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it's time for switzerland! i'm super excited to go, i've dreamed of traveling quite literally all my life, and now that i finally get to go somewhere i've never been, it's exciting. i woke up early as i usually do, it's around 6 in the morning. i decided to get up and cook some breakfast. our flight is at 11 so i have some time to cook and wake the girls up. after about an hour of making some breakfast, and setting everyone's plates and glasses, it was time to wake everyone up. momo obviously rushing downstairs because she can't resist food. the other 8 followed slowly behind her. luckily, everyone was already packed and ready to go. since we weren't going to do much exploring when landing, we didn't really try to look presentable. we had a long flight ahead of us, it was about an 11 hour flight.

due to the time difference, it was only 3 in the afternoon when we landed. since we were all exhausted from the flight, we didn't feel like going out. we just went straight to the hotel, and decided we'd all order room service whenever we woke up from our nap. it was a light day, but tomorrow would be full of activities. i had planned for us to go to the mountains and just take a look around, but that's for tomorrow. for now, we're finally resting. it's been a long day. dahyun and i were in our room just talking. our conversation didn't last that long because after about 5 minutes of talking, she was already asleep on my chest. not long after, i fell asleep too.

the rest of the day went by fairly quick, mainly because it was spent sleeping for the most part. when dahyun and i finally woke up, we ordered dinner and put a movie on. after we ate, we got settled and ready for bed. we were excited for our adventures tomorrow, even though i was the only one who knew what we were up to. it was fun getting to plan something for the girls. after a nice long rest, we woke up and we all got ready for the day. i made sure everyone had breakfast when they woke up, since i always do that. we all ate together and made our way to the mountains.

"no! no! help me, help me!" dahyun whined as we were at the top trying to get her to come and take a picture. this girl is scared of nothing.. except for heights. chaeyoung and sana are trying their hardest to get her to where mina and tzuyu are standing and taking pictures. as they started to pick her up, she kept screaming. she was terrified. of course i recorded this all, what kind of girlfriend would i be if i didn't?

"thrill walk?" she asked, her face going blank. on our way to where the thrill walk started, we realized we lost momo.. where was she? oh. she was petting a dog. no surprise there. tzuyu, mina, and i started our adventure, while dahyun was attached to sana's hip.

"to be honest, i'm not scared at all, i'm scared of dahyun" sana said to us, we were laughing so hard.

"how are you feeling?" sana asked dahyun, and all she got in return was nervous laughter. it was adorable hearing her laugh. i know she was scared, but i couldn't help it. i would've been where sana was, but i had to record everyone and get pictures. i couldn't watch dahyun AND record the girls at the same time. chaeyoung, nayeon, and jeongyeon were behind dahyun and sana, and momo and jihyo decided to stay back and not go, since they were scared too.

"what is this?" tzuyu asked, it was a tightrope on one side, and just the normal bridge on the other. tzuyu went first and walked through it with a breeze. then mina went, looking so graciously like a ballerina with the way she was walking. when she got closer to the end, tzuyu decided to mess around with her.

"wait wait!" mina yelled, but that didn't stop tzuyu

"tzuyu!!" she screamed again, tzuyu holding back laughter, that eventually was let out. i decided to try it out too, i rested the camera strap around my neck and started walking. mina and tzuyu were trying their hardest not to tease me too. i made it all the way through, then waited for sana and dahyun. sana went after me, and she was shocked to see the tightrope. that didn't stop her from trying it. nayeon didn't go on it, but jeongyeon and chaeyoung did.

"this is fun!" sana yelled

"where's sana?" dahyun said while nervously crying. sana was having the time of her life on the tightrope. nayeon teased her from the side, but she was getting closer to the end.

"sana-sana" dahyun cried out for her, reaching for her hand.

"i'm here, i'm here" she said as she wrapped her arm around her neck again. they continued on the walk, there was a section with a glass floor, i thought it was interesting, fearless mina and tzuyu walked right on it, so did i. sana and jeongyeon walked on it, then dahyun and nayeon skipped out. we finished the rest of the thrill walk, found momo, and settled down to have some lunch.

"i'm never doing anything like that ever again!" dahyun cried out, holding onto me as if she was fearing for her life.

"but you got through it and we're all proud of you" i said

"you looked like your hip was dislocated, but other than that you made it through so good job tofu!!" sana said, we all laughed at her comment about her hip looking dislocated. it was quite funny. while we were around the snow, we saw an area that we could go tubing. we all decided to go and we raced. it took a lot of convincing for momo to play along with it, but surprisingly she did it. she was nonstop screaming on the way down.

it was a tight race, but i finished second. jihyo finished first, and i don't remember who finished after that. i was too busy "fighting" with jihyo and being a fool. i kept accusing her of cheating, which resulted in a snowball fight. it was fun and crazy, but i wouldn't trade these girls for the world. they really are my home. my family. i love them like crazy. we continued on playing around, then we started building snowmen. i was happy because i never got to play in the snow much, but it was a grand time. after all the fun, we went out to dinner, and just relaxed for the rest of the night. it was truly the best first day to this trip that i could have ever asked for.

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