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Changbin and Felix were laying down on a flowerbed. It was partly cloudy but it wasn't unpleasant.
"You look like you're sleeping," Felix peeked at Changbin.
"Mmh? Don't disturb me~" Changbin smiled and turned away from Felix. Felix tickled Changbin, earning cute giggles from the older. "Yongbokie, stop.."

Felix laughed and laid down again. He felt happy and relaxed. Changbin had coloured his dark days and he was bright once more. He only wished he could hate Hyunjin, tho. He still couldn't.
But that was none of their concerns. They just laid in comfortable silence, enjoying each others' company.

He wondered what his friends would make of this. Would they smile and be happy?.obviously. Especially Seungmin, who arranged all this. He wondered how Jeongin would laugh and how Jisung would fangirl. He missed them all horribly now.

"I miss them." Felix said in a small voice.
"Aw, baby. Come here." Changbin hugged Felix and gave him kisses on the top of his head.
"Sometimes I miss Hyunjin too."
Felix looked up. "What do you mean?"
"Hyunjin hasn't showed up for some while. He isn't answering my texts and calls. Chan is busy in Australia with his parents and Minho is mad too."

"They're convinced that I dated you on purpose. While we both know why we did it."
Felix nodded, swallowing hard. Changbin had been heartbroken too. They both understood each others' pain. That's why they developed feelings for each other after first date and wanted a relationship. They were better now. They loved each other.

Though a very small part of Felix still longed for Hyunjin. He confided it in Changbin, and to his surprise Changbin felt the same. They both loved each other very much, but they were also dear friends.

Changbin and Felix became each others' only friends. Along with Wooyoung, Yeonjun, Soobin, Mingi and Yunho. They sat together in class and it all felt friendly.

But it could never feel the same as before. He missed Jisung and Seungmin and he knew that Changbin missed Minho and Hyunjin too. But you eventually had to go with the flow. Sometimes, you become helpless in the court of fate. Soobin had said that, in attempt to comfort them both. It wasn't their fault or their relationship's fault.

Jeongin had become distant with all three of them. Now he only hung out with Beomgyu, Taehyun, Kai and Heeseung. That reminded him—

"Hey, do you think Beomgyu has confessed to Taehyun yet?" Felix asked Changbin.
"I don't think so. I mean, not even Wooyoung could muster up the strength to confess to San. Even when they both know that they're meant to be. Too shy."
"What a shy world... but sometimes you're just afraid of the consequences." Felix said, looking at the clouds.

Changbin held his hand. "Everyone should at least try. Life is about continuously fighting and surviving, not being afraid."
"Insightful," Felix smiled.

(Pls let me just do the time skip)

"Jeongin still refusing to talk to us." Jisung said.
"Y'all asses annoyed tf out of him," Felix said, reading his comic.
They were at Seungmin's, after a session of Jisung and Felix crying and hugging in the rain with Hyunjin and Minho judging from afar, they had made up. But Jeongin was seriously mad at them.

"He'll come round, y'all, don't worry." Seungmin said, taking another bite of his homemade, tomato-less sandwich.
"Okay but I'm worried for real, I mean, he's so happy with Beomgyu and others, what if he don't wanna come back to us?"

Suddenly they were interrupted by the sound of Jisung's phone ringing. He saw Minho calling him.
"Hey," he said.
"Hello," Jisung replied.
"Switch to facetime? I kinda wanna see you again," Minho said.
Jisung laughed. "Okay,"
Seungmin and Felix waved at Minho. He waved back. "Chan's returning next week and Changbin's excited to release new music! And I'm excited to listen to a new bop by one of the producers!"

"Which producers?"
"Chan and Changbin are in a trio called 3racha. Its two of them and another dude over the internet. I like him the most. His music is so good. I wish I can meet him."
"Which one is it?" Seungmin asked.
"His name is J.One or something? But he's younger than me and he definitely got talent! He inspired me to love music too! I always commented on his videos. He's very nice. His voice does sound familiar sometimes. He said he won't be meeting Chan and Changbin soon, because he isn't comfortable. What a pity because CB97 and SpearB love him!"

Jisung's heartbeat stopped. This couldn't be?? This was all a trick played with him by fate. He looked at Felix. His mouth was hanging open. Seungmin also looked surprised beyond measure. "Guys?" Minho asked.
"Yeah, we're here, the internet's lagging," Seungmin was the first to recover. Felix still looked shocked.
"Whose that?" A voice sounded behind Minho. He hesitated, then showed the person the phone.

Hyunjin looked a bit apprehensive, but still said hi. He looked very pretty, with his long hair tied back, wearing round glasses and all black dressing. Even in low quality he slayed. He briefly talked then left immediately. Jisung and Seungmin wondered why. Hyunjin was never unfriendly.

When the call ended, Jisung got reminded of what he had seen underneath the black currant tree that day.

"Guys, I have tea to spill!"
Not me always writing fanfictions while I'm sleep deprived 💀 but sleep deprivation brings out the saddest, cringiest, most unhinged writer inside me and that's why the fanfic is like this too. Writing fanfictions without that one person feels lonely and lesser fun now. Now I'm just trying to complete it. Its at 0 reads. I know no one is interested. But still. I wanted to be proud too. Still, I'll keep mass updating it so that it gets over quickly. I hope after years, someday, someone stumbles upon this fic and finally appreciates me for my work. This is my first work ever as a writer.
Bye then.

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Where stories live. Discover now