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"one of the girls? did something happen? did any of you get into an argument?" i'm worried, rapid firing questions to sana.

"no, y/n, everything is okay with the girls. there were no arguments. it's just, i'm worried. i've been feeling things that i feel like i shouldn't be feeling.. for tzuyu."

"let me guess, you like her and you are scared to like her because it's a new feeling for you and you don't know if she reciprocates those feelings?" she looked at me, eyes wide open, shocked.

"that's exactly it y/n, how did you know i was feeling that way?"

"you aren't the only one feeling that way, some other members are" i didn't want to give out any information about who, so i said it was a few members.

"do you want to talk about it and let it out?" she looked at me nodding, i told her i was just going to grab some water, and i grabbed her some too. i waited for her to speak.

"whenever i'm with all of the girls, i'm always happy, but when i'm around tzuyu i get nervous and flustered. i try to be my usual flirty self and play it off, but in reality my heart races when i see her. i lose all sense of control and suddenly the only person in the world is her. i don't know what to do because i'm scared i'll mess something up. even if she doesn't feel the same way i want her to still be close with me." she started to tear up

"well, sana, i believe that you should be honest with her. you all have such a close relationship that i doubt anything could break that bond. you never make anything awkward, i mean you all walked in on me confessing to dahyun! we got flustered, yeah, but the awkwardness always passes quickly. you never know until you try. i think you should go for it, and even if she doesn't feel the same, i think you'll have some weight lifted off your shoulders. you'll give yourself closure. closure that she does or doesn't feel the same, and closure that you're accepting yourself. of course, take your time, but still, take the leap. life is too short, sana, make the most of it." i hugged her tightly, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. she cried just a little more, and i held her tightly. shortly after, she fell asleep on my chest, i grabbed my phone and texted dahyun, seeing if she was awake.

dahyun <3

dubu, are you awake still?

yes i am y/n, is everything okay?

yeah, sana was just having a rough night, but we talked about it. i just started missing you was all

you're too cute, but tzuyu here too. i thought they got into an argument.

yeah, that's what i thought.. wait did tzuyu tell you something??

i mean it's not my place, but tzuyu has feelings for sana! she's worried she doesn't feel the same and she was scared of feeling for a girl.

no. way. sana told me the same thing! love, we need to get them together.

mission satzu shall happen!

you should get some rest now, y/n

okay fine, goodnight my sweet dahyun

sweet dreams y/n <3

i laughed at her response about tzuyu and sana. it was only a matter of time. i was really starting to feel like a matchmaker at this point. first mina and chaeyoung, then sana and tzuyu.. what's next? jihyo is going to confess her love for momo? yeah right. i say that, but honestly i wouldn't be surprised if they started dating. i turn my phone off and finally get some rest. i had to lay still since sana was asleep on my chest. i played with her hair a little longer until i fell asleep. fortunately for me, when morning came i woke up first. i carefully placed sana's head on the pillow, and got up to freshen up. i quietly left the room afterwards, grabbing some breakfast for sana. once i got back up i quietly entered the room. she was still asleep, i set the food down, grabbed my food, and my laptop, and made my way to the balcony. i started doing some work before we left. i still had until about 11 to do some work, and it was only 6:30. i'm an early bird now. about an hour and a half passes, and it's now 8. i hear the door open behind me, and out comes a sleepy sana.

"y/n, thank you for keeping me company last night, and thank you for bringing up some breakfast. you're the best." she smiles and gives me one giant hug, i tell her to go freshen up and to eat breakfast. she told me she'll come out here with me to eat, since she wanted to watch me do my work. she got ready for the day and made sure all her stuff was packed before heading out to me. i'm showing her some pictures that i'm editing from when we went to the arcade.

"i look so funny in that one y/n! i love that picture" she was smiling and laughing so hard while she was looking at the other pictures i had taken. it was a nice morning. it was a comfortable conversation, nothing to be forced, just comfort. i texted tzuyu asking if dahyun was awake yet, and she told me no. i told sana i was going to go down and grab dahyun and tzuyu breakfast. she came with me, once we were done we went up to their room. i still had my key, so i unlocked the door. sana gave tzuyu her breakfast, and i set dahyun's down next to her. i gave her a kiss on the cheek to wake her up, while sana and tzuyu talked.

"dahyun, love it's time to wake up" i said softly, as i softly shook her awake. her eyes fluttered open and a smile quickly formed on her face. she didn't care that sana and tzuyu were in the room, she just pulled me down into a hug.

"get a room lovebirds!" i hear the savage tzuyu say.

"technically, this is our room." i said back

"okay, you have a point. are the other girls awake yet?" she asked

"um, i'm not sure. i only knew that you and sana were." with that tzuyu texted the other girls to see if they were awake, which they were. after a bit more talking, we all got up and headed to the lobby since it was time to go. we made our way to the airport, and this time i was sat next to dahyun. she was still a bit tired, so she rested her head on my shoulder and went to sleep. nayeon was about to sit down, but she took a picture of dahyun resting on me and started quietly teasing me. i laughed, carefully because i didn't want to wake sleeping beauty over here. then the flight was ready for take off, it was a short flight, but just enough time for a nap. when i woke up, dahyun was still asleep, and we had 10 minutes until landing. i shook her awake, so that she could be awake when the plane landed. after we landed, we made our way out, it wasn't until then that i realized i didn't have a mask or hat on, since i forgot to put it back on. i was so used to traveling and not worrying about anyone recognizing me.

"who is she?"

"she's not even that pretty."

"yes she is, that's so rude."

"why is she with them?"

"that should be me"

"she doesn't deserve to be there"

i hushed out the voices, i really just didn't want to hear it. i pretended as if everything was okay, but honestly it wasn't. it really had me thinking. did i deserve to be here? why am i with these girls? i know i applied and made it here on my own, but why did they welcome me so easily. all these negative thoughts came flushing through my head, but i was broken out of thought when i felt my phone go off

unknown number

it's nice to see you famous

did you miss me?

i'm sorry, who is this?

don't act like you don't know me y/n. you love me, i bet you wish you were still with me.

after finding out who it was, i was panicked the entire ride. they made it back to the dorms, and without saying bye, i ran off with my stuff. running back to my dorm. i couldn't breathe, i couldn't focus. she was back, and she shouldn't be.

new beginnings {dahyun x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now