you, bye!" i hung up and went back to dahyun and i's room. i let her and the girls know we're going to dinner and what time. i was thankful my uncle said we could go to my favorite restaurant. i haven't been in so long. 2 hours pass by and i start getting ready. i finished up first and then dahyun next. once we were all done, everyone came to our room.

"y/n! i'm so excited to meet your family, they seem like great people." jihyo said

"i'm excited for you to meet them too! i don't get to see them much, so being here i wanted to visit, and i wanted them to meet my favorite girls" we all talked for a little bit longer, then we made our way to my favorite kbbq spot. every time i was visiting my uncle took me here and we just talked. it easily became a safe space for me and that's why i love it so much. once we arrived, i saw all my uncles waiting for me, on my mom's side i have 3 uncles, my uncle jeff, tim, and mark. i was closest to my uncle jeff, but i still loved them all equally.

"oh goodness i'm so happy to see you all again" i went and hugged them. since my family doesn't know too much korean, i translated as much as i could back and forth

"uncles, these girls here are twice, we have jihyo, mina, chaeyoung, momo, sana, jeongyeon, nayeon, tzuyu, and last, but never least, we have dahyun" i introduced the girls and they all waved. then dahyun speaks up, trying her best to speak english

"it is so lovely to meet you" i was shocked, she's becoming more confident with her english and she's getting good at it, i chuckled at her confidence.

"it's nice to meet you girls, come on let's have dinner!" we sat down and we talked about everything you could possibly think of. it was a nice way to relax before having a busy few days. it was nice, seeing them all get along. i was having the time of my life going back and forth, watching the girls be amazed at my quick translation skills. they joked saying i should have a different job. we spent the rest of dinner just relaxing and having a good time. i really do love these girls with everything. when dinner was over, we said our goodbyes and made our way back to the hotel. we were all so tired.

"thank you for introducing me to your family, y/n. they're all lovely people. i'm happy to have met you and them" i started crying at her sweet words, and then we went to bed

new beginnings {dahyun x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now