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"Hurry up, Jisungie, Seungmin's gonna beat our ass again!" Felix shouted again, like how he always did.
"Coming! Oh my God," Jisung ran and almost tripped over his shoelaces. Felix shook his head at his clumsiness.

"I think I must have lost at least ten pounds running with you to school all these years," Felix groaned.
"At least you don't have to workout!" Jisung began running.

Yet again, they barely made it in time. Thankfully the ceremony hadn't yet began.
"My legs!" Felix groaned as he fell into the arms of a laughing Hyunjin.
"Thank God, I would not have missed the ceremony for a million dollars!" Jisung huffed and took his seat.

"Wait till you find out that the timing's been changed." Minho barely controlled his laughter.
"The WHAT'S been changed??"
"It will begin at 9:30 now." Minho broke into a fit of laughter seeing the dumb look on Jisung's face.

"Yeosang better have come today. I will assassinate his ass if he hasn't-- OH YEOSANGIE!" Wooyoung ran towards his Yeosang with open arms. San followed suit and they squished him until Jongho broke him free.

"Yeosang has his priorities straight. Not showing up at school for studies but for extra stuff. Wish I was Yeosang." Yunho daydreamed. Jisung sipped his juice happily. The whole school was scattered, as they were supposed to, before the ceremony began.

"Though, can you believe Seonghwa and Hongjoong hyungs are graduating? We grew up with their presence around our school and now..." Mingi sighed.

"Though, now we're gonna be the senior most! And below us will be Tyun, Gyu and Hyuka..." Yeonjun joined in the conversation.

"Yeah... Now we have more responsibilities.." Mingi said quietly.
"Why so gloomy, Mingi?" Soobin sat down next to them.

"We'll leave this place after a year... I don't want to." Mingi replied.
"What, you want to continuously fail?" Yunho laughed. Mingi turned to face him.
"I'm so attached to this place, it's students, and my classmates. In just a span of an year. The thought of leaving scares me. I'm trying to imagine how the seniors must be feeling right now."

"Oh, come on Mingi, chin up!" Felix chirped. "They are so happy to leave!"
"And what if you hate us after one year?" Seungmin added with a smile.

"After sharing those memories with you? Never!" Beomgyu and Jeongin laughed. Everyone knew they were talking about the night in KHJ's den. The air was pleasant. Jisung stood up to meet more people, to make sure everyone was laughing.

After seeing Chan and Yeoreum wipe their tears, Jisung felt a little emotional too. So to distract himself, he went ahead to where Sunoo and his friends were standing, laughing. They had no worries about leaving, they had a whole two or three years to leave.

"Do I look like a doll, Hoon hyung?" Sunoo was asking his boyfriend's opinion.
"Yeah you do look like a doll... But the doll's name is Annabelle. OOPS SORRY OH MY—" Sunghoon ran for his life as Sunoo chased after him with a knife (where did he even get that from?)

Jisung laughed quietly to himself at their sight. After a while, they were all called in the auditorium so that the graduation ceremony could begin. Their school auditorium was nothing short of the size of a mini cricket stadium, and you might even get lost here.

Needless to say — the ceremony began, everyone had taken their seats, Felix hadn't gotten lost (to Seungmin's relief) and one by one, the students were giving their speech.

Felix happily took videos and Seungmin reprimanded him ("What if a teacher sees us?" "Stop being dull, Seungmin, risks are fun") and Jisung felt again, as how he had done everyday since he met these two, how much he loves them and their little bickering.

The entire school cheered when Jungkook gave his speech, followed by Mingyu and then Chan (Felix almost fell off while cheering) and a few hours later the ceremony ended.

"So.." Seungmin began the conversation, hands in his pockets as students filed out past them, "Senior most grade, eh? Must be some fun."

"We'll get to have the trip this year!" Felix already seemed excited.
"This is unfair, we also deserve trips!" Jeongin appeared by their side, accompanied by Beomgyu and Sunoo.

"You aren't old enough, little kiddo," Seungmin fondly ruffled Jeongin's hair.
"Hey! I had my 18th birthday already! I'm not a kid!"
"Whatever you say, baby," Seungmin smiled at him and Jeongin melted.

"Should we give you privacy, before things escalate?" Beomgyu giggled. Jeongin stomped his foot on Beomgyu's and the latter winced. "Shut up, Gyu." These two will never change.

"Is Sunghoon alive after what he did?" Jisung asked Sunoo, who blushed at the fact that Jisung knew about this.
"Um... He is, but he's sleeping on the couch for the rest of the year," Sunoo said in a cute embarrassed tone.

"What do you mean on the couch? He doesn't even live with us, Sun," Seungmin asked.
Sunoo blushed a deep shade of crimson before saying, "Oh, look, Jake hyung brought snacks! I'll see you all later!" And ran away.

Seungmin blinked once in confusion then it dawned upon him.
"But Sunoo, you said you were going to Jungwon's— you said you were going to Jungwon's all this time, when actually you were going to Sung-"
"Let the boy live, Seungmin, he's not even under age," Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"He could have told me! I'm his brother!" Seungmin groaned.
"So that you would have scolded him? No, Seungmin, you have no right in his private life."
"No, but—"

"Case is closed, Seungmin, you will not pester Sunoo about this," Jisung said sternly and Seungmin sighed.
"Okay, you're right. What do you say to fast food?"

"Did someone say fast food?" Minho popped into existence, dragging Hyunjin beside him, who laughed at the former's actions.
"Wow, this is a triple date?" Felix giggled warmly. "Let's gaur!"

Walking ahead with others talking about today, as Seungmin whined about seniors' long speeches and the very serious and grave issue of use of tomatoes in sandwiches and burgers (to which Beomgyu listened and agreed) Felix whispered to Jisung and Minho: "They're going to start a cancel tomatoes cult very soon."

A while later, before they exited the school gate, Minho pointed to Jisung how Sunghoon was peppering a whiny Sunoo's face with kisses and how cute the two of them were.

"When are you coming home? It's been a whole week since you stayed at Felix's. I miss your warmth." Minho whispered in Jisung's ear which caused his heart to skip a beat.

"Today?" Jisung was giggly when he gave his answer. Minho gave him an endearing smile. "You're just so beautiful when you laugh. Happiness looks beautiful on you."

"I know." said Jisung, facing the man who was the reason for this very happiness and that smile of Jisung's that he loved so much.
Hello LAVies... This is the last time. The last time that I'll call you LAVies, the last note that you'll get to read from your silly author. For this note, I wanted to write a little story time.
I did not intend to write a whole book like this. Before writing the prologue, I was angry. So immersed in my pain, that I ran to the kitchen, picked up the knife and thought about it. I decided to live, and then I went and wrote about it in my diary. My mother was ill and so in pain, and I published it as a prologue. That night in the hospital, I was worried sick. To distract myself (because I could not do anything, it was the doctors' job) i waited and stayed awake for 35 hours waiting and waiting. In between, I wrote six chapters.

After that, I decided to let this book write itself. My mom had to go to a distant city for treatment, and I was in pain again. I wrote a lot of chapters. During those times, this book and stray kids were my only escape from the hurt. After mom came home, I decided to keep writing and complete this story.

This gave me motivation to write another book, that is available if you go to my profile and see my other work. Anyway, this long journey of 70 chapters has come to an end. And I would like to thank each and every one of you. With time, i hope that this story would gain a handful few reads.

And if you're not reading my other work, then this might be the last time you ever see me. So Goodbye, dear reader, may you have good fortune ahead of you. Prosper. Good bye, loves.

For the last time ever,
Blue. <3

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