
414 18 14

jisung entered the class as usual. but this time, rather than being ignored and blending into the background, someone called out his name.

"hey, jisung!! come sit with us!" lee felix called out to him enthusiastically.
jisung couldn't refuse. not after they saved his life the day prior. he made his way towards their desk and sat down with them.

"been doing well?" felix smiled at him. beside him, seungmin was adding finishing touches to his assignment.
"yeah, about you guys?" jisung asked.
"not really", seungmin replied rubbing his eyes tiredly. "i have to take care of every damn assignment plus studying. and i'm taking extra classes. i'm so done with this grade."
"seungmo, chillax, you're literally top of the class. no one's gonna take your spot if you slow down a little. you deserve a break." felix said, taking a sip from his juice.
"like you're the one to talk, number second." seungmin replied.

jisung just realized that the people he was talking to were the top 2 people in every class, with himself being third. the company felt good nevertheless, even after his exhaustion from socializing. or maybe it was just because he felt lonely the previous night.

"ah so let's get to know each other better, why don't we?" felix said, mistaking jisung's silence for confusion. "i'm lee felix but you already know that part. i'll turn 18 this september 15, and i'm from australia. i only came here this year and seungmin joined this year as well. we were both new so we warmed up to each other soon enough. we also have another friend in our tiny circle, but he's one year junior to us. i'll introduce you two during lunch." he explained cheerfully. there was something like strength in his energy, almost like the sunshine. his smile was sunshine-like as well, and his blonde hair looked very yellow.

"your turn, seungmo!"
"i'm busy right now. you already know everything about me so just introduce me to him yourself." seungmin replied in a clipped voice.
"ah.. he doesn't like to beat around the bush, this one. doesn't take any bullshit from anyone, either! not even a senior! he is bold and intelligent. also he is a week younger than me, born on september 22 of the same year." felix continued. "kim seungmin our dandy boy!" he struck a pose.

"you're just advertising, at this point", seungmin said, not taking his eyes off his sheet.
"dammit, you should be a bit nicer to me by now." felix replied.
"wait, you said your birthday is on sep 15 '00?" jisung asked.
"well, guess what? mine's sep 14 '00! we're almost twins! and i'm 8 days older than seungmin too."
"yay, virgo slays", seungmin drawled out in a bored voice, with jisung and felix nodding fervently.

the boys were fun to hang around with. he found himself smiling for the first time in weeks seeing them bicker over something, or talk about things in a funny way. he found himself laughing for the first time in god knows how many months when they made a remark in mr. kim's class. turns out that the nerds didn't like him either.

"no one does, to be honest, with the way he treats his students. and i was genuinely interested in history before being his student. he ruined the subject for me forever. i'll never forgive him for that", seungmin was saying.

felix rolled his eyes. "honestly, seungmo, who likes history? it's just some obscured nonsense. i personally prefer physics and chemistry. at least they're interesting!"
"you are just being thick again. just because you don't like something doesn't mean that it's nonsense." seungmin replied.

"there, boys, talking in my class? i wouldn't expect it from students like you.." mr. kim interrupted them. "surely there has to be bad company.. ah yes. han jisung. surely your mischief-makings were not enough and you decided to make some friends! let's see.. distracting them from studies so that you could get first place? a clever idea, i must admit, very clever indeed."

there was an uncomfortable silence. and then the blessed bell rang, freeing them from this deranged teacher. everyone whispered among themselves and cast uncomfortable glances at the teacher.

jisung spoke first, "guys.. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to distract you from the lesson."
there was some hurt in his voice, or felix wouldn't have hissed towards the teacher like that, or seungmin wouldn't've said, "do not listen to that pathetic idiot. he's just miserable and friendless, and wants to see others the same way. we enjoy your company. it's not like we need HIS useless lectures to know history, too," he looked angry. felix chimed in, "the madman's got it in for actually decent people. don't let him get you down!" with seungmin nodding.

"let's go and introduce you to our baby bread!" felix tugged at his arm and led him towards the school cafe. while the three of them were deciding for a seat to sit on when they noticed a young boy waving up to them. upon coming closer, jisung noticed that the boy had cute dimples and foxy eyes. in fact, he reminded him of a fox.

"hey jeongin! meet jisung!"
"oh hello! my name is yang jeongin! what's yours?" the boy named jeongin smiled and shook jisung's hand. there was no denying that, he was positively cute. "i'm han jisung.. nice to meet you, jeongin." jisung smiled back.

"yeah now let's sit down somewhere. i'm starving", seungmin said. "how about there?" jisung proposed a spot.
"no.. that's too far. wait.. lemme see.. ahh yes. perfect." felix was saying.
jisung, seungmin and jeongin looked at each other confused. too far from what? and what exactly was perfect? jisung looked around to see if there was an advantage attached to the spot. but there was none? that just made him confused.

"everyone, let's sit! i'll bring in the food, then, shall i? tell me what y'all want!" after they gave waiter felix their orders, he set off. a little too excitedly, if you asked jisung.
"doesn't he seem too happy?" he wondered aloud. "oh, don't worry about it. he always has this disgusting cheerful energy that i'll never understand. so if you ask my opinion, he has a screw loose." said seungmin dismissively.
"like a maniac, hyung?" jeongin asked.

after lunch they hung around the school. jisung felt actually happy, to be finally able to laugh and chat with people that wanted him.
that didn't force him to do anything that he didn't feel comfortable doing.
that didn't invade his privacy and personal space.
and just before the time for bell came, jeongin said, "i like jisungie-hyung a lot! he is very nice and fun person to hang with." "agreed!" felix added.
"hey jisung, will you join our little circle and make it slightly bigger? let's be friends, if you like!"
"well.. guys.." jisung started. "i have social anxiety.."
"oh" jeongin's face fell and felix's smile dropped.
"that's okay, if you don't want then it's totally fine", seungmin said nudging both felix and jeongin angrily. "would've really appreciated it if you joined, though-"

"idiots.. who said i didn't want to be your friend! yes, a hundred times!" jisung laughed.
jeongin literally went into celebration mode and felix smiled brighter than ever. even seungmin flashed a rare goofy smile, showing his pretty teeth.

"cheers, then!"

One day when this cheer dies down, stay (Ayy), hey (Ayy)
Stay by my side
For eternity, keep staying here stay (Ayy), hey (Ayy)
Like your tiny pinky
Longer than seven summers and cold winters
Longer than numerous promises and memories..
alright then, the third chapter done!! whew!! are you guys interested in the plot yet? if you have questions, you can ask in the comments!
it's my first ever piece of writing, my first story! so don't judge too hard,,
until next time, then,
with flowers,

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now