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TW: offensive language, swearing!!

Seungmin's eyes fluttered open. There was a long, narrow room. He felt dizzy. As his vision adjusted, he saw that the room was very dimly lit. The spotlights were gone. Curtains were drawn. What is this place?

He tried to move. There was the same sharp pain in his abdomen, like earlier. Then he remembered. He had died. Was this place afterlife? He squinted. It was a hospital ward! Was he reborn? Where were his parents and his family?

On his side was a chair and a dark silhouette that seemed to be sleeping. Seungmin looked and touched his own face. (It's giving Voldemort from Goblet of Fire) He was pretty much solid and adult. So where was he? He figured it was time to speak.

"Hello? Who are you? Am I going to hell?" He asked the silhouette that did not stir. Then Seungmin figured that it must be a ghost.
"Hello, Mr. Ghost, I'm sorry to disturb you but could you kindly inform me where I am?" The silhouette looked around. Seungmin flinched slightly.

"Hyung, you're awake!" His voice was alarmingly familiar.
"Jeongin? Is that you?"
"Hyung-nim!" He ran and hugged Seungmin. Seungmin found that his arms were working so he hugged him back.

"Are you dead too?" Seungmin asked.
"What? Of course not, they saved you! They performed a CPR and your heartbeat returned! You breathed again. And the antidote worked. You were sick for a few days but now you're okay and you even woke up." Jeongin said.
"For a few days? How long have I been here? Where am I now?"

"You're in the hospital ward. It's been three days. But you're well. Rest now, the dawn is near. It's 5 am. Soon it will be daybreak. Then the doctor will see you. The others have been visiting every day. They'll be so happy!" Jeongin seemed beside himself.

The morning came and the sanitary workers started cleaning at 7 am, after that it was difficult to sleep. Not that the two of them needed it anyway. They happily chatted as they ate their breakfast and Seungmin felt a lot better. Maybe it was because of seeing Jeongin so happy. It warmed his heart and filled it with an unfamiliar feeling.

The others came to visit at 8. Felix hugged him for a solid five minutes until Jisung had to separate the two so he could hug Seungmin. Everyone was happy. The visitors were Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin, Chan, Changbin and Felix. Yunho, San, Yeonjun and Soobin also showed up and had to leave early because the nurse fussed over crowding the bed.

"Now that everyone's here, Jeongin, tell us what happened." Chan asked soberly.
Jeongin cleared his throat. It was time.

"We were walking home together when two goons out of nowhere showed up and tried to kidnap Seungmin. I tried to shoo them away so they wanted to shoot me so I could get out of the way. The bullet was aimed for me, but Seungmin jumped in front of me. He saved me."

"Whoa, the bullet was aimed for you! Oh my God, Seungmin, that was noble!" Jisung said.
"I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to him because of me." At that moment, Choi Beomgyu and Park Sunghoon walked in.

"What- well, we'll be right back." Sunghoon turned around to swiftly walk away when Jisung stopped him. "Don't be ridiculous."

"I have news for you guys too." Minho smiled. Everyone looked at him.
"Me and Jisung." He didn't say further. He didn't need to.

Beomgyu almost screamed right there in the ward. Thankfully Sunghoon pressed his palm on his mouth otherwise they'd all be kicked out of the hospital. All of them were so happy.

Hyunjin asked, "since when?"
"Three days."
"What! Three days! And you didn't even tell us!"
"How could we!"

After a while Minho, Changbin, Chan, Hyunjin, Beomgyu and Sunghoon all left so Seungmin's family could visit him. They were all so happy that he woke up. But there was one thing wrong; Sunoo had gone back home. All four of Seungmin, Jeongin, Jisung and Felix looked worried.

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