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it's morning now and i wake up with a sleepy dahyun next to me. i go and check my phone like i usually do

unknown number

i just want to talk, y/n. nothing more

that's a lie alright. she's just getting into my head. after hearing everything the girls said, it was like a switch flipped in my head. i wasn't trying to be overconfident or anything like that, but i knew that it was best for me to act as if she didn't exist

unknown number

you don't, you want to try to regain control. it won't happen, lose my number. i no longer need you, i never needed you, you needed me. you thrived off of me. you used me, YOU are who needed me. quite frankly, i forgot that you existed.


i didn't know what she was up to, but honestly i don't care. this is my life. i control what goes on in it. i tried my best not to wake my sleepy tofu up, so i just laid with her, playing with her hair as she sleeps. she really is the cutest ever. i decided to carefully get up so i could make breakfast for everyone. i felt bad enough they took care of me last night, but we all care for each other so i suppose it's okay. before i walked out of the room, i noticed dahyun moving around, i couldn't tell if she was waking up or not, but i snapped a quick picture anyway

 before i walked out of the room, i noticed dahyun moving around, i couldn't tell if she was waking up or not, but i snapped a quick picture anyway

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she looked awake, but she wasn't. i made my way to the kitchen, no one was awake except for me, but it was also fairly early. it's also their off day so they don't need to be awake early or anything. i grabbed everything i'd need to make breakfast for them. i was being as quiet as possible, but of course that's not possible since i'm cooking.

"y/n? what are you doing awake? it's early." i turn around and chaeyoung is right behind me, she lets out a yawn and stretches at the same time.

"ah, goodmorning chaeng, i was just making breakfast for everyone. i felt bad that you all took care of me last night and just listened to me. so here i am." i let a small chuckle out.

"you didn't have to do all that, you know we all care about you. you mean so much to us y/n!" chaeyoung came over to me and engulfed me in a hug. it was really nice

"thank you chaeng, should we wake the girls or let them sleep?"

"we can let them sleep, i'll eat breakfast with you if you'd like?" she said, but also asked at the same time

"yeah sure, i'll fix you a plate. go ahead and sit down" i fixed both of us a plate and sat down. we talked about a lot of random things.

"what should i do? how should i ask her out? what kind of date should i do?" she was slightly panicking trying to plan the perfect date

"well, i'd tell you my idea, but i'm using it for dahyun and i. get her some flowers or her favorite snack and just, ask. then maybe you and mina can do a pottery class and make something for each other! then get some dinner afterwards? something fun and romantic, but not crazy romantic. does that make sense?" i asked

"y/n, you are quite the genius. thank you, that sounds perfect." chaeyoung's face lit up after she had the date planned. after the two of us finished eating, i cleared off our plates and cleaned around the kitchen. once i was done i plated everyone else's food and woke the girls up. jihyo and momo had already woken up, so i started off with jeongyeon and nayeon, then moved onto sana and tzuyu, chaeyoung woke up mina, then i went to wake up my lovely dahyun.

"dahyunnnn, it's time to wake upp" i slightly shook her, which earned me a groan

"but i'm so tired y/n i don't want toooo" i laughed and kissed her forehead, then her cheeks.

"there's breakfast downstairs for you though, made by your one and only" i flashed a smile after saying that

"hmm, tempting. can i have one more kiss? then i'll consider getting up." i chuckled and kissed her yet again all over her face. she was so happy. she finally got up, brushed her teeth and freshened up, then threw my hoodie on and we went to the kitchen.

"goodmorning y/n, thank you for breakfast, it's amazing as always!" i hear sana say

"i swear to you y/n i could smell this in my room and that's the only reason i was awake. if i didn't i would more than likely be knocked out still" momo said, earning a laugh from everyone surrounding her

"it was no issue, i figured it's my way of saying thank you for last night. i was vulnerable, and i was worried i'd be judged, but you all proved me otherwise. so thank you" i smiled

"we're always here for you y/n, that's never going to change!" i hear jeongyeon say. we share a lot of laughs and continue to talk about random things.

"so i hear you three are debuting as your own group soon, right?" i asked the three japanese women.

"yup! misamo is making their way up! i'm so excited, i'll finally be able to rest even more" sana says, with mina and momo agreeing in unison.

"give us a little teaserrrr!" i hear jihyo shout from the other room.

"how are you going to ask for a teaser when you're not even over here?" mina says

"touché. wait for me then." she made her way over and we all sat on the couch. the three of them spoil one of the choreographies for one of their songs. we all started cheering and getting excited. they talked about their album, called masterpiece, i was so excited to hear it. just like the other girls. i got up to clean what was left from breakfast, earning a few 'you don't have to' from the girls. they know regardless i'll do it anyway, but they still try to stop me anyway. i think it's funny.

i look over after i finish cleaning. mina, chaeyoung, momo, and nayeon are playing games on the switch. jeongyeon, jihyo, and tzuyu are playing a board game, then sana and dahyun were watching a movie. i was looking at my surroundings, and started thinking about just how lucky i was to have such amazing women in my life. i watched as my happy smiley tofu checked her phone, she started scrolling through twitter, then suddenly her expression changed. it happened in a millisecond. i made my way over to her, and she could see the concern in my eyes.

"sana, i'll be right back okay?" she paused the show and let dahyun go for a minute. dahyun grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room, luckily the other girls didn't see otherwise we would've heard endless teasing.

"what's wrong dahyun?" she looked panicked, which then made me want to panic.

"y/n, i know that we all talked about this, but it's happening now. i know you don't like the spotlight, but now you're in it." she turned her phone around

BREAKING: Twice's Kim Dahyun seen with mysterious woman

July 30, 2023

Twice was first seen at the airport a couple days ago with a strange woman. Fans speculated that it was just a staff member that they hadn't had notice before, maybe a new photographer. However, during their return, the mysterious woman appeared to be a little too familiar with the group's Kim Dahyun.

Who is the mysterious woman? A lover, a worker, a friend? How does the world feel about this?

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