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(anonymous pov)

I was out with my new friend group after sneaking out. The mint choco ice cream tasted so goddamn good after that. (A/N: now I don't even have to put anonymous pov y'all already know who this guy is now) but I liked it even more. Why? Because Sunghoon told me to try it. Sunghoon simped over me all the time. He kept giving me a different name every week. One time in our group lunch Jay even exposed him telling everyone how Sunghoon told him that he wanted to squish my cheeks all night long.

At first it was me who reached out to him more, but after some time he just pampered me so much. I finally felt my age when I was with them. My studies also improved because now I was having interaction with actual students. My father eliminated me from the gang but I couldn't care less. I wish I could live here in school, with these guys. I hate going home.

These guys loved me a lot and pampered me. A lot of people in school had already forgiven me, including the teachers. The gang I was in was not coming to school so I loved the time I spent here. Now I also was besties with Jungwon and Niki, and sat with them during class. I couldn't believe it; after all the ancestors were right. Hard times do end.

I felt the same as if a snake were shedding their skin. Now I didn't feel like a dirty snake anymore. I felt new and reborn. Now I wanted to be the epitome of good and virtuous. The me of before wasn't me at all. Now that I was given some independence, I realized that part of my personality was happiness and helping others. I felt much better.

Everyone gagged at my mint choco ice cream. I rolled my eyes and shielded my ice cream. I'm gonna gatekeep this thing forever. I watched as Jay not-so-accidentally smeared some of his ice cream on Jungwon's face. Everyone looked pretend-shockedly as Jay licked his cheek for a bit too long.

"We saw that," Niki said. He looked done with everyone's fruity behaviour. We all were but what could we do? Jungwon was his lifeline and they had been dating for a month now. Honeymoon era stuff, I guess.

"Hey, look, Sunoo, isn't that your cousin?" Heeseung asked.
I looked at the direction he was pointing to. Sure enough, I saw Seungmin-hyung. I liked him too now, I was no longer malicious towards him and his friends. I had vowed to never bully anyone.
"Yeah," I said calmly.
"Go and bump onto him," Heeseung said.
"Are you crazy?" Jake asked him.

"Let's go," I said.
"He's going for real," Jake said. "They're our gawh dayum seniors y'all,"
"Chill, Jake. Let's see what he does." Sunghoon crossed his fingers.
I nodded and walked ahead. I knew that Seungmin hyung had seen me with these people. So I didn't pretend one bit but asked Seungmin about his day.

He looked surprised at my guts. Replied with the same hateful tone. I didn't like being spoken to like that, after all this redemption arc. So I told him about all the things that happened to me. He calmly listened. Then he tilted his head slightly.
"Those are your new friends?" He asked.
"They are, and I've never been happier," I said.

"My uncle is an asshole, we all knew," Seungmin clenched his fists. I wish I could tell him about what my father did as job and that my gang was not just a bunch of bullies. But I still didn't have the heart to do it. I couldn't, because somewhere underneath, far down in my heart I still had some love left for them. Because all these years they were the only family I ever had.

"I'm just really happy you're changing, Sunoo." Seungmin smiles. "We all deserve a second chance. If someone from your home tries to hurt you even a bit then come to me. You don't have anything to fear. I know those guys, a lot of them are Jeongin's friends too and they're all nice. They'll take care of you. I have somewhere urgent to go, Sunoo, so I can't talk much here but you're welcome in my house. I won't have a grudge against you now. We can talk."

With that, he shook my hand. "Bye, Sunoo. Have a good day. Be happy." He left. I turned and ran back to my friends.
"Hey, you took so long, mate. You look so happy! It must have gone good." Jake smiled at me.
We all scattered. Because there were food stalls everywhere so they all split up. Heeseung with his boyfriend Jake, Jungwon with his boyfriend Jay, and Niki side eyeing them all.

"What's wrong, Riki?" Sunghoon laughed, locking hands with mine. I felt electric currents shoot all the way from my hand to my heart. Park Sunghoon, what are you doing to me?
"All of y'all got boyfriends and shit. My ass will forever be single cuz I haven't met my type yet."

"All of us?" I say.
Niki rolled his eyes in the most Niki way ever. "I know by next week you both gonna be kissing all over the place. I know for a fact that you both are fruit bowls."
I blushed crimson and smacked Niki's arm. I still regretted telling this idiot about my crush on Sunghoon. I should have only just told Jungwon. This bitch is gonna expose me someday.

"And why are you saying that?" Sunghoon raised his eyebrow.
"Duh, you talking like you ain't head over heels for the guy." Niki said.
"Shut up, if you don't want me to kamegameha your ass all the way back to Japan." Sunghoon said.
Niki looked horrified. "RUDE. HEESEUNG HYUNG!!" and set off towards them.

I couldn't stop laughing. Sunghoon also broke into a laugh. "Aish, young kids playing Cupid these days," he continued further and I laughed harder.
"How I love making you laugh." He said warmly.
I blushed again. Honestly, fuck you, Park Sunghoon. You have no right to make me feel the most precious, most loved person in the whole world. Hell, you might just be my favourite person ever.

But when you look so pretty with your long nose, kissable lips, pretty eyes and those fang-like teeth. That just makes my heart do backflips. A person who made me feel too much emotions, and all of them different. "I see your pretty eyes looking at me." Sunghoon wiggled his eyebrows again.

"I swear to God, you use all your lessons taught to you by Heeseung hyung." I said pretending to be cross.
"You give the best reactions. Also, you're so pretty and so cute. Your foxy eyes are pretty. You're like, an angel." Sunghoon was doing it again. Bro got extra rizz.

"Shut up now," I said, hiding. Sunghoon gasped. "Disrespecting your elders? I swear to God, you never stop."
"Same to you," I stuck out my tongue at him and ran with him chasing me.

Y'all its the 19th chapter already. Also how the hell did this go from a simple sweet minsung fanfic to a whole ass enhypen fic 💀⁉️ feels like I'm writing about enhypen totally forgetting skz.
Edit: now I was just rereading it after chapter 42 and I'm cringing 😍

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