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after about an hour and a half, we both woke up to knocking on the door, however i pretended to be asleep still. i assume the rest of the girls were knocking. dahyun got up to answer the door, and my intuition was right. they all looked at the two beds, noticing that only one was messed up.

"did you just wake up?"

"why is only one bed messy?"

"did you guys sleep in the same bed?"

"dahyun i knew you liked y/n!!!"

honestly so many voices were speaking i couldn't tell who said what until dahyun started shushing them.

"shhh, you're going to wake her up. yes we slept in the same bed, but be quiet because she's still asleep." she whisper yelled.

"but you didn't deny liking her" tzuyu said as a tease to her.

"that is not the point here. what are you guys doing here?" i couldn't tell if she was truly angry or playfully angry since they were all teasing her.

"well, we were going to ask if you guys wanted to get lunch, we all kind of woke up about half an hour ago and then just got hungry." momo said

"momo you're always hungry, i don't think that changes" mina says while snickering

"moving on. are you guys coming with?" momo asks

"i have to wake her up first, but also i don't want to. she looks so tired." i can feel her looking in my direction and being concerned.

"i mean she has been taking care of us all, but i also don't want to go to lunch without her. she brings so much to us." jeongyeon added in

"fine, you guys go back to your rooms. give me 10-15 minutes to wake her up and to get ready. i will text you when we're done." dahyun says

"fine fine" i hear jihyo, and with that i hear the girls leaving the room. i feel arms wrap around me

"y/n, it's time to wake up, the girls want to get lunch" she softly says, i try to contain it as much as i could, but i couldn't any longer. i started laughing just a little bit.

"i've been awake this whole time dubu!" she picks up a pillow and softly hits me with it

"y/n! what! why didn't you say anything then?"

"i wanted to see if you could tell or not." i laugh while getting out of bed. since i didn't hear anything, i assume we don't know where we're getting lunch, and that we're just going to figure it out as we go. we both finally got ready and made our way to the other girls who were all sitting in jihyo and momo's room. they were all laughing and having a good time. we knocked on the door asking if we were ready, and everyone gave dahyun the teasing eye look. it was kind of funny, honestly. we made our way down to the restaurant, a nice little family dinner. we got seated and i could feel eyes on me. i just couldn't tell if it was a fan or if it was dahyun. something about her stare catches my attention, even if i'm not looking in her direction at all. i go to where my eyes lead me, and notice people staring at me. people that are unfamiliar looking at me. i try to brush it off and ignore it, we all order and wait for our food, when suddenly i'm met with those eyes that were staring earlier. they were right by our table.

"hey, my friend and i saw you from over there and thought that you were really cute, here's my number." i was given a slip that read

"(xxx)-xxx-xxxx call me beautiful ;)" honestly i felt really awkward about this entire thing. i could feel the tension from dahyun, the jealousy, the sadness, the awkwardness. i'm not sure if anyone else could feel it around us, but i definitely could. i let the girl down as nicely as i could, i felt terrible, but truly i had no interest in them.

"thank you, but i'm not interested, i'm sorry. i appreciate the compliment though."

"that's okay, it was worth a shot. you have my number if you change your mind" i felt so unsettled and uncomfortable until i hear dahyun speak up

"she won't, she's mine. you can walk away now." with that she left, scoffing as she walked away. luckily the girls had their masks and caps back on so they went unnoticed.

"you didn't have to do that dahyun." i said while giving her a slight smile

"you were uncomfortable, we could all see it. i had to step in and do something" all the girls smiled my way and reached for my hand if they couldn't give me a hug. knowing these girls had my back really made me feel better, but why was it that dahyun said something. i noticed the other girls shocked facial expression when she said that, but i don't think she saw that i saw. we finished dinner, and we made our way back to the rooms. we all just relaxed and watched a movie until the night ended. instead of going to dinner we all just got room service.

after we all finished watching our movies and eating dinner, we all went to our rooms. not even a second after the door closed, dahyun turned around and gave me the biggest hug. surely it left me confused, but i caved and just hugged her tightly. after about a minute we broke apart.

"what was that for dubu?"

"i didn't get the chance to give you one earlier, i'm sorry you had to deal with that. at first we were going to tease you about it since they couldn't stop eyeing you. we just didn't think they'd actually come up to you and give you their number. then when she talked back after you declined it just made me feel.. i don't know, mad? jealous? upset? all of the above? i don't know, all i knew was that it felt like i had to jump in and stop them from saying anything else, i could feel how uncomfortable you were." i could slowly feel heat rising to my cheeks, knowing that she did that and acted on feelings, more so- my feelings. her sensing that i'm uncomfortable.

"thank you, it means a lot that you guys would do that all for me." i started crying and she reached for another hug. i really don't deserve this girl, let alone all of them. i never thought my life would come here. we both got ready for bed. as she started going for the other bed i asked her

"what? you're not sleeping with me tonight?" i was teasing her, but i was also a little upset she wasn't

"i didn't think you'd want me to, i've invaded your space a little too much. i don't want to be too clingy to you" she said while hiding her face. i moved the covers and patted for her to come lay with me. she didn't hesitate to come join me. we both fell asleep, in each other's arms..

new beginnings {dahyun x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now