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they were working peacefully in felix's house. jisung didn't know how but he warmed upto the other three pretty quickly. he also didn't know how his father gave him permission to go to his house. felix invited the other three to study together at his place. they didn't know about jisung that much either. felix got curious seeing his bruises and tried to ask but seungmin enforced that he should not force jisung to share something he didn't want to. jisung was very thankful for that. he didn't feel like his friends would look at him the same way, either.
who'd be friends with a loser?

anyhow, he did promise them he'd tell them when he is ready. but he never intended to be ready.
so there he was. enjoying the time he spent with his friends and trying to forget his pain. it was working.

"there!" said jeongin, completing another subject's work. "see, i'm so fast! i've done 5 and you guys haven't even completed your 3rd yet!"

"easy for you to say, junior," felix said scowling down at the pile of sheets all wasted in one assignment. "just come here in this grade first, then i'll ask you how many subjects you can complete."
"hey, it's difficult for me, okay? and you can't talk while not even being no. 1st, like me."

"ahh, is our innie a topper too?" jisung asked.
"yeah, he's at the top ("maknae on top!" felix exclaimed) closely followed by taehyun and beomgyu." seungmin said.
"who are taehyun and beomgyu?" asked jisung.
felix snorted. "beomgyu is innie's best friend." jisung's eyes widened. "hey, in, you have a bff even when you have us?"
"there has to be atleast one bff in your grade. it makes life bearable. also, gyu is terrible these days."

"why, what happened?" felix asked. jeongin gave a dramatic ass sigh and answered, "he has been in love with kang taehyun for months and months. and he has been EATING my ears off talking about him! i tried to encourage him to make a move on taehyun but beomie's too afraid of rejection. so he just watches in jealousy when people flirt with tae."

"wait, aren't taehyun and beomgyu both from yeonjun and soobin's group?" seungmin asked.
"yeah, hyung, the very same."
"then it has two couples and one third wheel maknae. like you, jeongin, forever third wheeling. looks like you and kai would make good friends."

at this jeongin hit seungmin with a pillow. "don't make fun of my weakness, hyung!" while felix and jisung roared in laughter.
the day was going good.
too good.
too good to last.

when they kindly offered to accompany jisung to his house,
little did any of them know what they would find inside.
or that how his father would start abusing his son right at the doorstep.
felix was trembling terribly and jeongin was about to cry. seungmin looked beside himself with anger.
"mr. han, kindly be aware of your surroundings and who you're talking to! this is your own son!"
but with no effect. (a/n: slaymin 🛐)

his father shooed the three of them like they were mere bugs. he was drunk. nothing would work. and he'd hit jisung again until he passed out.

on the other side of the closed door, jeongin sobbed hysterically and felix tried to break through the door with an angry seungmin holding him back.
"no, lix, we don't know if it's their personal issue yet! we can't judge anything based on what we see!"

"you don't care about jisung, you only care about getting kicked out!" felix's eyes started to fill with tears. he didn't know what he was blabbering.1 "oh no, jisung.."
"i'm just saying what should be said and done! we don't have solid evidence yet!" said seungmin, also beginning to tear up. "how could you say that i don't care about jisung? he is one of my only friends on this planet!"

"this is horrible.." felix said.
"let's just go.. we'll try to help jisung the best we can tomorrow.." seungmin said while wiping his eyes.
"it's okay, innie, let's go.."
*next day*
when jisung took his seat, the two of his friends looked at him like he was the most fragile thing in the world and he was going to drop dead any moment.
there was no point hiding it from them now.
but he decided to tell only that his father was horrible. the rest, he convinced them, he'd tell them later.

"i knew it! i just knew. i tried to break the door, but seungmin wouldn't let me. he was sure it was all for the best."
"idiot, that would have only just caused more problems than how many it'd've solved!"

"okay, it's enough, both of you. i appreciate you worrying for me, but i'll just wait till i turn 18. then i'll run away. and get my own place." jisung said.
"don't be shy jisung it's okay we'll both help you in hiding the body-"

jisung laughed.
have i really found the right people at last?
or am i destined to love them until i lose them too?

they both were planning out murder in low voices when the teacher stepped in the room and class began.
when bell rang for lunch, (a/n: pls bear w my laziness i'm sleep deprived) felix happily exclaimed, "let's gooooo!" and bounced out of the classroom. seungmin and jisung looked at each other. "maybe you're right," seungmin said. "there is something fishy about felix at lunchtimes."

nevertheless, they both walked over to the cafeteria. after sitting in their usual spot handpicked by chef felix (a/n: noice) they began their usual talks. jisung looked around them, scanning the cafeteria, until his eyes fell on some familiar boys. three of them were from his class, but he never really paid much attention to them before.

one of them had a chubby face with a buff body and dimples. he was the loudest on the table. but the guy next to him was giving him full competition for loudness. he was insanely handsome, with long black hair and some hair strands falling on his eyes, behaving goofier than all; then another boy that looked like he was half foreign. he had a kind face with a pretty smile and adorable dimples.

and then, there was this other boy.
with the most beautiful starry eyes, a long well-sculptured nose with a sharp bridge, and beautiful lips. he had rabbit teeth but his eyes resembled cats. there was something so beautiful and mysterious about this boy.

"who are they?" jisung asked seungmin.
"they're changbin's friends. the buff guy is changbin, he's yeonjun and wooyoung's bestie. the handsome one with long hair is hyunjin, he's in our grade. and then there's chan, he's australian, and he's in jungkook sunbaenim's grade. unbelievable, right? and then the last boy... he's mean and mysterious. he's in our grade as well. his name is minho."

"are they a group?"
"guess they are, i always see them hanging out."
So guys! I have written upto chapter 15 in my notepad (bet y'all wanna steal) and I must admit, chapters 1-6 are kinda cringe asf. But as this is my first fic I request you to be kinder and give margin. The plot is comparatively better and the upcoming chapters are better too because I'm slowly getting better in writing! So I hope you guys don't judge these chapters too much,, anyhow!
See you next time!
Blue <3

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