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"do you want to talk about it dubu?" i asked, voice full of concern. i could tell she was thinking long and hard about it.

"lately i've been super stressed out. sometimes i worry i'm the weak link of the group, that my voice or raps aren't as strong as the other girls. i worry that i'm not good enough." i could hear her voice breaking, and that made me want to start crying. i sat down on the bed and pulled her into a hug. i let her rest her head on my chest as i spoke.

"dahyun, everything you said has no truth to it. you bring so much to the table and brighten everyone's day. you have such an amazing voice, everyone has their own touch of uniqueness and strength that they bring to the group. one thing about all of you girls is that there is no weak link. you guys are the strongest group i have ever seen to this day, and that's in bond, voice, and even just humor. you are wonderful, dahyun, and all the girls are so lucky to have such an amazing woman like you in their lives. i know i am." i gave her a tighter hug because i could feel that she needed it.

"thank you, y/n. i appreciate everything you do and the kind words that you say."

"anything for you, let's get some rest now okay?" i went to turn away, but felt her cling tighter.

"stay like this, please."

"okay, anything for you." i waited until she fell asleep before i fell asleep. she had a rough night and i wanted to make sure she was asleep before i got some rest. it only took about 5 minutes for her to fall asleep, i slowly found myself dozing off. i didn't even realize i had fallen asleep until i felt a light shake.

"y/n, wake up, we have to get going soon" i opened my eyes to see dahyun in front of me, all up and ready to take on the day.

"goodmorning, dahyun, thank you for waking me up"

"of course y/n, i already got ready and made you some breakfast. go ahead and get ready."

"you didn't have to do that, but thank you dahyun."

"you take care of us all the time, let us return the favor... but also i took a tshirt and sweater so i figured i'd repay it by cooking breakfast for you." she said while hiding her face

"that's okay, you're allowed to wear whatever you want of mine, i don't mind" i got up and gave her a quick hug as a thank you for making breakfast. i got up and got in the shower, after i finished i went to go make my bed, but to my surprise, dahyun had already done so. i made my way to the kitchen and sat down with dahyun.

"thank you again, dubu, you didn't have to do all that."

"it's really nothing y/n, are you excited for the next few days?" 

"yeah i am, i love watching you guys be absolute goofballs. you're all crazy and i can't wait to film it all!" with that we shared a laugh, grabbed our stuff, and made our way to the dorms where we were met with everyone.

"y/n! dubu! are you guys excited? i'm so excited!" tzuyu asked while shaking us a little bit, even though she's usually shy, it's nice to see her extroverted side.

"yeah! we are, we just talked about this, we're really excited" we all got into the car and made our way to the airport. since they're famous and everything, we all had to wear a mask and cap. since i'm their new photographer, there were many speculations going around about me. i could hear left and right "who is she?" "how is she there?" i want to stay out of the spotlight as best as i can, but also i feel that if i go into it, i'll be able to get more job opportunities or just anything in general. we get through security and get to the flight gate. the plane ride was expected to be about an hour, just a short flight, but that's okay. gives us more free time. i was sat next to mina on the flight, and her and i just played games on my switch.

"y/n, how'd you get so good at these games?"

"how'd i get so good? how did YOU get so good, you beat me at most of the games, mina!"

"i guess that's true, we're both equally good, how about that"

"that sounds good to me" she looked like she was about to say something, but hesitated because she wasn't sure if it was the right time

"y/n, can i ask you something? it might be a little personal."

"sure thing, mina. i'm an open book, for the most part at least."

"have you ever liked another woman? if so what did it feel like?" she asked me with concern and worry, i noticed her looking in another direction, specifically to chaeyoung's seat.

"actually mina, i have. i used to be in a relationship with one, when it was good, it felt great. it felt amazing, it's like everything fit, and not because of being with that person, but because i felt complete. like i was who i was meant to be."

"is it okay if i ask what happened?"

"long story short, i was manipulated, i was tricked into thinking i did everything wrong, i was controlled, i lost all my friends in the worst way possible, after we broke up i became a nobody. i was all alone, which is why i packed all my things and left. i wanted a new start, somewhere without any judgement, and somewhere that i could just be free." i tried to hold back tears. my voice breaking with the last sentence.

"i'm so sorry to hear that y/n, for what it's worth, we all love having you here, even though we felt complete with just the 9 of us, we feel even more complete with you here. i don't know if you feel sad about leaving, but i'm glad you left and came here. thank you for opening up to me."

"thank you for making it easy to open up to you, but you should go get your girl, i see a spark between you two" i winked and her face immediately turned red because she knew that i knew we were referring to chaeyoung. after our deep-ish conversation, we had about 15 minutes left until we landed. we spent the rest of the time just talking about anything and everything. once we landed we all made our way to the cars they had for us, and to the hotel. once we got there, they gave us the keys to the rooms. it was split evenly. jeongyeon and nayeon in one room, mina and chaeyong in the other, jihyo and momo, tzuyu and sana, then lastly, dahyun and i. once i heard mina and chaeyoung were going to be roomed together, of course i teased mina and winked at her, while pointing towards chae. she playfully hit my shoulder since i was teasing her. i made my way to the room to get settled, just like everyone else did. since it's still morning, we have the rest of the day free, however i was exhausted, so i went to go take a nap. i had planned on taking one by myself, until i heard dahyun asking if we could nap together. i didn't know if she was still upset like last night, so i let her cuddle up next to me. shortly after, we dozed off.

new beginnings {dahyun x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now