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"Oh, and, they decided to call on J-Hope and SUGA too, you know, the famous rappers, since their fellow is also attending... We decided to hire students for some of the decorations and the stalls, it could be a good opportunity for business, since some students are not financially stable..."

The woman kept babbling on and on, spilling all the information. It was actually such a good bout of luck when he happened to date(?) a new teacher from the school Sunoo went to. He could even form plans just by sitting there and watching Kang Iseul spit out the pretty facts he wanted to hear.

"That's all really good, babe, you're so good. Now, its getting really late, and I don't want to keep you up. Don't want to mess your day tomorrow, you have school. I'll be going." Haejung smiled briefly and stood up. But Iseul held him back.

"But you're going without having me... I miss you so much, we haven't slept together for so long. I want you."

Fuck off, you nasty whore.

"Next week, yeah? I really need to get going now. Sorry to leave you like this, but I'll make up for it, I promise," He really wanted the hag to leave him alone.

Walking outside, he knew he had left earlier on purpose. The drugs were not working on Sunoo. And how was it possible? The boy had tried his best to fake it, but he caught him. He caught him watching his way when he walked and heard multiple laughters from his room at 4 am.

He was going to catch him red-handed.
Life couldn't be better for Lee Minho. He woke up next to the love of his life everyday. After school they went to the cafe together during Minho's shifts, and Jisung completed his schoolwork or used his laptop with his headphones plugged in. Felix, Hyunjin, Changbin, Seungmin and Jeongin dropped by almost everyday, Chan also dropping by more than often and it was cozy to have them all here.

Then during the evenings they left for home together, sometimes stopping by to grab snacks to eat or else just doing their school work with Jisung to help him. Jisung also seemed to love Soonie, Doongie and Dori (his three cats) and sometimes Minho thought the cats preferred Jisung. It all felt like family, with Jisung and all of his other friends with him, and these past few weeks resembled utopia for the two of them. Minho honestly couldn't ask for anything more at the moment.

And of course, could life bear to see him happy for long? No.

Just as he thought things had settled for the better, pressing issues woke up and rose to the surface. His parents dropped the bombshell that they were coming back. His homophobic evil parents, coming back. That was hell.

Lee Minho was the beloved only son of the successful CEO of Lee Enterprises, one of the biggest companies of South Korea. The world saw them to be the happiest family, and Minho was never deprived of anything— until one day when he came out as gay.

That was when they excluded him from the inheritance, naming his cousin as the beneficiary. It wasn't done simple and easy, though. Minho had to endure too many beatings before his parents gave in. After that, Minho was so broken and damaged, he tried to change himself. He remembered, on the night when he felt broken, having no money even to eat. He had wandered on the outskirts of Seoul just to find a job, at the vulnerable age of 16. He had admired the city lights from afar, being aware of the fact that the world kept spinning despite someone's feelings.

He tried to change himself, desperately, and he was successful for three years. He had pretty much settled in. His life went on like the river's flow; constant, uninterrupted. Then the arrival of Han Jisung in his life was the thing that caused a ripple in the river.

Han Jisung— the only person who admired him from outside and inside, who loved him like how he wanted to be loved. Being with Jisung made him believe that love was possible, that love wasn't wrong. It's nothing wrong to feel safe. It's nothing wrong with feeling at home because of someone. Jisung was his peace, his home.

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