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The constant rocking motion of the land beneath him rocked Jisung awake. Startled by the darkness, he strained his mind to remember something. Where was he? What is this place?

Memories came flooding into his mind, the party, performance and Minho. He sighed silently. This place resembled nothing like a party hall, and the rocking motion of the place made him sure that he was indeed in a vehicle.

He was being kidnapped.

He wasn't worried about himself. He just was exasperated because the kidnappers didn't even let him spend an hour with Minho. Dang it.

But was he alone? The last thing he remembered was being sprayed with chloroform and dropping his phone in surprise. He hoped he was alone, he didn't want others to be in danger. A snoring sounded nearby and now Jisung knew he wasn't alone. Somebody or something was sleeping there.

"Light.. I need light." Jisung prayed silently. He was creeped out, what if the sleeping person was dangerous? As the huge ass truck passed through light somehow (Jisung gratefully strained his eyes to see), he was very relieved. It was just Beomgyu snoring, nothing wrong. Wait a minute, Beomgyu? What was he doing here! Was he kidnapped too?

He squinted and was freaked out to find Jungwon, Jeongin and Sunoo passed out nearby (Ah, yes, if it involves Sunoo then it most definitely is trouble). But Jisung couldn't deny, a sight of friendly face was very welcome and at least he wasn't in this alone.

Jungwon started to stir. Jisung sat up straighter, about to deliver the boy news. He slowly woke up, the effect of chloroform wearing off, as he opened his eyes in a daze. Before the boy could stare at the older in surprise and question him, Jisung told him everything.

"Why did they take you?" Jisung asked when he was done explaining.
"I was with Sunoo hyung... I couldn't fight against them because they put me in anaesthesia. Jisung hyung, they used our own technique of chloroform sprays against us! They knew what happened at the brothel!"

"They had to get rid of you first to get to Sunoo, because they wouldn't have a chance if you're the one protecting him," Jisung struggled against the ropes. "The only way they could've had us was immediate chloroform spray. But can the others track us down?"

There was silence to this question.

"You know, Jisung-ssi, I think these people already took care of that. I'm hundred percent sure they turned off all devices so they can't track us like normal people. And we're probably being taken to an underground as we speak. I don't have to be a genius to know who these people are." Jungwon said.

Jisung nodded grimly, "Exactly. Who else would take me and Sunoo? By the way, why are Jeongin and Beomgyu here?"

"They also tried to protect us, once we were gone. Then Jeongin saw Beomgyu and he panicked to help his person. And now we're here. I'm hoping now for a miracle to happen."

Jeongin was startled into consciousness once the vehicle went through a bump in the road. His eyes widened. "Hyung! Jungwon! Beom! What's—"

"Jeongin be quiet, I'm having my beauty sleep!" Beomgyu groaned.

"He cannot be for real right now," Jungwon sighed. "He is for real. He can't take anything seriously even if his life depended on it," Jeongin grinned sleepily.

"Sun, wake up, we're in trouble!" Jungwon urged Sunoo. Now all five of them were awake. Moments passed in quiet, with occasional snores from Beomgyu who was consensually sleeping.

"So what do we do now?" Jungwon seemed the most anxious. Moments like these, he took the leadership role and succeeded. A natural born leader.

"I say we feign sleep and watch out for what happens. Because that's all what we can do. Then think of an escape plan together. There has to be a loophole." Sunoo suggested quietly. Everyone murmured in agreement, after all it was all they could do.

The vehicle came to a halt and everyone pretended to sleep. The doors opened and light flooded into the truck. Jisung tried his best not to flinch, the light was too intense. They were carried one by one down some stairs and tied to a chair. Jisung didn't dare open his eyes. He wanted them to think that they were winning. (Which they probably were)

They were left alone in the dark. For a while, no one said anything. Then Beomgyu dared to raise his voice. "What the fuck was that about? Do we look like we cost money?"

"They don't have us for money, you idiot. They wanted Sunoo and Jisung." Jeongin's voice was heard.

"Then do I look like Sunoo? No offense, hyung and Sun, but these kidnappers need glasses. I don't think even Lasik can cure them. Jeongin?"


"It's giving Wattpad."

"Oh my God. I hate you and your weird ass, Beom."

"Needed a moment to recreate those reels," Beomgyu's voice was laced with laughter and mischief and Jisung honestly liked his positivity.

Now in silence, as Jungwon had said, he prayed for a miracle.
"You mean a real private jet?"
"No. I mean a fake private jet." Minho rolled his eyes with as much exasperation as he could muster.

"Jeez, Minho, stop being mad."

"My newly reconciled boyfriend is in the hands of murderers and sellers and is possibly in an underground of Busan and you ask me to stop being mad?" Minho rapped quickly.

"Okay, alright," Mingi said quickly, as though scared of the older.

"So, we don't know if we should trust this number, but this is the only chance we have. We can't track their location." Chan revised the plan. "Also, they got to the chloroform sprays so now we have to take another weapon."

"Would the pepper sprays still work? We can take a few sticks if they are persistent. You know, to knock them out." Soobin suggested. Chan nodded in agreement. "Anyone else?"

"Bombs. We're taking bombs and I won't take no for an answer." Seungmin was horribly mad. Hongjoong sighed one more time. "Seungmin, we're over age and we can't do that. We can't go to jail. We can't handle serious weapons yet."

"I don't give a fuck, Hongjoong. I have guns, and everyone who wants them can take them." Minho opened a box of a lot of Glock 40's. Sunghoon, Jay, Seungmin and Taehyun quickly took one. The rest were horrified.

"What are you guys doing?" Heeseung asked.
"Can't you see?" Taehyun snapped.
"Pass me one." Heeseung asked and Taehyun grinned.

"Y'all, use this only for self defense and don't shoot unless it is absolutely necessary." Chan advised.

"I don't give a fuck about necessities, Chan, I'm destroying every motherfucker who dares to touch Jeongin." Seungmin said in a hoarse voice and Jay nodded fervently, having the same opinion about Jungwon.

"Are y'all about ready? We have to go and see if this unknown person is right about the location." Minho asked.

"More than ready, Minho hyung." Sunghoon replied in a dark voice. "More ready than ever before."
Hello LAVies, the rescue team consists of: Stray Kids, Ateez, TxT and Enhypen (excluding the kidnapped people). The next update may or may not take a while. Sorry if this seems rushed, I'm out of ideas! I'll try to write again when the next wave of motivation comes. Bye!

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now