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i woke up a little confused, knowing last night's events it's no surprise that i am. you could tell that i was crying for hours on end last night. i barely remember even getting back to my dorm room.

unknown number

goodmorning y/n! i hope you're okay. if you need anything i'm here for you! see you soon!

i soon realized it was dahyun texting me, since she was the only one who knew about last night

goodmorning dahyun, i'm doing a bit better than last night, thank you <3

i quickly changed her contact name, then saw another text from another unknown number

unknown number

hi y/n!! it's momo, do you think you could make your breakfast again :) if it's not too late!!

i laughed as i got up and got ready to cook and then get ready. lucky for me i had more than enough time to get breakfast made and packed, then shower and get ready for the day.

sure thing momo!

i got everything prepared, and ready for them to be eaten. honestly it makes me happy to hear they enjoy the food i make. i made my way to the studio and was greeted by what may have been the biggest hug i've ever received.

"y/n you are the best i love you so much thank you so much i will cherish this for the next 2 hours that it'll be in my stomach." that girl is so crazy

"ah yes, thank you y/n for breakfast again, we all really appreciate it!" sana said smiling.

"it's no worries, i'm glad you guys enjoy it! now i'll have to go get more groceries for dinner for everyone haha" i could feel eyes of love staring at me from behind me, of course it's momo, but it's also tzuyu too. now that i know how much they enjoy my cooking, i knew i had to go to the store later. i've been craving ramen lately, so i'm going to cook that up for them. my mom has this recipe that makes me feel right at home. it was the first dish her and i ever made together, and it was a blast to make. the day went on as usual, the girls practice, i take photos and edit, and then lunch. today was an early off day, so we were done at lunch time. when everyone was done i decided to go to the grocery store. i said goodbye to everyone and made my way over.


hey momo! i know you've been wanting my food for dinner, so if you and the girls want you can come by my dorm and i'd be more than happy to have dinner ready for you all.

sure thing! i'll let everyone know. thank you y/n, you're the best.

anytime, momo. just have everyone come to my dorm sayyy... 7pm. here's my address! the door will be unlocked so feel free to come right in when you get here!

i made my way to the grocery store and grabbed all the ingredients i would need, plus some drinks. i was fortunate enough to have an apartment sized room, it was super spacious.i checked the time and saw it was 3pm, i edited some pictures for a little bit. when i checked the time 2 hours had passed, so i got myself ready to cook and put some music on. i was kind of jamming and was in my own little world. i got everything prepared and then cleaned around a bit. even though there wasn't much to clean, i just felt like tidying up the place. i was setting the table when i heard the girls come in. of course they had to wear their masks and hats in public so they weren't seen, after all they are a big girl group.

"i see you're enjoying yourself, y/n" jeongyeon said, the girls were laughing since i was kind of in my own world with some music being blasted.

"it'd appear so, i was just tidying up the place a bit before you guys got here. go ahead and have a seat! i'll get everything ready!"

"let us help y/n! it's the least we could do since you made us all dinner." nayeon said, i could tell they wouldn't take no for an answer, but i made them.

"nonsense! you guys work super hard everyday, allow me to let you guys relax and just have a nice dinner." i grabbed bowls and started preparing them, i made them as fancy looking as i could, like straight out of a restaurant.

"wow y/n, this looks like i'm at a restaurant!" sana said, she seemed really shocked.

"this was my mom and i's favorite dish to make together. it was the one thing we'd do together regardless of whether or not we were mad at each other"

"it looks delicious, thank you." chaeyoung said while smiling. i finished plating everything and got some water for everybody. i couldn't help but feel eyes on me. those same eyes that always find their way to me. dahyun's eyes. i could tell just by looking in her eyes how thankful she was.

"y/n this is so amazing. i might fall in love with you." momo said

"are you sure me? and not the food?" everyone laughed at how momo was reacting to the food.

"y/n, where's your bathroom?" jeongyeon asked quietly and politely.

"ah you can follow me! it's in my room." i got up and showed her where the bathroom was. before she went in she complimented my room, how she liked the simplicity of it. i thanked her and then walked back out to everyone.

"has JYP talked to you yet, y/n?" nayeon asked me, i was quite confused on what they were talking about.

"um no, i haven't heard anything yet. what was he going to talk to me about?"

"we have our reality tv show, time to twice, we were heading to an amusement park or some kind of like 'chocolate factory' for an episode, and he wanted you to come along. i'm sure he'll ask you tomorrow, we all did leave kind of early." jihyo said, honestly that sounds really fun.

"well, of course i would come along. why wouldn't i? i like spending time with you all." i stared directly into dahyun's eyes, when i said that last part, i didn't expect anything of it, but she became red and looked down. i'm not sure what that was all about.

"great!! like jihyo said, i'm sure he'll get around to you tomorrow. it isn't until friday that we're all going. so we still have like 3 days." mina said. she seems like the most 'mature' and 'put together' member of them all. i think it's because she just seems so elegant and nice. she's also quiet which ties into it all. every member loves her, and i don't blame them! we all have a great night getting to know each other more and just conversing. soon enough i started to clean up while talking.

"well, it's getting late i think it's time we all head back to our dorms. thank you so much y/n for dinner. we really appreciated it. we'll have to return the favor sometime."

"it's not a problem, at all tzuyu! i was happy to have been able to do this!" and with that everyone got ready to go, except dahyun. since it was late, she was passed out on the couch. i let the girls know she'll be okay here and i'll watch after her. i picked her up and placed her in my bed. luckily everyone wore comfy clothes so she didn't need to be changed. i wanted to make sure that everyone else got back safely though, so i grabbed my things and prepared to walk out with them.

"let me walk you guys back, it's late and i want to know you all got back safely." i said

"you don't have to!"

"that's alright! i don't mind, i'm sure dahyun will be okay, she seems to be in a deep sleep anyway." they laughed and i grabbed my keys, locking the door behind me. we walked 15 minutes to their dorms, and i said goodbye to everyone.

"take care of our dubu!" i laughed at their nickname for her

"of course i will, she's safe with me, i promise i'll have her back in the morning!" i made my way back over to my dorm. once i got back i made sure she was still asleep, and to my surprise she was. i got myself ready for bed, and grabbed some blankets. it's a good thing i keep spares of everything, just necessities, i made my way to the couch and went to bed.

new beginnings {dahyun x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now